WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, Layout Person full-time (must be willing to do some work on weekends) Previous experience in graphie arts essential Apply to Whitby Free Press at 131 Brock Street North or phone 668-6111 EARN UP TO $9.00 per hour working part or full time for Olan Mills Studios. Positions available are proof consultant, appointment secretary, photographer, and telemarketing manager. Numerous studios throughout the area. Call, collect if necessary, (416) 578-4204, 10a.m. to 8 p.m. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH, Whitby seeks committed organist and choir director to work on the Worship Team with the Rev Michael Begble. Growing - dynamic suburban congregation. One service. Apply with resurne and references by Sep- tember 15 to The Search Committee, 25 Manning Road, Whitby. L1N 3M4. AGRESSIVE fast paced plastic compounding company requires factory workers with a minimum 10 years plant ex. perience. No plastc experience nocessary. Wi train the rIght Individual. Ap.plcants will be required to work on a 3 shft rotating basis. Generous salary & benef t package for qualifed Individue ls. Apply at: ALBIS CANADA INC. 850 MctKay Road Pickering, Ontarlo. L1 W 2Y4 clo John Beaton GENERAL LABOURER, also, truck driver required, class 'G'. Full time days. Apply at 1742 Brock Street South, Whitby, between 10 a.m. and 3 NEEDED, babysitter to start in Sep- tember for two children ages 7½/ and 5½/. For more Information phone 655- 8620. THE WHITBY WEED MAN requires driver applicators. A vaild drivers licence Is required plus a good work attitude. Phone 666-3187 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. for an appointment. EXPERIENCED KITCHEN DESIGNER. Marbol In Whitby requires an enthustlac, hard working person to take responsibility for kit- chen design. If you are Interested In building a career with a young dynamic company, please telephone 430-2929 for an Interview. EXPERIENCED Hair stylist, steady position. Also, nail technician wan- ted. Phone 723-5261, ask for Joseph. KITCHEN HELP, cooks, waitresses/walters, needed at Haugen's Chicken B.B.Q. Apply in person, Hwy. 12 at 7A, Manchester. HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS. Taking asemesteroff school?Wouldyou en- joy spending the fall and winter season working at one of Ontario's leading resorts? We have live-in ac- commodation and need friendly outgoing people for positions in our dining room, cocktail lounge, house- keeping, kitchen, and reception desk. Please call immediately (416) 861- 1358, (direct Toronto line to WIG-a- MOG Inn) or (705) 457-2000. B TEMPORARY employment Septem- ber 5 to October 17, position available. Waiter/waitress, kitchen help, home keeping. Experience dealing with people preferred. We will train. 40-48 hrs/wk. $5.50/hr. plus bonus. Free room and board. Contact Cleveleand House resort, Muskoka, Ont. (705) 765-3171. Ask for Bill Sullivan. B SHEET METAL WORKER, com- muting arrangements possible, con- sider immediate openings throughout metro Toronto area. "Residential, highrise, light com- mercial or shop". Wages $23.59. Full benefit package including pension plan. Higher rates for incentive workers. Cali L.D. Foreman & Associates at (416) 841-3684, call collect. B $$$$ WRITE Your own paycheque. Park Avenue Productions requires 1 or 2 self motivated individuals in your area to supply established accounts. Full or part time opportunities avaliable. Sales experience heipful but training is provided. First year earning potential $35,000 to $75,000. For a confidential interview call us now. (416) 756-7796 or (416) 756-2111. B HOMEMAKERS REQUIRED, by leading health care facility in Durham Region. We require mature, caring professionals willing to work on one to one basis in private homes. We of- fer incentive bonuses, flexible hours, short/ilong term assignments. Cali VALMED Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.433-1494. HOUSEWIVES, mothers and In- SUNRISE TO SUNSET renovations, terested persons needed im- additions, patio decks, roofIng. For mediately to sell toys and gifts for freeestimatecall Rick 430-6059. National Home Party Plan. No in-. vestment, deliveries or money collec- tion. Call(519) 258-7905. B H. G. S. CALLIGRAPHY. for OFFSET PRESSFPERSON with ex- perience on two color Soina or equivalent. Film stripping to process color an asset. Excellent conditions. New plant in Picton, Ontario (613) 476-3272. B MOTHER OF 2 willing to do daycare in my home. Good food, fun, and company. Quiet street and fenced yard in West Lynde. Reference avalilable. Phone 430-3524. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of two willing to babysit ages two and up. Nutritious lunches and snacks provided. Walking distance from Oshawa centre. Phone 728-8815. FRENCH MOTHER of one, speaking English will babysit your child, preferably in my home, excellent oc- casion for Immersion. Excellent rates. References available. Phone 430-2269. LOST, small black cat, male, with a white triangle patch under his chin and two white front paws. Last seen in Anderson & Frederick Street area. If you have seen him please call 668- 7114. We love him very much!! PHOTOGRAPHER Train to be a photographer - fernale & male. No experience necessary. Salary paid while training. After training earn up to $9.00 per hour per week in- cluding Saturday. If you are looking for a job with advan- cement potential call, collect if necessary, (416)578-4205 1Oa.m. to 8 p.m. RATESM Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject all advertisements. PRE-PAID (cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $5 for 25 words; 12¢ each additional word $1 for 15 words for articles for sale under $50 (see details in separate panel) Blanket Ads - to blanket a wider market (see separate panel for sample rates) BILLED $7.50 for 25 words; 15¢ each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 69¢ per agate line (14 agate lines per inch) minimum charge: $5 prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures, or graphics) Regular display rates apply - 74e per agate line minimum size. 1 column inch - $10.36 (14 agate lines per inch) DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 il MANAGEMENTISALES We are looking for manager trainees to be trained to manage local telephone sales offices. Guaranteed salary while in training. 30 hours per week. Excellent fringe benefits. Earn up to $18,000 per year after short training period (training classes held locally). Excellent re-entry opportunity for homemaker. Call, collect if necessary, (416)578-4206 professional artwork; occasion car- ds, business cards, logo'.s, in- vitations - any occasion, place cards, djsplay signs etc... For viewing and no-charge estimate please phone 432-1086. HOUSEKEEPING, experienced reliable honest housecleaner will thoroughly clean your home on weekly basis. Special-services for seniors including cooking and hair- dressing. References available. Phone Heather666-4667. NEW & USED trucks available w/steady year round contracts. Low interest retes, 12.9%,and up O.A.C. Good selection of makes and models. Minimum investments, $10,000. Phone Transpo 1-800-663- 5166. B OVERSEAS POSITIÃ"NS. Hundreds of top paying positions. All oc- cupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept CA, Box 460, Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7. 1- 800-361-2461. B BE YOUR OWN BOSSI Turn a few hours a week into DOLLARSI An ex- citing careerawaits you. MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows. Est 1975. Cali collect (416)827-2660. B WE DELIVER! Flyers, etc. ail over Whitby! Call the WHITBY FREE PRESS.688-6111. WEAE GROWING The Whitby Free Press is seeking self-motivated individuals to represent us as: Advertising Sales Representatives prior experience in some type of sales or demonstrated ability in a related field is required If you are interested in a challenging and rewarding position and want to work in an atmosphere of growth and opportunity, call the Publisher or the Sales Manager for an appointment. 668-6111 1