Whitby Free Press, 31 Aug 1988, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WHITBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31,1988 TOTAL B30OKKEEPING SERVICES. Accurate and reliable service at com- petitive' rates. Confidentiallty assured. Phone 430-0313. MONEY PROBLEMS? Get out of debt qulckly without golng bankrupt or belng garnisheecil' Everyofle accepted regardless of number of judgemefts or poororedit ratlng. For t ree Information cal[: 430-1812 -lst & 2nd's & 3rd's at prime rate -UP to 90% financing -consolidation and problem mortgages refinanced Commimity Fluanil Smivèm CorTý 965 Dundas St, W., Ste. 205, Whitby ARE YOU having trouble gettlng auto Insurence because cf age, poor - ~ drivlng record, or suspension of lîcense? Perhaps we cen help. Phone 666-2090. BUILDING SPECIAL CLEARANCE. 20 x 24 - $2 '500., 24 x 24 - $2,800., 28 x 36 - $4,100., 32 x 36-5$4,500., 36 x 34 - $6,600., 40 x 60 - $8,300. Phone 985- 7930. $ LIQUIDATION $Buildings priceci for immediate disposai. Ail Items ln stock. 30x4Oxl 4 $3,800; 40x6Oxl 4 $5,990; 50x80 $11,260; 70xl2O $27,900. Varlous sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serlous buyers onîy. Ail buildings priceci for Immedlate deîivery. Cal tol f ree 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858- 2446. B A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS. New types, steel and wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. B BUILDINGS save thousands whiîe steel supply lasts - summer clearan- ce - we over-estimated and are clearing out excess stock. Ail steel & woodlsteel types - Paragon 24 hours, 1-800-263-8499. B SUPER SPECIALS on steel buildings: save up to 40% on quonsets, stralght walls, garage packagjes andi mini sizes. Caulking, nuts & boîts in- cludeci. Avalable ln wldths 10'-80' any length-varloLIs helghts. Galvelume or coloured . Caîl our fac- tory PION EERIECONOSPAN 1-800- 668-5422 (24 hours). B 61SUMMER SELLABRATION" on steel buildings f rom Miracle Span. No gimmlcks,Just solici value for your money. Exemple: 50 x.80 - $10,995. CàItotf(9 i80-66-~06...B B3E INDEPENDENTI If you are amn- bitiousandilooklng fora careerthat is highiy profitable and f un, caîl (416) 827-2660. MACH ERIE Home Fashion Shows Est.,1975. B WORK OVERSEAS - Europe. A fan- testic challenge awaits you. Work ln either; Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands. Single people between 19 -28. Interesteci ln Foreign Agriculture. Contact I.A. E.A., 206, 1501-17 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2T 0E2. B NEW & USED trucks avallable wlsteady year round contrects. Low interest retes, 12.9% andi up O.A.C. Good selection of mekes and models. Minimum Investments, $10,000. Phone ranspo 1-800-663- 5166. B RV HAULING exceptional oppor- tunlty can be yours ln the challenging and rewarding fielci of RV hauling. Gooci opportunity for expansion. $165,000. Includes business, licen- ces, equipment andi training, If necessary. Serieus Inquiries only. Station C, Box 3837, Hamiton, L8H 796. B DANCE WITH THE BESTI Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Junior Division ages 3 and up. lst 1l'esson f ree. Tep, jazz, ballet, national, acrobatic, creative. 430-0014. DIRTY DANCING. (Better that the movie). Now et Arthur Murray Dance Studio. lst lesson free. Youth classes (ages 10 and up). Enroîl now. 430-0014. EMPTrY SPACE! Because you didn't acivertise. Phone 668-611. How tc play populer PIANO & ORGAN. New home study course. Fast, easy methoci. Gueranteedl AIso, for eîectronlc keyboards. For FREE Information write: Popular Music Systems, Studio 4, ý3284 Boucherie Roed, Keîowne, B.C. ViZ 2H2. B A CAREER IN TRUCKING. "Tran- sport Drivers Needed Now.I" Train now for your class 'A' licence for prescreening Interview and Iinfor- mation on lob placement, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training School. Toîl Free 1-800-265-3559. H.0. 