PAGE 24, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1988 Receptionist m Typist Classified Ads An immediate opening for an efficient well-Qrganized person with excellent telephone and secretarial skills. Apply to Whitby Free Press at 131 Brock Street North or phone 668-6111 Allstate Due to recent expansion, we have SALES OPPORTUNITIES availabie in OSHAWA. Are you seif-motivated and ambitiaus? Do you communicate weii with others? Are you able to set goals and achieve them? Are you interested in a career that offers: Aguaranteed mont hly saiary and an uniimited earning potential *A company paid training program *Acompiete employee benefits program inciuding profit sharing *Apotential to operate your own insurance office Then join the ALLSTATE team ! Please cail collect to: TERRY MODESTO 1-479-92211 - CLEANING PERSON to do general EXPERIENCED waitors, watresses, housework ln Brooklin home. Every bus persons, dlshwashers. Apply in other Friday If adult, Saturday mor- person to La Petite Steak House, 939 nlng If studont. Phono 655-4344. Dundas Street West, Whitby. *i SALES SECRETARYI ORDER ENTRY with good communfication skills. e East Scarborough area a Varled interostlng work e Immediate start e Part or full time nogotiable Phone 284-8440 s i I i i I i i wi KITCHEN WORKER required, part time (ovenings &weekends) DRIVERS REQUIRED with own car CASH PAID Apply ln person to: 80OThlckson Road South Whitby (A. & P. Plaza) 668-4900 M liiiE at aedpasl copunlgcopn reure acoy okeswTHEa Prlease. roplatin pernc St. W.,Witlby G.S. ACRYLICS LT., rnquireshmai oan n fe ale s ebers autrs. Iii.uenels. Apply nprsn THEWHTBYWED MNEie HO EAKRSREQUIEDAN lealthre faiity in Durham: Rgo.S. WeIS . require auraln pro fessoalasewilgtor on ontes Wltoa nebits pivatenhoeseof- fer ncetve nuse,flxibl4ors, shovralîogtrasignments Caiver VleDMonday tridsay, 9 a.m. - p.m.a433149..oaapitet Adetis e noure matume, warne section orcaîl a prof essional section No jo onebig on r smal!homas.l668-1 afdrwach te busess rlxin. ous EXPEIEED a oir sys, stady.- pstion. o nal echinilctin.n ted. Phone 723-5261, ask for Joseph. BABYSITTER REQUIRED, for new born baby. To start In fail. Hours: 12 noon to 7 p.m., 5 days a week. Lee Avenue, Whitby. References required. Phone 430-0014, Slyvi. e. EXPERIENCED KITCHEN DESIGNER. Marbol ln Whltby requires an enthustiac, hard working person to take responsibility for kit- chen design. If you are interested In building a career wlth a young dynamic company, please telephone 430-2929 for an Interview. WARM LOVING babysitter 1 housekeeper required ln my home. 3 Chlldren - 7, 5, and 2 years. Non- smoker. Anderson & Manning area. Phone 666-1025. SALES HELP required for book store. Must have experience and good knowledge of books ln ail areas. Salary commensurate with experien- ce. Please phone 430-1642. CHRYSLER dealershlp requires par- ts person. WiIl train. Caîl Don Williamson Sr. at655-8826. CHRYSLER dealershlp requires lisenced body person. Caîl Donald Williamson Jr. at655-8826. BAYWEB LIMITED roquires press trainees, camera trainees, part timo and full time bindery workers, and part and full tîmo Joggers. Positions are available immediatoly. Please ap- ply to Bayweb Limitod, Box 280, 55 William St., Elmvale, Ont. LOL 1iPO Attn: Kathy Jamieson, or phone (705) 322-1822, Monday to Friday. B HOUSEWIVES, mothers and ln- terested persons needed îm- mediateiy to seli toys and gifts for National Home Party Plan. No in- vestmnent, deliveries or money collec- tion. Cail (519) 258-7905. B WHY WORK, for someone else the rest of your life... when your work can earn you ownership of your own profitable business... If you are wIllng to work hard and.follow a proven system, I am willing to finance you into your own business. We would like you to talk to living exam- pies'of our success - people with the same background as you. For more Information regarding your own Lawn Care Franchise caîl colleot (416)336-3143. B HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS. Taking a semesteroff school? Would you on- Joy spending the faîl and winter season at one of Ontario's leading resorts? We have lîve-In ac- commodation and need friendly outgoing People for positions In our dinlng room, cocktail lounge,,house. keeping, kitchen,,and roception desk. Please callIimmediately (4116) 861- 1358, (direct Toronto line to WIG-a- MOG I nn) or (705) 457-2000. B TEMPORARY employment Septem- ber 5 to October 17, position availab le. Waiterlwatress, kîtchen help, home keeplng. Expérience dealing with people preferred. We will train. 40-48 hrslwk. $6.5OIhr. plus bonus. Free roomn and board. Contact Cleveleand House resort, M uskoka, Ont. (705) 765-3171. Ask for Bill Sulivan. B Help keep Red Cross ready. +i hable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographicda fpbiain h htyFe P eswiaecekyu detsmn o roso h Dfirst ot be grrors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right Ia ciassify or rejeot ail advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque receîved betore deadline) $5 for 25 words; 120 each additionai word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - ta bianket a wider market (see separate panel for sam pie rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15C each additional word AUCTIONSIAN NOUNCEM ENTS 69e per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Acis with borders, pictures. or graphics) Regular display rates appiy - 74e per agate Uine minimum size. 1 column inch - $10.36 (1l4 agate 1m es per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 WE ARE GROWING The Whitby Free Press is seeking self- motivated individuals to represent us as: Advertising Sales Representatives prior expeience in some type of sales or demonstrated ability in a related field is required If you are interested in a challenging and rewarding position and want to work in an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, eall the Publisher or the Sales Mangerfor an appointment. 6IOMu1 AL 1