WHrrBY FREE PRESS, WEI)NESDAY,.MARCH 16, 1988, PAGE 23 Two hity tamswin ingttetites The- Central Ontario Region Ringette League-held the regional championships last weekend and two Whitby teams placed first in their respective divisions. On Saturday Whitby petite B's, coached by Steve Nichols, defeated' Oshawa 13-1 and Ajax 9-5. In the final on Sunday, Witby.defeated Ajaxl2-4. Kim Guymer scored 10 goals for Whitby, Natasha Carter had eight, Stephanie Nichols a seven, Shannon Jones onîe, and Kimi Mathers, four, Kimn Finley had four assists. Sophie Simos wasaà standout in goal and the defense of Megan- Neilly, Katie Shearer, C hristy Gooch, and'Jen- nifer Harold was solid.* Whitby novices, coached by Nor- na Ainsworth, defeated Ajax 16-3 on Friday. On Saturday they won over Royale begins playoff -series With a 7-2 triumph in* a gaine last week, Hôtel. Royale completed their regular season sehedule with a first-place'finish and nom, begin playoff action, Royale, the only Whiýtby team in- Pickerings'sArt Thompson Men~s Hockey League, had a season record of 16 wins, two lossés and a tie, backstopped by Tony Micallef, the league's top. -Whitby, n ngette NOVICE Mar. 1 Whitby... 7 Oshawa.. Jennifer Henry <2) Andrea Babony (2) Jennifer Druminond Sharoly Wouters Nicole Prout Shutout: Angela Poland M ar. 4 Whitby.... 13 Leitrimn..2 Jennifer Henry (6) Andrea Babony <4) 'Nicole Prout (2) SharIlyn Wouters goalie. Royale finished on top in the ~eight-team B division and wil meet Kane in the playoffs to start Thursday. Last week,,Blair Gibson had two goals and an assist in the win over Saint Athletic. John Jordan, Dean SeYmour, Ron Mulligan, Wayne Middleton and Paul Heffer also scored for Royale. Mar. 5 *Whitby ... 15 N. Gloucester..1 Andrea Babony (8) Jennifer Drummond (3) Sharélyn Woutera (3) Jennifer Henry Whitby... 12 Ottawa... 0 *Andrea Babony (6) o Jennifer Henry (2) Callie Corneal 2) Jennifer Drmniond Nicole Prout Shutout. Angéla Poland Champlonship Gaine Mar. 4- 6 13 Otw . Whitby . 3 Otw .. Andrea Babony (5) Jennifer Henry (4) Sharolyri Wouters (2) Calle CoreaI Jennifer Drumniond Oshawa Il 13-0 and over Port> Perry, 14-0.1In thesemi-final on.,Sunday. they defeated Ajax 10S5 and in the final they shut'out Oshawa I6O Goalseorers were Andrea Babony wih24, Cryrstal Annis -with. il, Sharolyn -Wouters with 12, Calle Corneal with' three, Samantha, Sheppard. with four, Jenmifer Drummond with four, and Jennifer Penney with -one. Angela Poland was solid in goal, posting three shutouts in f ive games. The defense of Susanne Wisdom, Nicole Prout, Jennifer. Penney, and Catie Challoner was very strong in al games. the ýwhity m pr basebailiassciation Players wishing to wr out for a competitive representative rteam should submit a regular WMBA registration and also leave their name & number with the appropriate contact: TYKE Peter Heindch PEEWEE Dave meson BANTAM AI Baker MIDGET Gerry Hamess JUNIOR Sam Dempster 668-8972 668-9790 579-2260 66 8-4369 668-4298 Whitby Ioui Soccer Club is holding Outdoor Registrations Date: Saturday March l9th. Time:9:OO a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Place: Whltby Public Llbrary Fée: $45 per chlld $110 tamlly 3 or more Boys andi Girls Category -Age Year- born Shrlmp 6 1982 Squlrt 7-8 1981-1980» Atom 9-10 1979-1978 Mosquito 11-12 1977-1976. Pee- Wee 13-14 -1975-1974 Bantam 15-16 1973-1972 Junior SB .17-18 1971-1970 AIl soccer players must be, reglstered. -Representatlve Coaches Boys Phono 1979 - Sam Coppolino 668-9235 1978 - Ian Burns 668-7159 1977 - Doug Whyte 668-7483 1976- Ed Chung 668-1680 1975 - Tom Kelly 725-4943 1974 - Donald Allen 668-1886 Girls Phono 1974 - Jan Devries 668-0745 For furtherý information cati Chris Goode 668-4193 or Sam. Coppolino 668-923,J. or the club 668- 2009. 'f i