PAGE 1,WfIB FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy; MARMI 23J 1988Co n i or Say there'S no more eheap, h o usin g h ere Regional councillor To Edwards voted againsta subdivision at last week's couil a meeting because plans calledfo homes to be'bujît on35-fýoot lots. Ft)stà The. subdivision at Rosslan CRAFT & NRaER Garden had previously bee approved, but council Na M ~discussing the size bet;ween the homes. I don't see- this as chea housing and I will vote agains ttle it," said Edwards whohas opposed similar developments i a the past. N U R ETo illustrate bis point, Edward mP u sCOMPOSTED - WEED FREE hosade pdidaItecbc "it Try il once..You'fil agree i pays f0 buy t he besi' Natures richest organic plant food,pre. Bfened o ou spcîfiafins wf hcheffedtoncontainIs millions of bacteria ready to According to Edwards, a 45-fo inPLUS for a fhick healthy Iawn,,,dark green rîghf down to turn poor soils into living, productive soif oLiha ,2-q t oeo lSD" '011 ~ White Rose Qualltylo M O LU Our. reg "The 25-foot home is -cheape SÀ&VE3.è9 but, I hope no one claims that i accessible to . the *modern wae >1 O E R ' 2 0 g . S z e b g e a r n e r ," s a i d E 4 Iw a r d s . , WdummCoun*cillor Joe Drumm agree bags perwith Edwards 'that there is-n 19.9 ea 1 EEK ustme"cbeap bousing lanymore" but h Whit Ro-e-Fualty O LY!said that "toomany people in thi comniunity can't afford a 50-fo IRONPLUShome." Crabgrass Control Drumm said smaller lots. ë 1kg izbgWhite Rose smaller bouses. and lower prices. HORTICULTURAL MIX a~~1h apeiui 3 1Giant economy size expands to 6 cubic f eet. Soit- concerns about the one-metr DwEEOu rg.less mix for rootlng cuttings, starting seeds and ail space between homes. 2 3599 ourplatin neds.Couricil agreed to accept the Whit Ros Quaitydeveloper's suggestion that ther 85 be, 2.2 metres (7 feet, thre M ON LUS AVEinches) between homes OVER one-metre (3 feet, --., nches eOurreg. setback onoe id ad 20kg iz ag I$0-025.99 1.2-inetre (3 feet, il inches setback on the other side. The subdivision will consist o Our eg,42 detacbed homes on 35-foo Accent your fandscaping and keep down weeds lt,8 onos ada around frees and fiower beds wîf h atfractive nafurai prmetboc ossting of io HrîluurfImîîoM esif esmxfo pIu and decorafîve nuggeîs. more than 34 units. dressing fawns, siarfîng cuftinqs and germinating seeds -Weed Free - Dsease Free - nsect Free.__SAVE____Il SPRAY FLOWRS JUTUN Et . Doran O& m i urre i d! cou -r$t2s.00hOur reg. 1449.ea9eatr n APPLYNOW!SAVEEAS OR PNNIE STO E H URS: Not ail Furniture and Chemîicals available at MRFSASon. - Fr1. 9:OOam. - 9:OOpm. Scarborough, Etobicoke & Whtby stores. OPEN 7 DAYS A VVEEIK CRFs&muley St. & Sun. 9:0Oam. - 6:OOpm. O U SUNDAYS WHITBYOSHARWA 1243 Dundas St. E. 300 Taunton Rd. E. ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LASTW.o hcsnR. itn&Tatn WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTîTIES W.oThkonR. Rto&Tann SALE ENDS MARCH 31,1988. ' OPEN S.UNDAYS I.- ri -