I PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27,'1988 Whittby youth band given'warm w elc0ome TEA HOUSE CARD & PALM READING CRYSTAL BAL ADVJCE ON AL AFFAIRS* ALL WELCOME $5 DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD 1834 Weston Rd. (at Lawrence) Toronto' Tel. 248-1496 Open 9-9 Seven Days AWeek By Debbie Luchuk The Whitby Youth Concert Band is no more, withî the conclusion of their concert tour June 29 to JuIy 9 through England. Director Bruce Court said that hie and the band members made the- "mutual decision" to discontinue the group. after the final concert tour. He said the "tour was highly successful. Everything went so well, and every time the kids played,' they were very welI received." JLJ FAMILY WELLNESS CLIN IC Chiropractors:- Dr. Peter Wysotskl, D.C. Dr. SaIIy P. Shlapak, B.Sc., D.C. (Hon.> Psychologist:- Dr. George Blake, Ph.D. Reflexologist: Mr. Doug Thompson, B.A., B.E.D., C.R. Nutritionist:- M. Geoff RiIey, B.Sc., R.N.C. Massage Therppist:- Mr. Paul Szymanouskl For aplntrmnts cali 728-5251 Everilng Appontments avalIWe 1631 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont. LIN 2K9 <Across from Choy's) The band participated in the, five-day Bristol ïInternational Music Festival, with, among other groups, "a- choir from Sweden, bands from the U.S.* a group from Italy and, for the first time, with a group from an eastern bloc country," Court said.,. The latter group was the Estonian Philharmonic Choir, ahd the band, was quite impreésed with them, according- to Court. After the festival, the band toured several cities. "At our concert in Bath, the Agent General (Ont~ario), Tom Wells, drove up from London to hear them perform," Court said. Band members were1 billeted with host*families, and'so learned quite a bit about British culture. Although they did flot have much time to 'sightsee,. Court said that the tour gave the band "the ability to meet other people, in a different culture." Court said the band members' main interest was the end of the tour, and their final concert held in King's College, a part of Canterbury Cathedral. "The lest evening was very emotional, and was quite a high point in my musical career. It will be a special memory for the kids," he said. The historical 'signïificance 'of this final location was a good part of the emotional the band'felt, he added. So&ne members have been with the band for five years, and Court said he is sure that .the youths' have tiés that will 'ensure their friendships for years to corne. 'Maybe we will get together in five or 10 years for*a runion cocet, ai Cura ore teacerin Wi tbourtwh orisnw a O'Neill Collegiate in Oshawa. The Wihitby band was rnade up of Anderson. and Henry high. school students and - one Leslie McFarlane public school student. WHJTBY YOUTH CONCERT BAND Hasty Friendly, Personal Servi ce 24 Hours-7 days a week ~DEL CCUiTER E- 3JI Sausagel PRO loog Granny Smith Apples Prod. of U.S.Al Astro Yogurt1 lnravarti Cheese Romaine Lett uce Prod. of U.S.A. 100 9» IfU ERY9 Swan2rollpkg. Paper Towels JSENIORS SA VE 10%5V ON TUESDA VS LOTTERY TICKETS AND TOBACCO PRODUOTS NOTINCLUDCED ONLY AVAILABLE AT W STLYAIPLZ Eff ect iveVVETLN> LZ JuIy 27- Au. 2Highway # 2 & Jeffery St. 100 g. IN-ýSiORE 8AKERY 2/0Assorted Large 6/9 Fruit FiIIed Crusty Turnovers Rolis 175g mmumummummumumma 1 9 A ilE-