WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1988, PAGE 33 ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT. OCT. 8 A.M. Enfieîd Rd., Oshawa. lkm. north of Taunton RD., Courtice Rd. North exit 401. This sal includes; in PINE, a corner cupboard, chest of drawers,, flat 2-wall cupboard, harvest table, hanging cupboard, lifttop commode, iminiature cupboard, blanket box; in OAK, a dining room table, sideboard, set of four pressback chairs; in WALNUT, a sideboard china cabinet, tea wagon, small parlour tables plus a large brass bed, iron & brass beds, washstand, spinning wheel, lamps, crocks, graniteware, assorted china & glass and old pine molds from Toronto plus much more. Partial listing only. Preview 9 am. Terms: cash, VISA, or approved cheque. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER - 655-3526 AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.located, on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401' (exit 399). Featuring every week, an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectables, primitives, etc. So join us every Wed. and participate in one ofaOntario's "TRUE" auctions with .no buy-backs or reserves. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Come see our great auction facility and con'sign your estates and collections, etc to us for prompt professional service. *Con- signment, & estate selling our speciatty." KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION Under the provisions of the mechanics' lien act, by virtue of its lien in the sum of $4,286.86, Fawcett Motor Carriage Co. will sell by auction, a 1928 Ford Roadster owned by Ken Ranghel. The Acution will be conducted by McLean Auction Service at 10 .m. on Saturday, October 15, 1988 at 106 Palmerston Avenue, Whitby. Terms of sale: Cash or certified cheque. Vehicle is being sold unplated and without warranty. MA CHERIE FASHIONS (Est. 1975). Discover a new rewarding career. Be an independant. Join our team. It's the fun easy way to earn extra money. Cali collect 416-827-2660. B BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY in rapidly expanding water treatment equipment market. Canadian manufacturer seeking new Kinetico dealers across Canada. Minimum investment with proven returns. Contact R & HW ater Treatment Ltd. 2541 Hwy 20, General Delivery, Fonthill, Ont. LOS 1EO. B LINDAL CEDAR sunroom dealers do well! Be one in your town. Protected territory. No franchise fees, no special training. for information call win. allen, manufacturer's rep at .705- 722-7577 today. B PASSIVE EXERCISE tables by Life Trends. Unique business opportunity to operate exercise salon for under $40,000. Highest quality toning tables. Full training and marketing support. Call collect 416-450-6449. B SHEEPSKIN SEATCOVERS, books, rugs..Great potential, low trade prices. Dealers needed F/T or P/T attareas. 416-454-6470 or P.O. Box ,2580 Vancouver,V6B 3W8. Clipt1tis one time ad. B NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF' LILLIAN ELLAMAE RAINES All persons having claims against the Estate of LILLIAN ELLAMAE RAINES, late of the Townshipof Scugog, in the RegionalMunicipality of Durham, who died on or about the 22nd day of July, 1988, are hereby nofified to send to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of October, 1988, full particulars of their claims. Immediatelv alter the said date the assets of tha said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of whicF they shall then have notice. DATED at Port perry, Ontario this 9th day of Septem r, 1988. FOWLER, DAVIES BarrIsters and Sol(citors, 175 North Street, P.O. Box 131 PORT PERRV, Ontario, LOB 1NO Solicitors for Lillian Clare Nott and Thomas Henry McCarthy Jermyn Executors of the above estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND/OR CLAIMANTS All persons having claimed against the Estate of GARRY WAYNE MCDERMID, late of Durham, deceased, who died on or about the lst day of July, 1988, are required to file the same, .with the .rundersigned solicitors on or before the 21st day of October, 1988, after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitted thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. DATED at Midland, Ontario, this 12th day of September, 1988. HACKER, GIGNAC RICE Barristers and Solicitors 518 Yonge Street, Box 518 Midland, Ontario LL4R 4L3 Solicitors for the Executrix of the Estate of the late Garry Wayne McDermid. ' VAATION. CLEARWATER Florida, ten 3- bedroom, furnished, mob ile homes, clubhouse, heated pools, tehnis, shuffleboard, near beaches and major attractions. Children welcome. (Less than motel). Phone 683-5503. