The former Whitb y Publie Librgry building will soon undergo renovations. Former lib ra ry to be restored The new owner of the old Whitby Public, Library building plans to restere the structure "to it former grandeur." Nancy Miskin, who bought the building from Peter Tselios for $450,000, wants to remove th e false ceiling and' restore the original. ceiling inside the building which was Whitby's library from 1914 te 1973. It was used as a Canada Manpower office until 1985. "Unfortunately the federal government did not show the building the respect it deserves," says Miskin. "" They badly damaged the beautiful 13-foot high , upper ceiling by suspending 'a typically boring false ceiling belowi*," Dave McLean of Whitby Refiýshing will restore the original oak doors and trim inside the building. Landscape -architect, Henry Kortekaas- will plan exterior improvements which include a wrought iron fence around the building. He says the landscaping should be "subtle" so as not to detract from the beauty of the building itself. Minor repairs will be made to the main entrance area and, at some future date, the overhanging roof which originally hung over the side entrance to the property will be replaced. Miskin's husband, Murray, will relocate bis law office in the Iower level of the building, starting April 5.- A wheelchair rarnp wiIl be installed. There is as yet no occupant for the upper floor but Nancy Miskin hopes for a tenant who "will make a cultural contribution te the Town of Whitb3r." June 9, 1988, marks the 75th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the old library building. Whitby counicillor Tom Edwards will be acting mayor for the ceremoniy in the absence of Mayor Bob Attersley who will be in Europe-.. It will be a grand occasion *with period costumes, streamers, a band and probably too many speeches," says Miskin. Canada Post agreement reviewed The Town of Witby is going to take a second look at its agreement with Canada Post regarding community mailboxes following a recent Ontaro Municipal Board (0MB) decîsion. The decision gave two Pickering residents a five per cent reduction in their property taxes because they lived close to a community mailbox. According te councillor Joe Bugelli, one of the reasons for reviewing *the agreement is te determine who will pay for a reduction in taxes, - Canada Post or the community. The Town and Canada Post also disagree as to who lias ttie final say of where a community mailbox will be placed. M Both the Town and Canada Pos-t want -to establish the location for the boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ............ . . . . . . . . ........... EIDICAL SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . M SUPPLIES ýZýîw4 Home Care Supplies " RENTALS " SALES " SERVICE WHEEL CHAIRS OSTOMY SUPPLIES BACK SUPPORTS E †*~ . * . . . * * . . . . . . . . M e e e HOME OXYGEN SERVICE 111 KING ST E TOWN 0F WHITBY PARKS AND RECREATUON DEPART MENT SPRING AND SUMMER BROCHURE HAS BEE.N. MAILED.' IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED IT OR FOR MORE INFORMATION, TELEPHONE 668-7765. w , M.,. WHTBY FREE PRESS, 'WEDNESDAY, MARCH.16, 1988, PAGE 21 Shortage wasni' overnight >FROM PAGE 6 Look at the fédéral Conservative government; Mulroney, Scott Fen-' neli, Michael Wilson's caîl for cut- backs in federal transfer payments to the provinces (federal funds are used in provincial health care, welfare, and educatio n) became a reality. Now Mulroney wants to spend $12 billion on nuclear- powered alternatives'and increase demand in further health and education funding throughout -Canada. The Tory committment to univer- sal access and social opportunity that guided public spending until 1975 has been seriously eroded. The response of Ontariô during' the Davis-Miller era had followed neo- conservative ideologies in the U.S. and Great Britain. Public respon- si bility in some areas was pagsed on to commercial and religious in- terests, while the poor were falling through the cracks in our social * safety" net. The high cost of OHIP premiuxfs makes health çare incr easingly. ex-, pensive, to moderate-incomne families and single aduits. Ontario, along with two other provinces, con- tinues to use health premiums in- stead of general tax revenue to finance h ospital and medical ser- vices. So we Ontarioans havebeen paying more in taxes and health premiums, and we get inrern inadequate facilities such as Whitby General Hospital 'and Whitby PsychiatricHospital _(before and af- ter 1985). While rriost appreciate the help and leadership role Stephanie Bal has given In the cafllpaign for more activé ca 're beds for Whitby, it was her party that caused the whole. - mess in the first'-place, flot the, Liberals. Now I don't like the way the health minister Elinor Caplan is treating this issue, have to give credit to the Peterson Liberal goverrnent, especially the Liberal- NDP accord 1985-87, .for extending further funding grants. to specialized hospitals like Princess *Margaret Hospital and Sick Kids in Toronto and but yes, Whitby should receive its fair share. EdSawdon,, Oshawa Br'eakmnat Hopkins busin'ess Nothing was'stolen- after- Dur- hamn Regional Police reiponded to an* alarmnat Swish Maintenance at 1501 Hopkins St. at 2:46 a.m. Monday morning, March 21. Police, say entry. was gained through a storage door but a search showed no one was in the building. ilection renced credit 0 p tiirne basis.- egula artý Hir Pýe ýujar or part'& 90 âS on a ýr rranianager on a reg THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY, iD0FRUAHM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice considering that the Regional Municipality of Durham is AN APPLICATION TO AMEND.THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAI PLAN The amendment, as submitted by the applicant, purposes two (2) non-farm residential building lots within the site indicated on the map below:__ _ In order to assist in the evaluation of the amendment application, the public is invited to provide input by way of submissions to the Region's Planning Department. Information related to the amendment application is avilable iln the offices of the Pl anning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3 or by calling Mr. Neil Hendersori Planning Depart ment, (416) 668-7731. Submissions concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to the Commissioner of Planning, at the above-noted address, and must be received no later than Frîday, Aprîl 22, 1988. Please' include your address and telephone number in any submissions made. File No. 88-019/D. Marie Hubbard Chjairnîa', Planning Committees Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning.