WHYrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1988, PAGE 31 Mis for manger Jesus lays in A is for angols that fly ini the air N is for Nazareth G is for Ccd who sont bis son E is for elvoswho help Santa with Ietoys Ris for Santals roindeer who help outthe sleigh By Jean IL.Hutchison POEM J oseph and Mary E nablod the S aviotir te ho born U ndor the roof of a S table in Bethlehem. By Matthew Fleming Gr. 5, St. Theresa My Christmas Tree I love my Christmas tree It's a beautiful sight to see I decorate it with icicles And littie little bicycles Catherine Tlodges Grade 2 Kathleen Rowe P.S. 1 Met Santa Claus Once upon. a time I met Santa Clauis. Ho said, I will pick someone te, stay with me. I pick you. You wiIl stay with me.' So tho boys stayed and he had funt because he brought teys te, children. Santa gave toys te, the boy. By Amy McPherson Gr. 1, St. Theresa The Cinad.an mno,.menIfS fo"l nfilm. SANTA 15 MISSING Santa went out for a walk but he nover came back. "I wonder where ho can be." said Mrs. Clatis. "If we don't find hlm, thon there won't be any Christmias. Quick, get ail the lves and see if they can find him." sho called.. (Two hours lator) No one found hlm but the slod was gone. That's it. Ho took tho sled . What's tho date today? Ites the twenty fifth. Ites Christmas Day. Ho is dlivoring the presents. No wondor ho is midssing. Tyler O'Sullivan Gr. 3. Bellwood CEBISTMAS Santa, Santa, ail around, Snowflakes falling to the ground. The thing y ou learn is tho Christmas key, Not gotting, but 'givinïg te friends and family. All around, people sing, Ch3ýstmas trees are up and bells ring. Frosty is running ail over tho p lace, oPn como hMs fionds ail with a smiling face. You botter not pout or fight, Becauso Santa is coniing tonight. Mfatthew Wileffl Dr. R4obert Thorntoei lis[li How W.E, MOVED TORONTO CLOSER NEW STATIONS. It's happened. Now, the Lakeshore GO Train goes all the way to Ajax and Whitby. Two new stations have been built to accommodate the move: at Highway 401 and Westney Road in Ajax, and Highway 401 and Brock NEW TRANSFERS. Along with the new GO rail line cornes fare integration with your local transit. Your pre-purchased GO ticket or pass lets you ride the local transit bus free to and from the GO stations in Pickering, Ajax and Whitby. NEW SERVICES. Now, more buses run between Scarborough Town Centre and Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering Town Centre. And, more express buses run during rush hours between Scarborough Town Centre, York Milis and Yorkdale, Street in Whitby. Talk about convenience! anaI 3.iiaVVa, vw iiiLLy aiiu. TO HOME. NEW CONNECTIONS. The people of Bowman- ville have a new connection. A bus that goes right to the GO Train at Whitby Station from Bowmanville and Oshawa. And during rush hours, direct express bus service runs between Bowmanville and the GO Train at Whitby. Fare Integration Information: Whitby Transit, 668-5803. Ajax Transit ,427-5710. Pickering Transit, 683-4111. GO Transit Information: Toronto, Ajax and Pickering, 665-0022. Whitby/Oshawa, 579-4224. *@nuNshîw CALL A PRLOFESSIONAL ATICENERLERVICS Reriovations and improvements Sbathrooms l aundry rooms Sbasemerits t sihome work ti aaial Satistied references. iff. 430-1422 AL'S DRVWALL *Ornamental design ceilings ePlaster work *Paintinlg & decoratiflg *General çontractiflg 6t68-8958 666-16571 Sco ttytA FEOR RE OTTIONE EIGMCNS RRIFS TRNTE 725-6564 M .LEAL I. 683-6074 m Y i BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE TH ERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVE. S. AJAX, ONTARIO