PAGE 22, WMITIY FREE PRESS, NEDNESDAY, MARCHý 16, 1988 Melien Mi noratoms-reach eA Ontario semi"' -final1 Whitby's minor atom 'hockey team continues te roll, albeit by the narrowest of margins,,i a bidl for a berth in the aiI-Ontario finals. Whitby's latest. victor was a 5-4 decision over London Satur- day that propelled, the team te the semi-finals against Kingston. The- win, in' London, 'gave Whitby a 3-1 win in 'the best-of-five series. Brian Lodge had thiree,goals* for , byVie a MNi and Steven Biais dddsingls London scored first in the gaebut Whitby came back ýwith,ý sets Ontario record at three unanswered goals including one o n a penalty shot by Biais. It was 4-2 for Whitby after the second period and after adding," one early in the third, Whitby held on to Win the game 5-4. .Whitby now meets Kingston who beat West HFlR to also advance to the semi- finals. Whitby previously faced Kingston this season, in the silver stick tournainent. Whlitby won that match 4-'. 1.Te ». sregt unýderway- odY, Wdedy March 16,- at 7 p.m. at Iroquois Park. Spring fishing promoted A dedicatedgroup of anglers is cooperating with the Ministry of Natural Resources in promnotin$ spr infishing east of Metro Toron- to. Trout and salmon fishing has become a popular summer and fail activity off the shores of Scar- borough, Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa. Where are those fish during the spring? Marion Daniels, a fishiees biologist at the Maple of- ficeoùfnatural Resources explains thatwhen trout and salmon fishing began in lake Ontario in the earlv 1970s'. "Nobody really knew where or when to fish, or what techniques would prove successful. The art of catching these f ish has since developed by trial and error and greatpýerseverance by aiglers." The idea of this progr am le te at- tract asÉ many anglers as possible to help develop a methodology for spriâjg-fishing east of Metro Toron- to.-Activities will be based from three ports on the last four weeken- ds'int; April. There will be a port coordinator at Bluffer's Park in Scarborough, Whitby harbor and Oshawa harbor. Anglers may pick up a data sheet from the coordinator in their area. Some of the information to be collected will be location, water depth, type of lure and species caught. When a completed sheet is turned in, that angler will be eligible for a draw prize donated by the On- tario Charter Boat Association'." DUANE PLAKMEYER, a member of the Cougars in-. door soccer league team, takes a shot during action at Leslie MacFarlane Sehool on the weekend. The Cougars won this game against the Whitby Free Press teamn4-2. swim meet Lori-,Melien setý an- Ontario- high school record and Derek Phillips also had a .first-place finish in the recent OFSAA-swim meet in Toronto. Melien,,from Anderson CVI, won the 100 backstroke event in one minute, three seconds, missing ber personal best. by three-tenths ,of,.a- .second, but easily estâblishing a, new high school standard. She also swam to second place in the 100 fly and joined Heather. Armitage, Jody Walmsley and. Michelle Primeau to finish second -in the open'gris'medley*rela:y. ArMitage had an eight-place finiish in the 50 freestyle. Derek Phillips, from Henry Street High- School, , collected, a, gold medal in the 200 freestyle and a silver in, -the,'100 backstroke. His sister Tracy also'captured a 9,61d with a first place finish in the 200 freestyle. She also had a fifth in 200 breaststroke. Julie Leswick" had -a' second p1ace~ ~ ~,,in -the 50, retl,,elQ frestyle.- Badminton club wins six divisions in BeIleville The Whitby Y Badhinton Club had one of its best. showings of the season winning six divisions at a tournament- in Belleville March 4 and 5. Prom the Whitby club, in individual competition, Hilda Danforth won the ladies' singles and Bill Stacy won mnen's singles. In doubles' competition, Rosemaxy Chu and Sharon Bennington won the ladies with another VWtby tram, Eileen Hibbs and Hilda Danforth, THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITB~Y In the Regional Municipality of Durham TÈHE TOWN 0F WHITBY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT WISH TO ADVISE THE FOLLOWING RATES WILL TAKE EFFECI APRIL ISI, 1988. PUBLIC SWIM ADULTS $1.75 CHILDREN $1.00 SENIORS $ .50 YEARLY $80.00 10 PASSES /$12.00 10 PASSES /$ 8.59, 10 PASSES / $ 2.25 QUARTERLY $40.00 SWIM LESSONS ADULTS $34.00 SEMI-PRIVATE $,15.00 CHILDREN $34.00 R.L.S.S. $40.00 POOL RENTAL p37.50/HOUR, runner-up. Paul Bennington and Gexie Chu of Whitby won -the menWs while Danforth and Stacy teamed to capture the mixed doubles. Cathy Yan and Pat Street of Whitby won theladies' doubles conisolation while Mark' Sfreet and Joe Campbell >er runners-up in the rnen's doubles consolation., j' i. 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