lu PAGE 12, WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1988 lui W i1 7III j111"'N '14/ùeSefection of 6eautifidf(igeiie jj in si&s and cottans I~iPersonalized Gift Wrapping NOW at 135 Byron-St. N. (Formerly 105 Mary St. W.) 430-0647 E VEFNTS NEXT SATURDAY IIERITAGE PROGRAM 9:00 - 1:00 Whitby Public Library. Presen- tation of the restored 1860 Tremaine map of Ontario County. Display of newly restored stained glass window* from the former Ross Brothers Store (now the Golden Gate Restaurant). Slide presentation on 19th century architecture and styles in Durham Region 'by Rod Angevarre. Announcen-ent of award winners in design competition sponsored by the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Durham Branch. CLASSIC VEHICLE DISFILAY 10:00 - 4:00 Perry Street parking lot. Featuring vehicles from the Antique and Classic Car Club of Canada - Durham Region. PIONEER CRAYI'S AND SMOCKING DEMONSTRATION 10:00 - 12:00 Whitby Fcibrics, Dundas Street E. QUILTING AND NEEDLEWOIRK DEMONSTRATIONS 1:00 - 3:00 Whitby Fabrics, Dundas Street E. IJISTORTCAL WALKING TOUR 2:00 - 3:00 Starting fromn the corner of Byron and Elm Streets. Led by Bilan Winter, Town Archivest. HERITAGE DAY -SPECIALS 1ot~ Paperbacks Comics Stickers Hardcovers Schoolbooks * Cotes Notes * Dictionaries Stickers for Children and Teachers The Book Betweefl 11 3B DU NDAS ST. WEST, WH ITBY 666-2442 junior Dance Division 4001 Now taking applications for the fail Tap, Jazz , Ballet, National, Acrobatic and Creative 1lst Lesson. Free New This Fal 'Dirty Dancin' Classes (better than the movie) 142-B-Byron Street North, Whitby LiN4l WHITBY 666-1300 TORONTO 686-0335 à w , lail âr it 1r il~ Famîy!trtinnen rBENJAMIN BARRETT OMS&/q, Qe& Specidizing in Bridai Attire.and Accessories *Ater-five Dresses a Formal Wear Invitations Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 10 - 6 Fni. 10 - 9, Sat. 9 - 5 Evenings and Saturday by appointmcnt please. Pearson Lanes, Whitby 430-3834 137 Byron St. N. IWWJMMmffl nom --r u T--v. v - - - -- - kg ý te fýýge £ 4w4 1 Ji Il roi -i-b.