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. Near Orono, 7 km east of Hwy 35 - 115, between Clarke 4th & 5th conc. Exit 401 No. 436. Beautiful campground. Seasonal facilities $698.00. Phone 1-786-2562. You've thought about it and thought about it. Now do it! Become a BIG BROTHER today. Phone579-2551. ROOFING CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited to Repair Roof (rolled roofingJ on the Recreation Building, Psychiatric Hospital, WHITBY, Ont. TENDER #ORI-88-165 Sealed Tenders will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1988 Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further information reg arding the Tenders, please cal the Tenders Office at the above address, telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 'FOR RENT TWO unfurnished rooms for rent in private home in Whitby, close to Highwav 2. $50 per week, no laundry or kitcen privileges. Share 4 piece bathroom- No pets, no parking. For applicaticn call Doug 666-2528. FEMALE room mate wanted, new townhouse in Oshawa, 5 appliances, $295.00 plus utilities. Phone 576-0613 after 6 p.m. LOOKING for 3rd person ta share 3 bedroom townhouse in North Oshawa, $350 per month. Includes laundry and parking. Phone 723-7091 and leave message. BUY/RENT DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SERVICE? If so, advertise in our employment wanted section of The Whitby Free Press. No job to big or small! Call 668-6111 and watch the business roll in. MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots $15. Send $3. for catalogue (reimbursement 1st order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee,Quebec.JOS 1XO. B OLD WRISTWATCHES wanted. Wanted Eaton's Quarter Century Club Mens rectang ular wristwatches (25 years service. Will pay $2000 up. Also wanted aid Rolex, Patek Philli, and Cartier wristwatches. B. Walsh, 273 Queen E., Toronto M5A 156 or cal (416) 365-7240. B WANTED TO BUY, player pianos, unrestored. Also, ampico or duo-art players. No dealers. For sale, Doherty pump organ. Piano and Keyboard Services, 885-6440, Port Hope. The Whitby Free PressOfie A I will 1, eC10cSe C Thanksgiving Day, Mon. Oct. 10th. Deadlines for classifieds and display advertising is 3:00 pm, Friday, Oct. 7th. If you have any inquiries please call 668-6111. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday! Se d GARAGE LYARD SALESJ OCTOBER 8 & 9. 305 Dunlop St. East, Whitby. Baby items, silk flower arrangements, stuffed toys, stained glass chandelier, placemats, china and much more. STOP! Don't throw it out. Somebody might want it. Try the classifieds. 668-6111. At only $1. for items up to $50., what have you got to lose. ADS To sell the small items that you thought weren't worth advertising. * Items must sell for less than $50 - price must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total less than $50 * Maximum 15words * Prepaid * Cash or VISA only 668-6111 PREGNANT? Consider adoption. Young, caring couple, elementary teacher & businessman, will welcome your child into lovinghome. Working with government - licensed agency. Call collect (416)897-2766. B EXPERIENCED DRIVER (female or male senior citizen) wanted to share driving to Florida at end of year. Phone 430-2817 for more details. BAHA'I FAITH. He should not hesitate to offer up his life for his Beloved, .nor allow the censure of the people to turn him away from the Truth. Phone 668-8665. ARTISTIC, caring couple wishing to adopt. Lots of quality, loving time. Working with a government agency. Please call collect anytimel Dianne: (416)324-8238. B WOMEN in abusive relationships. For help cali the DENISE HOUSE for women and children. Toll Free 1-800- 263-3725 or 728-7311. Confidentiality assured. (Formerly Auberge). NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, Phone 668-9915. ARE you thinking about getting bot- tted water? DON'T, our "treatment unit" can deliver GOOD DRINKABLE WATER for a fraction of the cost. If You would like to test one of our units, or five days, free of charge, phone Mr. Hinton 434-6296. SPIRITUAL readings (card readings) by appointment only, $25. Phone 428-6825. EXPERIENCED DRIVER (female or male senior citizen) wanted to share driving to Florida at end of year. Phone 430-2817 for more details. $ g pp THREE-YEAR-OLD housecat, declawed, spayed, atl shots free to good home. Phone 433-8790. CALL AI PRIff GAFFIELDS. Best prices in town. Carpet cleaning $ .t3 per square foot includes moving of furniture. Chesterfields $30, loveseats $25, chairs $10. Painting and odd jobs. Phone 668-7811. PROFESSIONAL cleaning tor home or office. Maid service available. For free estimate hone Alpine Cleaning Service 432-3335. SUPER SPECIAL on chimney cleaning only $35.00 for most. Chi- mney caps installed. Attention insert owners; Outside 8" x 12" clean-out doors installed, only $110.00. Phone "Lucky Brush Chimney Sweeps" 728- 6868 anytime. PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR at your service. Your vehicle or mine. For more information and rates. Phone 430-0404, anytime. ERROL'S REFRIGERATION REPAIR. Ail makes of refrigerators including "subzero", air conditioners, washers, dryers, electricat stoves. Discount for use of answering machine - phone 728-3551. Twenty-four hour service - phone 433-1900, pager number 21-3365. 0F QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS will be received in the envelopes provided by the undersigned until 3:00 P.M. local time on the specified closing date. QUOTATION #088-114 Snow ploughing at various locations two year term 1988- 1990. CLOSING DATE: Thursday, October 13,1988 Quotation documents will be available from the Purchasing Department. The lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted. D.M. Homeniuk, C.P.P., CPPO Manager of Purchasing The Durham Bd of Education 555 Rossland Road West Oshawa, Ontario LU3H3 / nommummumu