PAGE'34,WIlTBY FREEPREiýS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1988 1 Oth birthday MAY ELIZABETH BROWN, who attended the former Whitby Model School and later taught at the former Spenoer Sehool in Whitby (at an aimuÜal salary of $400), will olebrate her lOth bfrthday on Nov. 5 at Balleycliffe.Lodge in Ajax. A former president of the Ontario County Women's Institute,' she was an active speaker and campaigned for a womnen's right to vote. One of her childhood friends was John Diefenbaker and she corresponded with him for many years after he moved west. An derson CVlnews FROM PAGE 30 On Oct. 18, our senior soccer team. defeated Brock 2-1, and the juniors defeated Brock 6-1. Their final home gaines were on Oct. 19 versus Henry.i Swim teani practices began Oct. 25, so good luck swimmers! As well, our Gr. 9 and 10 girls' intramural volleyball takes place and meet our goal! In the sports world of ACVI last week, we saw the girls' field hockey and boys' soccer seasons draw to a successful end. On Monday, Oct: 17, our junior field hockey teain defeated Eastdale 2-0, while our seniors defeated Ajax 1-0. Congratulations to the girls on a fine season. On Oct. 18, our senior soccer team defeated Brock 2-1, and the juniors defeated Brock 6-1. Their final home gaines were on Oct. 19 versus Henry., Swim tearin practices began Oct. 25, se good luck swimmers! As well, our Gr. 9 and 10 girls' intramural volleyball takes place students who earned the top mark in a specific subject will receive creditfor their results. Congratulations to aIl participants. On Friday, Oct. 28, starting at 7:30 p.m., the graduation ceremonies for aIl Gr. 12 and 13 students will take place. We will also have the opportunity to -hear our Intermediate Band at junior awards and our Concert Band at graduation. Enjoy the long weekend Anderson - don't forget that F'riday is one of our few glorious P.A daysi Henry Street H.S. news FROM PAGE 30 background in our school. Some student's have background in Europe, Middle East, Afica, China, Japan and every other country in the world. Those students who put their naine up are obviously proud of their background. On Thursday, a reporter interviewed and photographed a chosen few students. Then at lunch hour, aIl the staff and students who had placed their naines on the map gathered in front of the school for a couple of pictures. For the photographer trying to, keep everybody quiet and smiling at the saine time was not an easy task. Henry's junior football teain met the Paul Dwyer Saints and defeated them 29-6. The Hawk defence was led by Kevin Rowland with two touchdowns and two conversions. Scott Williainson also added two touchdowns. The defence was led by Peter Enright with two quaterback sacks and Marlon Sookdeo with two interuptions. The junior girls' basketball teaxn bas two wins and two losses after their 41-27 win over Uxbridge. Jennifer Cooper led the scoring with 12 pointa, while Jocelyn Bremner had eight points and Angie Tanghe had seven points. Henry claimed the the silver prize at the Durhaim Region Science Olympics held et Anderson CVI. Teain members, Steve Brecht, John Hutchinson and Sanjay Vakil scored 165 points, just two points away fr-om Central's 167 pointa. By the way, choclate sales continue. Choclate almonds will'be sold out in the next couple of days. Students who are selling are asked to, bring in their nioney and keep up the good work. The senior boys' rugby teain will be billeting a rugby team from-England,' and wilI play them in matches. Letes show them what - f1 -l i §~httgyktâ. , ..... 0* *r -' * c% q *- 9 #*à $,à * Wt4en The Up, Prîces Stars Corne Re-ach- ,For, The:." Stars And Sve! SUPER * SPECIAL 1j SUPER * SPECIAL PROOUCT 0F ONTARIO Halloween Pumpkins LARGE SIZE .99 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST____ RiEGùULROR DIET Pepsi-Cola ce Sor 7UP csof 2 0 mi tins (Unit c6ut 8.9'per 100 mL) LIMIT: 2 CASES PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECUAL 1 tSUPER * SPECUAL1 PROCESS CHEESE F000' Kraft, 500g PACKAGE 0F 16 WITH COUPON BELOW REGULAR (DECAFFEINATE6,OR SANKA 150 G JAR) Maxwell',1,House Instant Coffee 200gJAFt 4.6e9 HAND DECORATED PVl[ WITH 20 SAVER STAMPS Stoneware ol2, . INCLUDES: DINNER PLATE, CUR SAUCER PLATE & CEREAL BOWL TomaIto Sou P z/in1 .0 0 , HEIZN (FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48-FL OZ TIN -.99) Vegetable .9 Cocktail o i 2 LOIN ENDS. 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 5.05 kg FITH THIS am SAVE .0 iCOUPON PROCESS CHEESE F000 1 IKraft I ISlices 1 g c>e, coi.Doi' One :OiiPo v 1 0- 8 )FFER VAUD Octome, 24m -h c oc,289 D 7u00 PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH, 1988. We reserve the ight to imit quantifies ta normat famtty requirements. Savings shown tn this ad based on cuitent Metropolttan TorOnfO A&P relaIts.., Pepsi-Cola or 7UP 750 ML botte (unit cost 63« per 100 mi) PLUS .40 PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT. WIHHIS ~SAVE M0 COPN ORANGE PEKOE I Ridgeway I ITea Ba gs I PACKAGE 0F'72 IM 11.69 FFR VALID Oclobel 24th - 2911 106 Fai.eoe cmiicouponl 19 C_- A&P F000 STORES' Corne Down!ý M r- mi r-