PAGF ,WIB PS D NED,~JANUAJW 2§, 1989 World past presiideént begins Jayee Week A 11FO Ir/lOF lêf ~ Aspecial visitor took part in a A UTO M.IVE'flag-raising ceremnony on Monday at the Witby uiial buildin to markth start oJacee SA L S C R EE R :4 ~Week Jan 23-27. hs r. Ssident of the Junior Carn erý Professîonal Used Car SalespersonsIaunch ctiit hr Jayceeh Itvteraion hdt required, experlence preferred; however, awa for Jaycee. Week in 1989, will consider persons with simlar seîîing wihirste6*hC experlence, Excellent compensation planWhitby Junio~r Ch amber/Jaycees Company benefit package and friendly' wok5sice 166.~Cmmnt working environment. Mndafeflgriig in Oshawa and Whitby, «Yû was FOR A CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW: ge tour of the General otos rukPlant and attended Conta t-, ary ooeya dinner at the Pearson's, Fine Contat: Gry Hoey Dnengrestaurant at Pearson Whitby: 668-3304 sai Whout Sh lorg ?ptoket Toronto une: 686-1441 a reception at the Magie Car Restaurant in Oshawa. Starting at 7 p.m. on Thursday this week, an introduction to N U R SEJaycees will be held at the Whitby Public Library audi- ~ -. - . . torium for anyone interested in CHEVROLET OLDSMQBILE e CADILLAC MAYOR BOB Attersley with Jennifer Yu, world cebrhp past president of Junior Chamber/Jaycees, during «Our common bond ils the fiag-raising to mark Jaycee Week. desire to improve ourselves and Fre Pross photo our communmty," says Peter Sut- ton, president of the Whitby Junior Chamber/Jaycees. Weare a group of young ............ .....people between the ages 1~ ..................................and 40, whose prime objective ils ......... . ......individual development through cnioimiunity development." SENIORS,... After Shopping, Weekdays How About Lunch? mare YouUllo1 eDollardays!JENEY sunny comfort " iTossed Green or Caesar Salad.. of our____. j____ Based on the philosophy thatý -~ OnIl$90 u can't help thers without Golden Griddle. h2-0elping yourselff, Sutton says -the and/orJaycees organization "strives to and/oicreate the leaders and managers Croissant & $.75 Dessert and- of tomorrow by doing community Soup or Salad ... froi- Coffee or Tea. work as a training medium." Fish& Chps.....~In Whitbýy, Jaycees org~anize .75 2l 0 the Santa Claus parade, c arity OnI& hps.5 20 banquets election and public witb Coleslaw .......$ with any regular priced interest f0rums, recognition ban- enteeaftr..p quets, and dinner events with Aifredo Sauoe.....~~~-~~- (Combnre t 0of ou use4uc pc s re rd Fusilli with $A95 guest speakers who have dis- Alrd Sue...... -entrée for even greater savings!) and the GO train. . "Feilowship is high on our list 17 "l arrange aÉ%ýn pariatei fessioalruptaileis technical ad academic. Wedneday 4..~vv!Only $ 45Taining inclu1des meeting pro- Off Junior Menu. Kids must 1be accompanieci$*4 cedure, protocol, poet pIan- by an aduit (maximum 2 kids per aduit) who ning, goal-setting and effective orders an entrée from our regular menu of speaking. Such skiils are used in - community projects. $5.00 or more. Excludes dessert. beverage.(ls10 fosnor)tnteC purs-BicOS tax ad grauity.Jayceeswl old an "Introduc- Serîvedfrom7 0 il OOarn individual deveiopment course 7 dysa-ek Wednesday, Feb. 7 and Wednes- days weekday, Feb. 21. Anyone is invited to take part in the two three-hour evening courses to be held» at Ward and Mallette, Dundas St. Can iolxoiit).. c x d uh iocIen Gîciikk/ \iracle Mai Buv 1 Un 1i Free Dinnier ColujXn VW.11 Whitby. ~V~41<E ~On Wednesday, Feb. 15, ____________ -Whitby Chamber of Commerce ICendalwood Park Plaza, , . pBoruc h nidharndvl 1801 Duadas St. E., Phone: ment course, "Effective Speak: 7234538 ng." Location for the course (one 723-453 night per week, for six weeks) ... wiI1 later be announced.d