PAGE 18, WMITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16,1988 The, operat ion- as related by ,7-year-old Lindsay Sizes: infant to size 14 Brand Names * Kricketes /*Dr. Denton MSaturday 9 - 4 Lindsay, Newman, 7, a Gr. 2 student at. Palmerston public school, wrotc the following about her tonsillectomy operation in February: When I first went to the Owhawa Gencrel Hospital I was starving because I couldn't have any fluid in my body after midnight. But whcn the nurse told me about the playroom my hungars disapered. So I got to play in the playroom until the nurse called me. When I went to sec the nurse she gave me a hospital gaon and a braclet with a secrut number on it. The size of the gaon (gown) was extra large (It was a bit big.) The nurse said that a man was going to take me to the secend floor soon. The secend floor is the operating floor and only docters, nurses and patints are allowcd on it. Soon before we could finish the story about Reji the man came and.called my name. I hopped onto the wheelchair and went to the big elivater. There was a, lady on a bed* 50 I smiled at her and she smiled back. Soon we were on the secend floor I read an owl magazine until it was time for'the big operation! When the nurse called my name 1 was whceled down the hall and into a big roomn with funny little machines on the wall. I was lifted onto a big operating table then the nurse gave me a intervanese but it didn't work because I didn't breath in anofe so I had another one. An intervenese is a littie prick on the hand like a mosquito bite only you half tobreath in and out. After that I feil asleep. The last thing I remember was the nurse putting tape on me. The operation was undcrway! Whcn I woke Up tears were streaming down my eyes and my throat hurt more than ever. The nurse asked me if I cried like that in school I tried to talk but couldn't. So I just shook my head no. Soon after I stopped crying I was taken for a ridé in the bcd down to the first floor agamn. My mom was sitting in a chair waiting for me my dad had to go to pick Up David at his frend house. When the nurse askcd me what I would like and she gave mc a chase (choice) of coke ginger aie. and sprite. I was going to say coke but mom said ginger aie. Al I wan- LINDSAY NEWMAN. recails her tonsillectomy operation. Free Prcss photo ted to do was sleep but I had to be, woken up cvry 15 minines and for a dri nk in a littie doses and evcry hour for some awful rcd liqcd (liquid) tylynal But then it was timne for the room I was in toclose I was lifted on to the wheelchair and into another room with a girl named Emily. She had her tonsils out too Emlly 'soon got to go home whcnI herd the word homie my fverwcnt up andlI started tocry I might have had to stay over- night but luckly I didn't my mom went to get my grandfather who workcd at the hopital for a ride home but shie dldn't have to because he was rlght around the corner., I got dresed and a boy came and put me in a wheelchair and I was wheeled out to my grandfathers sationwagon, and -went mnside. When .1 got home my grandfather went out for fish & chips of corse I couldn't eat. I had to drink. I asked my mom when it was time for my presnt and she got< it down. It was Elkie, one of the hot looke and I was extra good so I got a Sylvanian rabbit familly. Soon my granparents had to leave 'and. my brother David and my dad came in shortly aftcr David got a mask (he really liked it). But when it-was time to go to bed I had to slcep, in my parents room, and had to be woken up again. The next day my brother went to school but mydad stayed home- again. I didn't go to school because the scab hadn't fallen off. My dad went ont to get a few botties of pop he came back with a mllyond bottles of pop! Therc was ginger aie, sprite, coke, orange crush, grape crush cream soda and many many more. I had todrink ginger ale every 15 minâtes for two hole days. »(I got sick of ginger aie) My dad also got soft foods and yogurt and ap- plesause. He also got the movie "Crocodile Dundee". I got lots- of presents like Romona the pest and poster art and small bears busy day and the flopsy bunny'. I got lots of cards and a note from my gran- mother. I'm glad IPm not sick anymore TheEnd Estate lots' planned ii north Whitby Whitby council will let the j. o objm etiono 30erhamk t esidnoa obji ecion o30Durha kidnowi  bu.dâgcmeu lots being built on the north side __________________________________________of Brawley Rd. E. north of -Leu Booklin The lots have been proposed by Neal Grandy and wlll be serviced by individual wells and septie tanks. 0 During discussion on the Tnatter, councillor Joe Drurm pointed, out that the Town does not have a policy on what size an estate lot should be. 'We fly by the seat of our pants on this. We also have no policy on the number of estate lots allowed in a year or, for that 1625 Dundas Ste VWest, 'Whitby 668«810 SOPTIMIST CLUB 0F BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Invites everyone to their lst spaghetti supper 5:30 to 8:00 Sat. March 19, 88 at St. Thomas Anglican Church Corner of Anderson & Wichester, Brooklin TicketS $3. Chlldren $5. Aduits Avallale a - 655-3306 76 Baldwin St. matter, on the number oi homes allowed in a year," said Drumm. But councillor Joe Bugelli argued that the market should dictate estate lots. 'We shouldn't put numbers- on it," said Bugelli. Council's recommendation now goes to the Region for approval. Society sponsors course Under the direction of .professional horticulturallst Ken Brown, Uic Brooklln Horticultural Society is sponsoring a "Landscape Design Course" for the home gar- dener. The course is hcld for four Mon- day evenings in April starting Mon- day, April' 4 at the Burns Presbyterian Church In Ashburn. This course is a practical four- session program that is designcd to appeal to thc home gardener who is interested in iearning more about plant materials and iandscape treatments. The design and im- plementation of plans for both ncw gardens and renovations to established gardens will be discussed. The cost is $30 for members and $35 for non-members. To register or to obtain further information cali Margaret Davis at 655-4825. The general meeting of the Brooklin Horticutural Society will be held at Uic Brooklin United Chur- ch on Wednesday, March 23 at 8p.m. The guest speaker for Uiis meeting is Trevor Ashbce who is Uic president of the Canadian Rock Garden Society. lie wil speak on al aspects of rock gardening. At the same meeting a special sale of exotie sumnier flowering bulbs wil be for sale at very attractive prices. Visitors arc welcome and there is no charge to attend Uic meeting, MARCH SPECIAL OFFER! PAT AU 1 '1l tUBE VALUE SPECTACULAR CASE IH Lubricants are your choice for superior quality. Huy CASE 1H LubrÎcants naw for spectacular. value! HUB INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT LTD. Box 189, Brooklin, Ontario LOB iCO (416) 655-8401 or 655-4401 Business Hours, 1988: Moni. to Fri. - 8,arn- 5:30 pmj, Sat. 8 arn - noon.