WIMIBY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1988, PAGE il 465-home subdivision rece .ives draft plan ap'proval By Debbie Luchuk The draft plan for the subdivision to be bounded by, Garden St., Taunton Rd., Anderson St., and Dryden Boul., bas been approved by Whitby couni. The 'subdivision, the largeat development yet in Whitby, will include 465 single family homes (40- to 70-ft. frontages) and 54 link dwellinga (29- and 35-fi. * frontagea) as well as areas for a senior citizena block, ýseparate schollementary/secondary com- plex with church, and public * elementary and secondary sehools. Three residents of Anderson * St. expreased their concerna about the development to council at Monday night's meeting. James Prieat, founder and * co-chairman of the North Anderson Residents' Association, said the developer promiaed that water hook-ups Would- be pro- vided, at no coat, for nearby eisting homeowners. He was concerned that the developer woul d not honor these promises unlesa these concessions were recognized by council in the draft plan. "This commitinent must be duly recorded," he aaid. H{e and two residenta were also quite concerned about a water/flood outlet into Pringle Creek. The developer proposes retaining ponds for any exces water to be allowéd gradually to drain into the creek. Residents pointed out that the creek is only four feet wide where it runs through their, property and that it occasionally flooda. They are 'concerned that the water will hot be controlled and that a flood situation will eist on their properties. Priest asked council to return the plan to administrative committee for further study. "We want to have a chance to revise and re-present our plan," Priest said, referring. to- a plan that the 'association had drawn up and presented to the developer and administrative committee. .AI Goar, part owner of the property to be developed, aaid, "TiÉèe issues should be high- lighted: ahould offer water service to each resident; that the developer -1, dinot disturb the creek valley except for ýthe outfall; and that*the developer should comply with guidelines' of - the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area Coneeptual layout of 'Super Block' Unit 8, Brock St. N., Whitby Lane y5th ANNIVERSARY SALE y 20% oOFF Figurines by Pen Delphin* Krystonia Sandicast -Whiskers Gutmann Disney plus Preclous Moments Dolis & more.. Many Collector Plates Greatly Reduced Mon. to Wed. 66&- 1164 Thurs. 9:30 - 8:00 Sat. 9:30 - 4-.00 Sale ends JuIy 30, 1988 Fri. 920 - 6:00 LearnToDance. CE LEOR AT INV 20%/oOff singes and couples 7 5 ~ > Put a llttle fun In your life. Try dancing. New Students Only! Franchised Dance Studios 1OA.M-10PM. Mon-Fri. Sat. Noon to 5PM. 121 Brock St. N. Whitby 430-0014 WIIITIIY GOLDEN GAIE RESTAURANT CHINESE FOOD BUFFET DAILY] r (Salad Bar Included) BIG FEAST IN LITTLE CHINA (more than 50 items to choose from for. dinner) Dine in and take away service. 107 BROCK ST. -S., WHITBY 668-2222 W~ CNTPRIC PfqRI.LEGqL' Member ParaIégaI A ssociatiOn cf Ontario Specializing In e Incorporations, Small Claims, Debt Counselling and Landiord - Tenant Disputes ý 10 1 Dundas Street West, Suite 206 Whitby. Ontario LlN 2M2 LIC ENSE E) 416-430-1812 WATCH FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT COMING SOON! local hand crafted items* candies country gifts and cards framed country prints something for everyone DOORS OPEN JULY 21ST 10% OFF JULY 21ST - 28TH HOURS MON.-WEDD. TIIURS.-FRM. SAT. - 10-6 10-9 10-5 102A BYRON SI'. S. WHITBY 430-0024 (CLOCA)." elle-re's no getting out ox t. It'a the best thing we can do under the circuinatancea," said councillor Joe Dr umm, approving of the plan. *Councillor Gerry Emm wanted to have the plan go back to administrative committee. "This large development ia going to have impacta. There is going to be additional costs to horneowners (taxes). I would like to aee thia referred back to committee," he aaid. Councilior Ross Batten said' that he would like to see council approve the plan but continue to work with the developer to see that flooding concerna were addreaaed te, the satisfaction of al involved. "This is not one iaolated pocket of development," said counscillor Joe Bugelli. "Planning (staff) have worked hard to haye some seniblance of continuity." Council voted 5-2 in favor of the draft plan. Emm , and councillor Tom Edwards* opposed the draft plan, Edwards atating that the lots. had inadequate frontages. Emm had* concerna about atorm water run-off. m 0, 6ý Il "a m 1