PAGE 2, WHLTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, .JLLY 13, 1988 Heny t. tuentreurn.s fom year -in Germany By Debbie Luchuk A Whitby girl -participated in the Rotary Club's annual exchange program for students this iast school vear.* Betheney Maheu, 19, lived in and attended school in a town near Dusseldorf, West Gerrnany this past year. Se lived with a host family, travelled, absorbed Germnan culture and learned the language. "Everythirig was really different, but the language bit the hardest," Maheu told The Free Press. She had no German ability before she left Canada. - "The whole culture and food was' different, and the East/West Bloc , division, was very interesting," she continued. The people' she stayed with were "fabulous," Maheu says, noting the host father was a judge and the mother spoke four Friendly, Personal Service or Thighs Chops Fresh-Never Frozen1 Fresh-Never Frozen Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Classuc Clark Beans SS t>he lag' ma Coel c umt WF ii Ladies cruisewear & Swimwear from A good selection of mens'will soon bO in! ~) 30 Minute Tanning Sessions Mon. - . 1- 1 12 for $39 22 for$74 Mon -F. 10-1 ~ 965 Dundas St. W. (West Lynde Plaza) W hitby 668-7050 languags' The"irè children were around age 20, and they and their father each spoke three languages. I miss them a lot already," ahusays. She visited several European countries .ýincluding Sweiden, Denmark, Netherlands,.ý Belgium and Austria.ý Maheu travelled with ber host family, with the Rotary Club and with other exchange students. . There were three other exchange students in the are;a l from the United States. "My studies were difficult. I attended Gr. 12 classes and attended a Gr. 5 German class. High -sehool in Germany is from Gr. 5 to Gr. 13, and classes are over by noon," Maheu relates. Planning to attend Gr. 13 in the faîl, she says she now bas coniversational Germait Sbe worked as a volunteer at a seniors' borne teaching crafts, coacbed a cheerleading teani and worked (volunteer) at a local grocery store to learn the culture and learn more than formai German. Her favorite memnory is tbat of seeing tbe Berlin Wall for the first tume on a trip to tbat city. It was in a residential area, covered with graffiti. The guard towers were right tbere," she says. Maheu is finding is bard to adjust to being borne. "It's so difficult to corneborne. ini used te, being witb my 'otber family. Nve changed and aIl my' friends bave cbanged." 'She bas à 1ready applied to go on exchange with-the "Up* with people", group -'and has been accepted to go to Europe again in two years., Evansh.e-n * critical condition Terr Evansben of Brooklin, July 5. Evansben's car then the youngest player té be bounced into a parke"d car. inducted inte the Canadian Hall A Bethany, Ont. man, Daryl of Fame, is still listed in critical Pertan, bas been cbarged with condition by officiaIs at Oshawva going througb -a red light. General Hospital. Evanshen, a Montreal native Evansben, 48, was injured when bis car collided witb anotber car at an intersection near Oshawa at 6 p.m., Monday, wflo 110w U1IesLms nome ina Whitby and is vice-president of operations for' Mcromar Inter- national of Orono, was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1984. Falling slabs injure man A Mexican immigrant was taken to Oshawa General Hospital by ambulance Friday, July 8, after patio slabs be was loading on a skid fell on him. Police say Dolores Bermudez Gomez (police were unable te determine bis age as he does not speak Englisb) is workcing in' Canada as a landed immigrant. He was loading patio slabs at bouses in the -Intrepid-Williarn Stephenson area. Police say Gomez suffered a fractured right leg. Correction It was. incorrectly stated in an article in last week's edition that stop signe would be changedý on Dunlop and Trent streets. The cbanges will actually take place on Burns St. intersections at King, Centre and Byron streets (te make Burns a "througb- higbway" from Brock St. te, Henry St.) and at the intersection of Byron St. S. and Ontario St. W. The Free Press wisbes te apologize for tbe errors. hItinduc"".the ibtauife& Club. The Most &mfcittig will be r~embeRing ail its benefits. Our new Total.Life Club is unlike any other club. The benefits are so comprehe nsive, there isn't enough roomù to list them ail. 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