PAGE 4, WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1988 Rabies clinie in Whitby May .3 Te South Durhami Veterinarians Association will hold its annual rabies clinics during the first week in May. There will be a clinie on Tuesday, May 3, noon to 5 p.m., at Iroquois Park arena in Whitby. On the same day, there will be a clinic at the Brooklin Commun- ity Centre, from 1 to 4 p.m. A clinic will be held on May 4 in Oshawa, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Children's Arena on Arena St. N. On May 5, from noon to 5 p.m., a clinie will be held at the public works department garage, on Liberty St..S. Rabies'vaccinations only will be given to cats and dogs over four months. cost is $5. Cali Janice Ailvin at 623-4012 (Bowmanville) for more infor- mation. CHARM, CHARACTER, MYSTERY AND ELEGANCE. Truly unique large bungalow with basement apt., on over haff acre ravine lot. In whitby, with only mf 'inutes from 401'& future GO Train. For complete details caîl: Yok de Klp 655-3309., after 9 pm and Sundays cali 655-4796 RE/MAX Canaan Land Realty lnc. Rltr. e -18 Kg. baga Reg, price $22.99 ONLY $1 99mbrfCouee SLimit a ŽcFrusoe a 4K1bg e1pie l9OL $98 invites you to participate in its sprsader (14 Kg. bag ideai for most home lots in Ajax/Whitby area) 6Oth iAN1NIVTEIESANJ1Y w GOLF TOURNAMENT ~THE 'UUYEg ~TCQ$TMORE. Potted Rose Bushes A ~GARDEN Dra' ags The Garden Mart Price Winchester Golf Club ~MART BgYuOwBI $74 Wednesday, June 1, 1988 SoîIs/Aggregate Centre Weeping Pea Trees Golf and Dinner - $20.00 DISCOUNT - garden soil 100 cm - * reg. 50.00 GARDEN CENTRE - manulre The Garden Mart Price Telephone (416) 668-4506 beachsand$:9-s Ope 7Das Wek - limestone screenîngs I$9-8 To reserve your place at this tournament 3/4" crushedimestoe :. Prnia lw Please mail cheques to 1625 Dundas St. Westcucirvl 4" pots -* reg. $2.49WhtbCam rofomec Whity 68*8901- rci ric chis tt~e Th Mai PlceBox 268, Whitby, Ontario LiN 5S1 hiobeed9ht'totirnlocal nffftlfos. Members and non-members are invited fIee prcesoargd'atmoa locl ~to take part in this special event WE'IR ERHIGFRAOER F GOLD Selflessness. Willingness. Understanding. Qualities yau may see in sameone yau know. Somneone wha goes aut af his or her way -ta make yaur community.a better place ta live. Air Canada, in partnership with your camm~itynewspaper, would like ta salutç r thes§e individuals wla bring sa much ta you r cammunity. That's why wécr~atd P>,rCanada's "Heart af Gald" Award. i Now's the time ta speak out an behalfaofthese individuals. Make yaur naminatian for Air Canada's "Heart of Gold" Award today. lt's time we ail said thanks. Complete the farm belaw and include a note, or letter, giving the special reasons why you feel the persan you 're ominating makes yaur community a better place ta, live. Mail it ta, this newspaper care of Air Canada's "Heart of GoId" Award. WHITBY FRE E PRESS, 131 Brook St. N. I Box 206 Whitby LiN 5S1 F - - - - -- - - - - ---- - - Air Canada's l'Heart of GoI d" Award in partnership with your community newspaper My nominee for Air Canada's "Heart of Gold" Award is: Your name: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Telephone # Nominee's name: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Tlephon~ e Nominee must be 19 years of age or over. AIR CANADA L - - - ---- ------ ---- - t.' i I - -