j ~---;Y-~ WIIFBY FREE PRESS, VEDNESDAy, DECEMBER7p , l PGE Handel's Messiah. at church. On Sunday, Dec. 11, 8 p.m, the Oshawa Symphony, Associ- ation *will present Handel's Messiah at College Park Çhurch, 1164 ing St. E. in Oshawa. Sponsored by Eaton's, the concert will feature the Gallery Choir of the Church of St.. Mary Magdalene; internationally accla- imed soloists Chri*sten Gregory, soprano; Kimberly Barber. mezzo-soprano; Guillermo Silva- Marin, tenor; Bruce Kelly, baritone; and the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Winston Webber. Tickets are $15 each for aduits and seniors, $8 each for students, available at Saywell's and Long & McQuade in Oshawa, Middleton's in Whitby, and Rickaby's in Bowmanville. Or cail 579-6711. MCGIL..LIVARY CT. resident Elsa Tsagris conduc- ted a street drive for toys and food, the "First Annual Christmas Drive," and is encouraging other Whitby streets to follow suit. III believe people always want to give, but maybe they just forget or are too busy," says Tsagris of her door-to-door effort. Toys and food raised will go to the Salvation Army for distribution to local needy families. In response to Tsagris's challenge, Angela Gash nwili conduct a street drive on Guthrie Ct. on Dec. 10. Free Pr-ees photo nms mi m comm m m mimia-m * RECYCLING CONSERVES NATURALl ;RESOURCES, HELPS IMPROVE THE ;ENVIRONMENT AND fCREA TES NEW JOBS. RUXMGE SALE A mini-rummage sale is held every Wednesday from 1 to 2:30 pmr. at St.M ark's Church House, 200 Byron St. S. GM CHOIR The General Motors Choir annual Christmas concerts will be held at G.L. Roberts Collegiate on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 4 at 2 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m. Complimentary tickets are available for active and retired employees and their families. Cali the north or south main offices or Whitby south office of GM for tickets. jCom in gevents ENGLISII PROGRAM Due to renovations at St. Marks United Church, the Whitby Community Language Program will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at 1:30 p.m., one week later than previously announced. Registration is Tuesday, Jan. 6 and Thursday, Jan. 8 for aduit and pre-school classes. Cal 723-6528. St. Mark's is at the corner of Centre and Coiborne streets, Whitby. CONCERT An RCMP band concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 18, at Eastdale CVI, Oshawa,. Proceeds to Durham Region Children's Aid Society. Tickets are $6. For more information cail Betty Cincurak at 655-3187 or the Society office at 433 -1551. CONCERT A Christmas concert will be held by the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra at College Park Church, 1164 King St. E., Oshawa, on Dec. 11, 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 adul ts, $ 8 students. Cail 579-6711. CALL A. PRO)FESSIO:NARL ACICKNS-GENRALSERICS ETC...n ndiprvmet Spebath3romspliie Re asead mts mnt Outside work stili available Satisfied references. Phoas 4301422 AL'S DRYWALL Ornamental design ceilings e Plaster work e Painting & decorating *Generai contraçtifl 1g j 68-8958 666-1657 - Sco0t ty AI FEOR REQTTIONEDEIGMCIE HERB RANNUTE 725-6564 I 1: L.1 WHfITBY COURTHOUSE Theatre rehearsal for "The Creature Creeps," Youth Group members (from left) to be presented Dec. 15, 16 and 17, Geof Jones (who plays Frank), 7:30 pm., and Dec. 18, 2 p.m. Tickets, Melonie H-opkins (Daisy) and Phil fo r $5, are available at Mliddleton's Rickaby (Baron Von Blitzen) in Stationery or cati 433-0490., BRIAN DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC HARWOOD AVE. S. AJAX, ONTARIO 683-6074 WHOLESALE & RETAIL