WHMfY FPUE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1989, PAGE 15 Town will study change in tax dates for seniors The Town of WhitbY bas announced tax instaliment due dates for 1989. Interim billirig will be Feb. 15 and April 17, while June 15 and Sept. 15 are the final billing dates. Tom Humphreys asked the Town to consider changing the tax dates to accommodate seniors. He asked that seniors be allowed to pay their taxes at the end of the month instead of the middle of a month. He explained to operations committee members last week thatt pyng taxes at the end of a mont would save seniors on fixed incornes at least $4 in interest. "I'm askçing for a concession for Crolden aged seniors," said fiurnphreys. But in a report, Town trea- surer AI Clarrngbold indicated the Town would lose $210,000 if tnxes were rnllected at the end of the month,explaining the Town would lose $100,000 in interest plus an estimated $110,000 in tax penalties for those who do not pay their taxes between the instaîlment date and the first of the following month. He further added that seniors on a Guaranteed Incorne Supple- ment are entitled to a tax redtuc- tion of $100. He noted that 112 seniors took advantage of the reduction in 1988. Whitby is the only municipai- lity to ofl'er the reduction in DurhamnRep*on. Council deided to- accept the mid-month tax dates, but will have staff investigate xnethods to bring further tax relief to seniors. ONTARIO JAY GORDON McMULLIN DENISE BEAU REGARD 0F CHATHAM 0F TORONTO GLOBAL TEL! VISION NET WORK ARTHUR JAMES CLARI 0F SCARB0ROUGH 1H18 SU.NDAY ONLY RE SHOW PURCHASE - SA VE 20,9 30, 40, Up TO 50 % OFF HIGH QUALITY DISPLA Y SAMPLES SWIVEL CHAIR Reg. $499 $299 LOVE SEAT Reg. $899 $549 HESPLER CURIO CABINET $549 SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER Queen size unit $499 Liberty 5-pc. white enamel TABLE & CHAIRS Deluxe Quality. $499 ROCKER RECLINER from $399 UNTILJANUARY 27TH, THERE'S $25,OOOAVAILABLETO BE WON EVERYWEEKDAY. ITCOULD HAPPENTOYOUI, Ta play, gét your Money Mania game card daily at McDonald's then watch Global Television weeknights from 7:20 - 7:30 right after Wheel of Fortune for the day's winning number. See details and rules at participating McDonald's in Ontario. Participants must answer a skill-testing question. SUNDAY SPECIAL a amq OPEN FAMOUS FOR FAIRNESS 4ND QUALITY Mon F!, 10 9 Sun 10-5 Plc0V'S"'ýURN.lTURE 0. A. C. 1735 BAYLY ST. UNITS 10, l'I'S 12. PICKERING. 831-6040