PAGE16,WÛITY FEE PESS WENESDY, UGUS 24198 ANNE OTTENBRITE 4-41 suited up Saturday at Iroqulois Park, notý for Olympie training, but to help raise funds for local residents who have multiple selerosis. k ~ y Debie uchu benrisdIcal oxr h Evets erbe hel aurdya Aroqof P ark, ea 20ig0l0pi swe im edcll Anetenrite toahlpofraise00funds.the Joclyn teMuirSwim anCBrbecute a Camp Smac wihlbe held thi Friday from 4 to 9 p.m. Jocelyn Muir swam aroun Lake Ontario last summer t raise funds to help those ith O'1 multiple scierosis, and is hostig Ak this barbecue to assist in raisig ad a mystery challenger complete with mask, wilI be on hand to compete with Frise McNair added. CHOO Radio will host a Iiie -1 etbroadcast from the event and Al entertainment will be provided by Gord Macklem and friends with special appearances by Goyd Grilles. Those who want more information on the Jocelyn Mui Swim and Barbecue can caî Maryanne Shoîdra at 725-7351 o 576-5088 or Sam McNair a 725-9815. Camp Samac is located on Sirncoe St. N. in Oshawa.