PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER .9, 1988 213 BYRON STREET S. WHITBY, ONTARIO UiN 4P7 Telephone: (416) 666-3958 Toronto Lune: (416) 683-7785 Bulletin Board System: (416) 668-2078 Diskettes Box of 10 DSDD 5 1/4" (360K) *Diskettes Box 0110 2-HD 5'/4" (1.2 MEG) Diskettes* Box of110 3 1/2 Il DSDD (720K) 0 'Diskboxes Holds 100 5 1/41 dlskettes Diskboxes Holds 40 31l/2" diskettes Serial Genlus Mouse PC Paint eSerial Genlus mouse wlth Dr. Halo 111 Software Power bars with Surge/EMI/RFI Protection - 6 outiets Star NX1000 Printer Star NX1000 Rainbow Printer (7 colours) * Star NX2400 Printer Bedford Accounting Lotus 123 * Sidekick MS Windows Buy ail 41 O Plan Perfect Data Perfect Application Software 1$165.00 Fastback Plus $475.00 Norton Utilities $89.95 Ventura $119.95 MS Qulck Basic 4.99 22.95 $1295 $9.95 $79.95 $99.95 $22.95 $299.95, $395.00 $595.00 $179.95 $95.00 $795.00 $119.95 WordPerfect packages and save $140.00 $31 5.00 Library $99.00 $420.00 Word Perfect V5.0 $365.00 Package price $1095.00 Atari ST Speciais *9 520 STfm 512K, Internai 3 '/v~ drive, mouse 1040STI 1 meg, Internai DSDD 3 1/211 drive', mouse 0 Hi Res Mono Monitor SM124 RGB Colour Monitor SC1224 0 External 3 112" Drive SF-354 $595.00 $995.00 $175.00 $499.95 $165.00 FUJJTSU Hasy Market q Friendly, Personal Service 24 Hours -7 days a week DRUM STICKS OR 1BACON THIGHS ________ *99100gmDELI COUNTER à &g/i GENQA ROAST SALAMI IBEEF F 19 mb i OR S1291 ASSORTED MUFFINS 83 9iicxgm PRODUCE 21b. bag/99 CARROTS _ ELECTI@N '3; Wh l n:Free trade oe sided i U.S. favor By Debbie Luchuk Former federal agriculture minister Eugene Whelan visited Port Perry and Durham riding Liberal supporters last week in support of Liberal candidate Doug Moffat's campaign. Whelan -spoke for two hours, spontaneously, in a crowded room of about 65, on the pe.rils of free trade, focusing on the agree- ment's effect on agriculture. Whelan started bis audience laughing by making comments about Canadian Air Lines, a corporation recently privatized by the Mulroney government. 'We pay the saine goddamnn thing in those old planes as you do in the new ones (used by other companies). I hope wherever Mulroney is today he's grounded,' hie said. Whelan said subsidies te agriculture and related industries will not be allowed in a free trade deal, because the Americans do not want Canadian agricultural goods. The Aniericans, he said, will not allow subsidies because of an agricultural surplus in the U.S. - the Ameicans, Whelan said,' want to selI their own produce here. 'There's nothing in the free trade agreement that says some- thing's wrong with subsidizing "But if I want te subsidize pigs or chickens, that's bad. They wil only ]et us subsidize wbat they want," he said. "This deal is so one-sided in their favor." Whelan also attested that the "U.S. bas more hidden subsidies than anyone else in the world." The Canadian supply manage- ment boards mean that "some farmers could bave some prosperity." "This will no longer exist, as there will be a barmnonization of laws with the U.S.," Whelan said. Whelan slammed the Conser- vative governinent for cutting funding to agricultural research. tOuIacultural system is the envy of t he world. Do you think Gorbachev came te see me (on a visit to Canada during the Trudeau years)? The European world is now modelling our prograin," Whelan said. "American farmers would just EUGENE WHIELAN, for- mer federal agriculture minister under the Tru- deau government, spoke in Port Perry last week on a visit to Durham riding with Liberal candidate Doug Moffatt. Froc Pros. photo love to have the saine sLy, to have marketing, boards. "There has neyer been. an era for dairy producers until the dairy producers board - was established. "Why: are: we, in this, debate? Mulroney bas stretched the -truth so far-it broke. A U.S. president in the saie position would have been impeached."ý Whelan alleged that Ameni- cans in favor of. the reciprocity agreement are "inte rfering in, our election." Even the largest producers. of agricultural products may not survive free trade., Whelan alleged. 'We have lower producers here, and these wilI go by the wayside. Some economists think this is good." He compared the Ioss of sinaller producers (due te competition with larger producers in the U.S.) ta a PacMan videa gaine, bigger ones eating little ones. "Like bell it's: going te inake us better off," Whelan exclaimed to, the crowd. Combating the governmentVs allegations that the' European agricultural community operates on.a free trade basis, Whelan said, "Europe doesn't trade as free as we do. Theyepoctn their farmers." yreptetn Before leaving for Peter- borough, Whelan was presented with a basket of apples ý nd a container of honey "from âDirham Region." Ulnited Way two-thfrds... toward goaà l The United Way fundraising effort bas reached 76 per cent of the campaign goal as $2.1 mil- lion bas been collected in Osh- awa, Whitby and Newcastle. Thé campaign ended- Nov. 2, meaning that final contributions in the various divisions will be collected and counted this week and next. An update on the campaign total was ta be reported this week and next, with the final total te be announced on Nov. 28 at Elusions. QR- Q EY 1.5L botte/~q 'V V/box WHITE 1COKE, SWAN DIET COKE, COKE CLASSIC, FACIAL TISSUE PLUS DEPOSIT SENIORS SA, VE 10% ON TUESDA YS LOTTERY TICKETS AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS NOT INCLUDED Efec WEST LYNDE PrLAZA, Nov9toý ighway # '2'& Jeff ery ýSt. KAISERS1 FRESH ýMUSHROOMS a