PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBlER 21, 1988 Former Cabinet minister among four seeking. nomination Four men, including a former binet minister, will be seeking II Liberal nomination for MEI~I itario ridinz at anmntn meeting to be held Oct. 23. (The nomination meeting could take place earlier if an election is called). Gary Lauriault, 34, is taldng bis first political step. The five-year resident of Ajax says he is seeking the* nomination because of bis commitm ent to the riding. I firmly believe that it is important for me, as an individual, to put back into my community and our society in general at least 'as much as'I have taken out," said Lauriault who bas been a member of the federal and provincial Liberal party in Ontario since 1985. Greg Joy, 32, is best known as a silver medal winner in the bigh jump at tbe Montreal Sunimer i Whitby Locatioôn e~Now Open Loespecials Loeup to 2lbs. in just 4 weeks only $88.O00 or Lose up to 5Olbs. in just 10 weeks only $175.00 limited time offer JOHN IROIBERTS Olynipics in 1976. Now employed by tbe government, Joy says his Individual coDunselling by prof essional Nurses/Nutritionists NO Gimmicks! NO Hidden Extras! -_ Cal4065 vÈ i W 4m à ,Afoa FREE n au'i obligation consultation COUNSELLING~4~ Hrs.: Mon., Wed., Fri., 8&0a.m.-7o0p.m. Pearson Lanes 101 1/2 Mary St. Whitby Heating fît for a king, Because your home is your castie, Jet a York. Stellar Plus High Efficiency Gas Fumace bring you the Royal Treatment NV Lftime warranty on heat exchanger. Àf $200. value 5-year warranty on balance on parts and labour for just $50. M on purchases to November i 9th 1988. if Clean, efficient natural gas. if Cuts annual heating costs significanfly. Stellar Plus High Efficiency Gas Fumaces. Now at introductory pnices from participating dealers. That's the York Royauà ýl Treatment. éYOffR K Heating and Air Conditloning AIR CONTROL. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 600 Euclid St Unit 10 Whitby 686-3511 £ SUFORA FEEHOE U- CHAITANYA KALEVA1È. tion b as always bee n to- give Ontario so)metbing back to Canada. sarnbi- "I bave travelled two million miles and I bave a good appreciation of Canada's role in the worldl," says Joy, who bas been a resident of Pickering for tbree montbs. Hie also says bis job witb tbe Ontario government'bas given him an insigbt into how «ý government operates., John Roberts is a former Secreary of State, Minister of Environment, Minister of State for Science-and Technology and Minister of Employmentý and Immigration. GARY LAURIAULT GREG JOY Now a professor of politics at Concordia University in Mon- treal, Roberts was approacbed by the Ontario Riding Association's search committee and was asked to run in Ontario riding. ",;I expect th electoral campaign 1il focus on environmental 'questions and the free trade agreement. The:Mulroney govern- ment's record on the environment is a disgrace and the free' trade agreement jeopardizes Oanada's future," Roberts stated in a press release. Chaitanya Kalevar, 46, wants to bring the nuclear issue to residents in Ontario riding. HastyMake Friendly, Personal Service 24 Hours -7 days a week 99/2 IN-STOREBSAKERY OR CHIC KEN PIES~ 18t/1Ogrn BA NANAS1 ONION' BUNS 21b-,bagâ,%7 CARROT S' PRODUCI 0F ONTARJO- I.99 2L bottie 200gm/2149 PEPSI PRING LES POTATOE CHIPS rSNIRSSA VE 10% ON'TUESDA YS] LOTTERY TICKETS AND TOBACCO PRODUCTS NOT INCLUDED ONLYý AVAILABLE AT EFFECTIVE Sept. 21 1o27 WEST LYNDE PLA ZA Hi'ghway Jfeyt *"This is the nuclear capital o Canada and it is time- people electedý sorneone who is, nuclear illiterate," said Ralevyar, 1a Toronto engineer. Kalevar, who failed inbi attempt, to win .the'Liberal nomination 'in 'Scarborough- -Rouge, says the nuclear issue bas been neglected and he is also familiar with the waste disposai, problem in Durham., He says there are other options besides nuclear energy and hie would like Ontario to explore them. Local candidates for future, federal election ONTAIUO RIDING (Ajax, NickeringQ South Whitby) PC-- Rene Soutenu of Ajax NDP-- Jim Wiseman cf Ajax Liberalk John Roberts GregJoy Chaitanya Kalevar Gary Lauriault Seeking nomination Oct. 23 DUIUL4M RIDING (Uxbridge, Scugog~ Newcastle, North WhItIby, Noeth Oshawa) Liberal - Doug Moffatt, Kendale Greens -Harold Tausch, Port Perry PC-- -Ross Stevenson, Uxbridge 6th candidate PROM PAGE 1 ber extensive contact witb tbe more senior population in ber ward area. Meanwhile, previous employment as a real estate agent witb D.W. McQuay Realty led ber ýto belp younger people find a borne. She was also an in- dustrial nurse witb Sklar Peppler Inc. for 13 years. She is an bonorary life member of tbe Ontario Hospital Auxiliary Association, past member of the executive counicil of the Durham Lung Association and former pre- sident of the ladies section of the Whitby Curling Club. She bas two sons, botb Iawy- ers. . "They said, 'Tou can do it, get at it," she says of a summer spent considering a candidacy in the centre ward. I just want known as an energetic person wbo gets tbings done," she says. SHIRLEY SCOTT the Ori LOSE* WEIGHT & LOOK GREAT 3' - E- E- E- E- - - I -I