PAGE 16, WHIITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1988 MS Swirn OLYMPIC gold medallist Anne Ottenbrite of Whitby left) and Brenda Hill of Ajax, a competitive swimmer ièefore eontracting multiple scierosis, will take part in the Anne Ottenbrite MS Champion Swim Party in Whitby Aug. 20, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Free Press photo Over 50,000 FROM PAGE i With the residential area expancling northward, hie added that the problem could soon be so]ved by a linkage with the sewer systemi in the Town of whitby. 'Whitby is not a small municipality anymore," Attersley said. It is a large population for a town. Technically we should be a city," said Attersley, who has previously advocated that Whitby become a city. "We're probably the second largest town in Ontario , he added. When Attersley became mayor in 1981, hie said that the population forecast for 1988 was 34,000. Despite economie forecasts predicting a slump in the housing market and prices for homes, Attersley is confident that "the situation is flot going to stop, and the market is increasing at a inuch faster rate than predicted." The GO train extension will definitely be a drawing factor for more Toronto residents, he said. Attersley said that Whitby is flot becoming a bedroom community. Instead, he explained, many of the new residents are coming for jobs in Whitby itself. 'We have tried to diversify (in industrial growth) and pick up other types of industry rather than one industry. The' unemployment is very low in Whitby, around four per cent," Attersley said. When asked if he thought that Whitby was becoming the "Markham of Durham Region," he replied that "We're on our way."1 Attersley credited the planning department with the "efficiency" of the town. "Whitby is a well-planned community, and we're probably raig the benefits of good panng," he said. By the year 2000, Atters]ey said he thought the population would increase by 20,000, a growth way ahead of schedule. I think the population of Whitby in 1991 will be 61,400 people," he said. When The Stars Cre Up, Prîces Corne Down SUPER * SPECIAL REGULAR OR DIET, SCHWEPPES, A&W ROOT BEER OR Minute nit 9 Soft Drinks <parl10OmL)5 9 9 LIMIT: 2 CASES PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIAL 1 SUPER * SPECIAL Il I 4 2 14 FL OZ TIN .99 LIMIT 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE REGULAR OR DIET, SCHWEPPES, A&W ROOT BEER OR Minute Maid Soft Drinks 750 mi. BOTTLE (UNIT COST 66- PER> 100 nLî PLU '.4O P ER BOTTLE DEPOSIT :ROZEN, CONCENTRATED, WHITE OR PINK Reach For The Stars And Save! RED OS ,OTHTET INES INRFAK.ALEED, LIFESTYLEB B O L FRANKS OR ALL BEEF DINNER FRAN) Schneiders Wîenerc or Beef Steakettes 450 g VAC PAC LIMIT: 3 PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER* PCA WHITE, YELLOW OR ALMONO Pronto Paper Towels PACKAGE 0F 2 ROLLS LIMIT 3 PKGS PER FAMILY PURCHASE SCHNEIDERS, HALVES Olde Fashionec 8.80kg Hams lb3a LIMIT: 6 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE I~inn~I~355 m CANADA NO. 1, PROOUCT 0F ONTARIO, FIRM, RIPE New Crop Peaches 4 LITRE BASKET 2.99 LIMIT: 3 BASKETS PER FAMILY PURCHASE SUPER * SPECIALj N TOMATO SAUCE, WITH PORK, WITH PORK IN MOLASSES. RED OR DARK REO KIONEY (HEINZ PASTAS.IN TOMATO SAUCE, U.F0 S OR SPAGHETTI) Heinz Beans INSTANT, REGULAR (DECAFFEINATED OR SAN"A 1-M G) MAaxwelI HouseA 227 g Coffee jar4 9 COUPON coe AVE .301 COUPONH RM SAVE 251 iORANGE PEKOE COUPON EGULAR OR LIGH-TI I RedRose 1I1 KraftI Tea Bags Mayonnaise I PACKAGE 0F «72 MO mnL JAR 1399 IlM 169 Chl-1 PRICE-S EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAVI AUIGUST 6TH, 1988. Af Y(iB We reqC Ve reserve the right 10 Ilmit quBrIIities 10 normal famiIy luirements. Savîngs shown in this ad based on current Metropolitan Toronto A&P retaîls. A&P F000 STORES 70 THICKSON RD, Se ,WHITBY '%*ýRGEWOà RLD'S- LF GES OKAR fT5Pk' SUMMEJO Want a great tan ? For more information phone Jc: t=.< E r ry c>r J e> f or Apply in Personj Am . maill BIG s J 1 M 1 - A&P FOOD STORES