WH1TBYFIREE lPES, WEDNESDAY,,DECEMb~iR j21, 1988#, PGE 7 PAGE SEVENLI Toail my readers:, May the holiday season bring.you much to be thankful for. '(C May the irritations and frustrations of the year go ne by be forgotten as you,,celebrate another Christmas. To ail the people of.Whitby: May you participate in the special character and heritage of this community as part of your holiday celebrations. To the newly elected members of Council. .May you retain the courage to express. the independent viewpoints that led to your lection.' To the ineumbent councillors who were re-electeck May you discover enlightenment. To bureaucrats everywhere: May you have a very enjoyable holiday ..so the rest of us can too. To police officers, firemen, ambulance wvorkers and others"C's ungo m snd rt dng w/w have to work Christmas Day:C's ungo i ndrt dn ! May your day be uneventful. May tragedy not spoil the _______________________________________ happiness of this day._______________________________________ To those in hospitals this Christmas: M ~~~ May you find fellowship with the staff' who are, like you, missing some of the joy of Christmas in order to be there to care for you. To the Israeli government: May you be reminded that you occupy a land which is just as holy to two other religions as it is to you. May you haveC the courage to reach out to the Palestinians and take the chance that they want peace and security asmruch as you. To Christian Pilgrims in the holy land this Christmas: May the shooting stop long enough that you may enjoy the peace of mind that your pilgnimage was supposed to bring you. To the Palestinian people: May your prayers for a homeland at last be answered. To the leaders of Iran and Iraq: May you realize that Allah did not lead either one of you to victory; that the war you started was not a holy war - it was a war between men . . .and that many, many of your people were killed as a resuit. May your search for peace recognize the common God that you worship. To Canadian peace-keeping forces throughout the world--4 May you feel compensated for the separation from your families by the satisfaction that Canada helps to soothe the wounds of war by standing guard between hateful nations with nothing more than the United Nations flag of truce.à L To Iish rotstan exremits:CHRISTMS PAGEANT AT ALMONDS UNITED CHURCH, C. 1959 To y IrishiProte t t tre is: ahoic Almonds Church was built in 1837 on I-ghway 2 at the west end of Whitby Township. A May ou iscvertha Go isa Cthoic.frame building, it was in use until 1971 when it was closed and demolished in 1977. For To th IRA:mny years the sarne minister had chargae of St. Mark's and Almonds' United Churches. A in the west. The 1964 council must decide whether or not te build a sidewalk on Cochrane Street te To the worldL Hillcrest School. May the trend to peace and freedom continue in the new* John R Frost, the first candidate te receive a degree in the Composite Lodge Hall on year. May your people discover an increased awareness of the Brock St. N. in 1926, officially closed the oid hall last week. fragile ecology of their planet and work together to ensure your - and their - survival. 100 YEARS AGO 0. from the Friday, December 21, 1888 editian of the To God, Jehovah, Alkzh, Krishna, Buddiza, et ai. WHITBY CHRONICLE May your people recognize you for what you are - one and* This issue is missing from aur files. the sanie. May they learn to live together in peace. __________________________________________