746 Hespeler Rd. Cambridige, Ontarlo. London, Brampton, Sud- bury, St. Catharines, Ottawa. YOUR FUTURE starts wlth ... Tri- Country Truck Driver Teinlng. Establisheci ln 1978, job search assistance avallable, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Cour- se tee income tax deductible 1-800- 265-0400. B TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training wlth placement help is avaleable. Complete details can be melied te yeu. Phone Rodg ers School at (416) 769-3546 with postal code. B BEGIN A LOG BUILDING CAREER. Jobs are aval lable for qualifieci log builders. 10-week carèer course beginning Sept. 26, 5 days a week 9 - 4:30. $200 per week. Shoeter courses evailable. Camping on s(te. contact Pat Wolfe. Log Building SchooI. RR 1, McDoneld's Corners, Ont. KOG 1 MO days (613) 278-2009. B CUSTOM ROUND BALIN3, 4,5, or 6 foot bales. Queîlty andiservice. Wells and Mark Pehlemenn. Ph one 985- 9842 or 985-7568. Plaecheck your advertisemeflt for errors- on the f irst da fpublication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be libefor failure te publish an ad, or for typographic errors ipublication beyond the cost of the space occupied by teerror up te a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right te cIassi-fy or reject aiadvertisemeflts. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA. cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12c each additionai word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see detauls in separate panel) Blanket Ads - ta blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15$c each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 69$ per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures. or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 74e per agate Une minimum size.l column inch -$10.36 (14 agate 1 înes per i nch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668e6111 Durham Reguional Police Force POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1988 Sale starts 10:00 a.m. by Public Auction Whereas ne dlaims, have been made by the owner *cf -the property ipossion of the Durhamn Regilon'al Police, Force, b esno having been stolen from its owner, or by reason cf having been found abandoned in a public place and the Force is unable te ascertain its rightful owner. Furtherthat these articles have'been held more than the 3 mnonths required. Articles for auct ion are as follows: bicycles and miscellaneous tems. SALE TO BE HELDATITHE REAR OF 30'WILLIAM STREET, OSHAWA'. ONTARIO TERMS: Cash TeDnesare nvte tMpovd inWhitby, Oent. TEDE EN. DR ER813 SedTenders relII e rceie until 2:00 p.m. local time on - TUESDAY, SEPT. 20,1988 Tender Documents may be ob- tained f rom the Ontario Mlnistry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario. L3V 6K7. Note: For further information regarding the Tenders, please cal1 the Tenders Off ice at the above address, telephone (705> 325-7403. The Iowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. GARAGE SALE. 46 & 48 Rosseau Cresent, Whitby. Baby items, furniture, toys, and many other items. Saturday, Sept. 3 f rom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. RALSTON, John and Gayle are pleesed to announce the blrth of their 2nd child, a deughter, Taylor Gayle, on August 14188. Weighing 6 lb, 121/2 oz, at Ajex-Pickering Hospital. Taylor is a sister for Shane. Grendperents are Mr. & Mrs. William Raîston and Mr. & Mrs. Ruggles Gierman, both of Ajax. Great grand-mother E f le Raîston. Our special thanks to Nurse Karen Gerrard, who delivered ,our- baby. Chief cf Police in this world, theres always room for one more. Cali your Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phone 668-6653 Maple Leaf DOLL CLUB 7th annua doîl show & sale. Sunday Sept. 11, 1< a.m. to 4:30. Preston Arena. Hamiltoi Street, Cambridige. Over 40 dealers Refreshments. Largest show in On tario. Information (519>653-5756.-1 BLYTH STEAM SHOW. Attend thi 27t h an n ua Steam Show, Sept. 9, 1lc il at the Blyth Fairgrounds. Man, large working steamn engines etc Contact B. Houston (519) 638-2623.E JAG DJ'S present their Iast teen dan ce et Heydenshore Pavillon, Friday September 2nd, trom 9 to 1 p.m Tickets $6.00. ýAndrew HunU -ani Graham Northam Production-.

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