PAGE 24, WH]TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1989 Darts classie nightheld. The Wednesday Night Dart Loague recently held their annuai 'Darts Ciassic Night' at Moose Lodge in Oshawa. The team of Bill Baarker, Sally Young and Rod Barbour defeated Craig Breen, Billie Tuck and Terry Spence in the final game to capture the division A titie. .Elisa Jappinen, Ken Avison and Saucier came from behind to take the final two games and the division B title over Graham Sanigwin, Dawn Spence and Dave Boyd Jr. Chris Pindar, George Hilliard and Brenda Boyd won division C, going undefeated against al teams to take the overali cham- pionship. Silver stick hampionship FROM PAGE 22 Neil MacDonald was one of the heroes for Whitby, getting the onl gol iv >Whitby victory. He~ sared 'ero s honors with Coles, who shut the door on Streetsville. "The goaltending was out- standing," said Schlitt. "Coles made the big saves in the over- time iand shootouts." Westfali scored two goals and Matt Foranone in. the 3-1 victory over west London in thýe final. "It was, probably the easiest game I coached aIl year," said Schlitt. "Ail the kids were really up for it and it was a just a solid team effort. "They (west London) got an excellent club, but we just neyer let them get going.» I M When The Stars Corne Up, Prîces Corne Dowr Whitby ringette, mpmoeedby Brookil & Whlthy Legiosx January 29 Widtby 10 Ouhas 2 Sarah Wilson 3 Calle Osborne 2 Michelle Dempmey 2 Jennfer Leighton Jennlfer Oowan Lima Vanderlip petite OAA - sponsored by Mfidas MulDer January 29 Whltby . 7 Etobicoke 5 JenniferHenry3 Andrea Babony Crystal Annes Wwhy a Scartxwough 8 Jennifer He"r J. Drummond Nicole Prout .-SUPER * SPECIAL1 SUPER * SPECIAL FROZEN, EVISCERATED Utility Gradle Tu rkeys 1.96/kg lb LlMfl1 2 TURKEVS PER FAMILY PURCHASE MitchelI's' Pure Apple JUICE 48 FL OZTIN LlI' 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHS r Reach For The Stars And Save! WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, BLIE OR CHAMPAGNE Cottonelle Bathroom Tîissue PACKAGE OF 4 ROLLS .99 WITH COUPON BELOW ALL PURPOSE OR CAKE & PASTRY Monarch I Q Flour ,5gla 9 LIMIT: 2 BAGS PER FAMILV PURCHASE ASSORTED FLAVOURS, FRUIT BOTTOM Beatrice ~14 Yogourt tbl4 PRODUCT 0F CALIFORNIA Kiwi Fruit bi1lb .9 WITHTHI a(3 SAV E .601 WITH THIS SV 2 COUP O TDCLOR COUPON A E.2 ASSRTD CLORSWHITiE. YELLOW, BLUE OR CHAMPA~GNE I Cottonelle II Scotties I Bathroomn Tissuel Facial Tissue CKAGE 0F 4 ROLLS BO O 2iS UMrfl. e k pr cou. I I T One bax p« ec.pon L OFFER VAUo. January »lt- February 4th. Mas OFFER VAUO Januà rv )Ul- Febauery 4th, 1M (F Vpnc e OiJoponl 1.59>S.C . J Uetu<. pi1c wSxxaoupan Se) SC D6w COUP ONIS SAVE .M0 COPO CEREALI I Kellogg'sI Coirn FlakesI 675 g BOX 19 UMIT 1 box p~er cupn PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, 1989. Ws resesve the .lght tolmit quantities 10 normal famlly requirements. Savin s shown l n tis a d bas"d on current Metropolitan Toronto A&P retails. m m m WITH THIS COUPON ORANGE PEKOEj Ridgway Tea Bags tEAE OF9 ():pf M D.Jfl f 3 -% U y4*1. 1M (F= 1mw .m 91 UMS c..6Q2 C& OD))MF- mer ri9fln* i lflb 70 THICKSON RD. S. ,WHITBY m fr:~~CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY 1989 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The first instalment of taxes for 1989 is due and payable February 15, 1989. If payment is not received by the due date, penalty wilI be added on the f irsi day of defauli and the first day of each calendar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1i v4%/ per month or part thereof. If you have not received a tax bill and you are responsibte for payment, please contact the Tax Department ai 668-5803 to obtain the necessary information. Taxes may be paid ai anry Whitby bank without bark collections charges, or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt. A.M.CT.(A), Tax Collector, TOWN 0F WHITBY w 1! i w .1 S~UPER * SPECIAL 1 SUPER- * SPECIAL SLICED, REGULAR, MAPLE, THICK OR SALT REDUCED Maple Leaf Side Bacon 500 g VAC PAO 1.79 LIMIT: 2 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE