PAýGE 14,-WITBY FREE PRESS,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1988 Report: housing need is flot met The need for rent-gea- red-to-incomne housing in Whitby is not keeping up with the demand, according to a housing report by the planning depart- ment. The report reviews housing in the town from January to June, 1988. There is now a waiting list of 135 people in Whitby in need of assisted housing, according to the Durham Region Llousing Aut- hoity. The study notes that this is the highest figure reported since 1984, indicating that the need bas not kept up with the dernand. "In fact, the total bas increased considerably since Jan. 1, 1988 (80 per cent)," noted the department. The" report also looked at housing activity ini Whitby for the, first six rnonths of 1988. During that tirne, council bas approved 534 units, 289 of which are 50-foot 'lots and higher. Ninety units ranged in lot size from 40 - to 49-feet, seven. units 25-feet and* 148 apartments. In the report, the departrnent noted its -concerns about the lack of variety of housing approved but ie optimistic about the second haîf of 1988. The report noted.that 80, 35-ft. lot homes, 77, 20-fc. lot homes, 48 serni- links and 291 townhouse unite have been registered in the firet six months of 1988 and are waiting council approval. YOSTEL PU Heating fit for a king. Because your home is your castle, let a York Stelar Plus High Effciency Gas Furnace bring you the Royal Treatment Nf Lifetime warranty on heat exchanger. M $200. -value 5-year warranty on balance on parts and labour for just $50. on purchases to November 1 9th 1988. 5f Clean, efficient natural gas. V Cuts annual heating costs significantly. Stellar Plus High Effciency Gas Furnaces. Now at introductory prices L from participating dealers. That's the York Royal Treatment. Heating and Air Conditloning t Y88136I w... /, Venturee LOCAL venturers and pathflnders were among 1,000« to attend the provincial Venturee at Camp Samac in Oshawa Sept. 23-25.- Water events (above), archery, skeet canoeing and. decorating were a shooting, kayaking, anong the volleyball, and cake activities. Free Prese phoo AIR CONTROL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING GREETINGS- FROM KENYA 600 EucIid St. Unit 10 Whitby 686-3511 Hog describes Raleigh project. CAL FOAF EHM UVE The following article is by Grant Hogg, a Whitby res- ident who is in'Kenya as a member of Operation Raleigh, an international youth volun- teer project. Operation Raleigh brings together young people from 40 different countries and places them in challenging locations around the world to carry out scientifie and community ser- vioe projects. He was spon- sored for the project by Andrew. Antenna, Brooklil General Electronics, Curlcom, DX 011, Esso, Fisher Scien- tifir, Purina Pet Foods, Trent University, the Watsons and Whitby Free Press. Sept. 16, 1988 Jambo frorn Kenya! I have been in Kenya for one week, and it feels like rnonths - we're not bored, but we've experienced so mnany new thingc Ontario CMNIDATE Furlcxig, la Krelly, Sara Ban, stqbanie Tausda, Rroid that it's difficult to believe it's al been packed into a week. I arn currently in a srnall Taitian (Tae-ee-shun) tribes' vil- lage (population 1,000) with six other Venturers frorn Operation Raleigh. Three are frorn England, one from Scotland, one frorn New Zealand and one frorn the U.S. The village, called Wurnari, is located in the large, fertile huIs of southern Kenya. We are about 1,800 rnetres above the valley below, surrounded by rnud buts, the village school, cburch, many cattle, chickens and children. The soul is quite rich bere, watered by a steep, nearby strearn which is surrounded by a lush, green canopy of palme, eucalyptus, ferns and bushes. It'c a beautiful village, with an incredible view of the nearby forest and the expansive valley. The seven of us are here to help the village build a 10,000-gallon water catchrnent tank. The previous tank in this Commission on Election Finances Commission sur le financement des élections SWUMY OF NiaM MAIDCMNAIN UPE PuisHED PuRSUAN TO CUA!E 4<1)<k) 0F THE ELECTR FINAES ACT, 1986 POIJJNG DAY - Septedber 10, 19871 LCTORM. DISWICT 0F IJORHINCENRE AFFILIATION L MD PC Gp INCOM! BEFONRE SUBSIDY $109,202.21 $63,752.06 $62,843.00 $M0.31 CWMAIGI EXPE $42,719.10 $37,887.95 $34,922.00 $290.61 SUBSDY PATD TO CANIDATE $9,370.20 $9,370.20 $9,370.20 unI Itpe information sbcum above bas been taken frco. fimaniai statmets f iled vith the Cmission b h(2ief Financial Officers of Candidates, and ubere applcablIe, comiined vith that of the endorsing constituency associatioe. Incm befare snhsidy includes transfers fram provincial. party organizatins. Cmaign ezxenes do not incinde transfers paid out. Cpies of the ful financial. stateits oey be cbtained f roe the Ccissimoixmo payimt of the applicable fees. Donald C. MacDonald 1800151Blac Sreet~st Ibeto (:itari S S 469505 I - - village was blown up by the Germans in World War I. Since then, the women and children have walked down a steep élope, about a kilornetre in length, to get water from the stream with a bucket and then walk back up. The wornen and cbildren are therefore very strong and fit, s0 much so that I wouldn't Arrn- wrestle even the oldest women. Foster Parents Plan -Interna- tional is co-sponeoing this pro- ject. Our role is to help the villagers construct this tank and the accornpanying pipes. There are corne problerns, specifically the lack of cuitable tools and supplies. Ail the *cernent mix (when available), water and necescary tools have to be lugged (as the British say, and I couldnLt even repeat the interesting Scottish words) up the hili, a 2-km trail which goes up almost 800 metres in altitude. The African terrain isn't al that forgiving, either, having to watch out for snakes, termites and thorny bushes. Laying down the pipeline, on a slope of about 60 degrees, is very difficult, although it al mrakes for some excellent photographs and plenty of laughter from frustration. Despite the problerns, the project will be- completed. And here I arn in a friendly African village, below the equator, so bow can I complain? We're also involved in two other projects, one an ecosystern restructuring of an old cernent* tailing mine (open. pit) - a Swede, Rene Heller, bas done corne great work reclairning ]and that was once unusable - and the other the construction of a medical dispen- sary in a larger village called Wesa. Should be good. In a month and a haîf I will begin rny summit of Mt. Kenya, the higbest peak in Afica afrer Mt. Kfilarnanjaro. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK. OCTO BER il - 145 1988 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. LOOSE TREE LIMBS AND UNBUNDLED BRUSH WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. 2. Brush, hedging, tree, branches, and other similar type material will be picked up during Clean-Up Week providing that it is flot any longer than 2 1/2 feet in length. and securely bundled. Loose and larger material WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. 3. Household furniture, appliances, clothing, rubbish resulting from the cleaning up of the grounds or from MINOR household repairs, domestic waste materials such as paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and bottles will be picked Up. 4. Collection wil be limited to a combined total of NOT MORE THAN 12 RECEPTACLES OR BUNDLES per dwelling unit. 5. Each bundle or receptacle to have a gross weight of NOT MORE THAN 50 POUNDS. 6. The special collections apply only to dwelling unts and do NOT INCLUDE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PREMISES. * Your co-operation is requested in having ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Director of PublicWlorks (416)965-04551 #800-151 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario NSS IS4 là e à 4 4 9 t a -4 a 414,41,