Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1988, p. 24

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PAGEÏ24, WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER,12,1988, * TRAFALGAR CASTLE SOHOOL * HOUSE MOTHER IRequired for private girls' school IMMEDIATELV. ISuccessful applicents must be enthusiastic, able to deel maturely with * *teenaged girls and willing to take an active part ln students' weekend activities. Apyl rtn:THEDEAN ~ Apîy i wriing:Trafalgar Castle SchoolI * 401 Reynolds Street * Whîtby, Ontario - - -- - - -- 1.11 N3M KITCHEN WORKER required, part time (evenings & weekends) DRIVERS REQUIRED with own car CASH PAID ýppîy ln person to: SOThlckson Road South Whltby (A. & P. Plaza) 668-4900 TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is availabi e. Com _piete details cen be mailed to y ou. Phone Rodg ers School et (416> 769-3546 or (705) 689-8411 with postal code. B .V. TECHNICIAN wanted for evening hft400 - 8:00 p.m. and altern e Saturday morning s in Whitby Lab. Phone -624-9ffU, ask for J. gant le. DISTRIBUTION MANAGER required by large eastern Ontario publisher f or paid and controlled circulation weeklies,. special publications and mailing house services. Related background with management experience required. Compensation includes salary, excellent benefits and prof it sharing. Located in large town in great recreation area and close to several cities. Relocation as;sis;tance available. Caîl Chuck Hudson collect at (613)283-3182 days, and (613)283-2390 evenings or weekends. Write the Record News, Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ont. K7A 4T1. B A CAREER IN TRUCKING. TRANSPORT DRIVERS RE- QUIRED. Freedom, excellent pay, travel. t's aIl yours. Get your Class "A" license at Ontario's oldest and larg est trainin centre. Tex dductible, p rofessional training, job assistance, no experience necessary. MERV ORR TRANSPORT, Pickering 1-800- 265-3559. The Whitby Free Press is seeking self- motivated individuals to represent us as: Adveiising Sales Representatives prior experience in some type of sales or demonstrated ability in a related field is required For a challenging and rewarding position i an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, eall the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appointment, 668-6111 We are looking for a creative person with interest and/or experience in photography and layout. The successful candidate will have microcomputer experience and be familier with the principles of desktop publishing. The position will include responsibility for photographic reproduction in the newspaper. Courses and on-the-job training wiIl be available. We are seeking a person who can learn quickly and has the motivation to keep the Free Press at the leading edge o/ a rapidly changing technology. Send your resume ta: Whitby Free Press, 131 Brock St. N. /Box 206, Whitby LiN 5S1 ZURICH INSURANCE CO. requires claims assistant for temporary position (rnaternity leave) commencing Nov. 4/88 to April 7/89 in our Whitby off ice. Duties wiII include taking Ioss reports over the telephone, dicta-typ ing letters, P.Mý.S. (computer) iînputting fuinctions for adjust er, some dlaims handlinq and other duties as assigned. Typing speed of 55 w.p.m. wit h transcribing experience and insurance dlaims experience is essential. P.M.S. processing experience is preferable but similar insurance coding background a valuable asset. lnterested applicants please send resume to: NORMA MOYLE ZURICH INSURANCE CO. 188 University Avenue TORONTO, Ontario M5H 3C3 THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING Ils looking for a person or family in the Ajax/Pickering area to share their living situation with a 20 year old man with a handicap. Salary and training will be provided. If interested, please phone: (416ý576-3011 DON'T CAL Unless you are looking for a super opportunity to Iearn, to earn and to grow with a dy nemic company i n our new Osh awa office. Top pay. For interview, phone 433-7062. JUNIOR SECRETARY-RE- CEPTIONIST needed im- mediately for busy legal practice. Phone 668-8571. ELEPHANTS .... are happy to work for