'I I j .MORE SPOR ,TS- Moviola wins champonshp Movionacpurd ohte Moviola beat Ciseys in the. leagueadplyf championship semi-final while Harp, & Thià stle athfirst season of the Whitb downed Century 21 MVaxigold in Mixed Slo-pitch League recently the other semi-final. carne to an end. Moviola defeated Harp etr.21wnhecsoa Thistle'in three straight games i.& in.fnC entr 21 wn the osla- the best-of-five playoff final. n tio iaveriae ntw trih Optimists -take tyke titie. Whitby Optirfists defeated Bob Myera Chev- Olds. Optimists MDS Labo in the- final thô*capture went undefeated during the the chaxnpionship in tyke house playofi's. league basebal in Whitby. The championship game wes a MDS had reached the final by close battle marked by fine winning a semi-final series with pitching. Fail soccer registration IôRegistration for the Whitby Iquois Soccer Club's fali outdoor league will be held Saturday, Sept. 10 and Saturday, Sept; 17, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. both days, at the Peel Park clubhouse., Games will be played on Saýturdays from Oct. 1 to Nov. 12, for'ages 7 to 14. There will be squirt (age 7 and 8),ý atom (age 9 and 10), mosquito (age il and 12) and peewee (age 13, 14) divisions. Cost is $10 per child, $25 per family (three or more). Min or hockey registration Registration for the Brooklin/Whitby Minor Hockey Association will be held at Iroquois Park complex on Saturday,' Sept. 10, 9 a.m. to noon, and Wednesday, Sept. 14, 7 to9 p.m. Rep team tryouts will be held this weel, For further information on registration cail Peter Lang at 666-1426. (The Free Press apologizes for an incorrect number in last week's edition.). For- information on rep team tryouts caîl Grahamn Croucher at 434-8322. New chess season hegins The AWvHPAWO Chess Association, which covers municipalities from Agincourt to Oshawa, is now beffinning.,.the 1988-89 tournamnent chess season. The regional club works with its affiliate, the West i-li Chess Club, to provide a progrm of regional, and club ch anpionship tournaments, with resuits rated by the Chess Federation of Canada. One pioity of the regional club is to attract female players. "Chess has often been peinted as a man's gamne, and this is a misconception which deserves a timley demnise," says Qarnet Bugg of Agincourt, club vice president. The 1988-89 membership dues are $43 for aduits and $23 for juniors (under 18). 1Registration. will be on ûesà day,,SCpt. 13 à and Thursday, Sept. 15 at the school, 7 to 10 p.m. both nights. Cail 723-3376 or 723-9529 for more information. Correction It was incorrectly stated in last week's edition that Ministry of the Environment tests on the LASCO berm leachate found cadmium levels to be above ministry drinking water standards. In fact, manganese levels were above standards. The Free Press wishes to apologize for the error. Whitby award winners BY SCOTT FENNEILL ONTARIO 1IIING MP After such an extremely hot and dry summer, the cold, wet weather we have experienced over the last few weeks has been quite a shock to everyone's system. Another hint the feul season is just arourid the corner is the reminders of the start of the new sehool year. Everyone is getting organied for the school year to corne 'huying supplies and new clothes. In conjunction with this, the Prime Minister recently announced the names of 2,500 young Canadiens who have been sèlected, as the first Canada scholars. These schlarships are awarded on- thebasis of acadeniic performance, and will provide up to $8,000 over a period of four years to students pursuing degrees in science and engineering and related disciplines. The Canada Scholarship Award programn was announced by the Prime Minister last Januery at the National Conference on Technology and Innovation held in Toronto. The prograrn will fund more' than 1.3 billion dollars in scholarships over the next five years. Following the tradition of excellence in Ontario %1-iing.1.-Iere are 15 students from on tario Riding who will be awerded a Canada Scholarship. The students are as follows: Whitby: Christine Neff and Michell Watson; Ajax: Jennifer Cram, Christopher Lea, jeffrey Mcdougall, Reza Samahin, Taisto Viinikka; Pickering- Sarah Arulanandam, katherine Bateman, Sandra Bateman, Joanne Chivers, Eve Harris, Andrew Mah-Leurig, Tanya Sagermann, Charles Scullion. I knew the family and friends of these students must be very proud of their achievemnents, and I would like to take this opportunity tô offer my sincerest congratulations. STORE HOURS: DalIy 9 to 9 Sat. 8:30 to 6.Su-n. 10-6 0 WHITBY ~JOHST. 311 Brock St. N. DUNDAS (North of John St.) IlHOURS: DaiIy 9to 9, Sat. 8:30 to 6, Sun. lOto 6 qm@M» BAR-B-Q MEATS NE VER TASTED SOGO0 GOGO!0 WITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1988, PAGE 17 -isé