PEANUTS. People want $$$$. Fast growing multi-million dollar company needs local reps. No direct seîling, set your own hours. First year 40K to 75K. Caîl us now for f ull details (416>756-7796 or (416>756-2111. B STUDENTS' SHARED Co-ope- rative Living Projeot. We are seeking caring and responsible house parent(s) to supervise 4 - 7 teenagers in a shared residence commencing November 1, 1988. Must be able to live in, must be a minimum of 25 years of age, and must be able to make a one-year commitment to the po ect. Please contact: BIG SSIERS 0F NEWCASTLE, OSHAWA, WHITBY - 436-0951. CLEAN-UP and removal. man with pickup truck for hire. Light moving pickup and delver,', no job too smail. Phon Glnn 68-454. Help keep Red Cross ready. 4e FIRST AMERICA FINANCUAL, CORFOORATION EARN $230eOO+ -PER VEAR lndivldually or $807,500 wlth 10 assoclates (est.) wlth North America's most excitlng business opportunity. We have attracted CA's, Iawyers, MBA's,. management executîves, salespeople. and others who own franchises. " Brand new product " CLIENT benef ils substantlly et no extra cost " Produci souls itseîf when shown " No competition " Unîimited market " YOU allocate your own lime " Expert training " No lnventory " Minimal overhead " Not a franchise or MLM Limited number of Marketing Rights TOTAL INVESTMENT $20,000 For an Information (416)368-0464 or WHY work for someone else the res. of your life... when your work can eern you ownership of your own profitable business ...lIf you are willing to work hard and follow a proven systemn, I am willing to finance you into your own business. We would like you to taîR to living exemples of our success, people with the same background as you. For more information regarding your own LAWN CARE Franchise ce il collect (416) 336-3143 B GROW FOR MT $$$ Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market'. Odorless, Iow investment. We train! Representatives though- out Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RRi, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2AO (416)643-4251, (519)461-0434, (705)435-7463. B PRIME LOCATION in downtown Whitby. 'Formeriy a dancing studio, or use as office. Total space ap- proximately 2500 sq ft $1,200Imon- thly including ail utilities. Phoneafter 5 p.m. 623-9247. RESTAURANT for sale, average $3,500 per week. Owner retiring. Long lease. Caîl collect 737-4756 and ask for John. RESTAURANT, hotel, deli, bakery, butcher,. grocery, submarine and pizza eq ui prment for sale or lease. Arctic Refrigeration Store Fixtures ESt. 1945. Hamilton (416)528-8528, Toronto (416)283-2600, Welland (416) 788- 1343a. B 1packagecai (416)941-9922 MA CHERIE FASHIONS (Est. 1975). Discover a new rewarding career. Be an independant. Join aur team. t's th e fun easy way to earn extra money. Calîco lect 416-827-2660. B LADIESI Full time money for part timne hours. FANTASIA Dreamwear home party plan. Lingerie, beauty &ý bath products. No Investment for stock.(416)665-5683. B START a second CAREERI Learn tex preparation or basic bookkeeping. For free brochures, no obligation: U & R Tex Services 1345 Pemnbina Hwy., Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2B6. (204) 284-1806. Franchises available. B BARN CLEANER replacement. chein - Pintle and Super Tough. $8.45 per foot. We repair and deriver cleaners menufactured by HUSKY Farm E uîp- ment, Aima, Ontario (519) 846-53%. B TRACTOR, Ford Jubilee, 28 horsepower, 3* point hitch. Excellent condition, with two fur plow, cultivator and disk, $3,500.00 or best offer. Also bushhog $500.00. Phone 728-0703. DO YOU HAVE ASPECIAL SERVICE? If sa, advertise in our employment wanted section of The Whitby Free Press. No job to big or smail! Cali 668-6111 and wetch the business roll in. ,BLANKET", To Reach a Wider Market Advertise throughout the regional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations. Example: Central Ontario AIl Ontario Ail Canada 49 newspapers 185 newspapers 555 newspapers $120 for 25 words $250 for 25 words $718 for 25 words For f urther information please cal 1: 6- ra668*6 11- ý g i * g t g i il g t I Aj g t I opiil

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