WMTlBY FREEPRSS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16,1988, PAGE.1 .Ju n ior Achievers display, produets at 'open hous>e-, Junior Achievement, (JA) of Oshawa/Whitby staged its annual open house on 'March 8 at the Mlchael Starr Building, Oshawa. Each of this year's five JA com- pantes displayed the produets they have been making since the programbeganlastOctober. Combined together, the five produçt ideas are theresuit of the imagination and efforts -of bigh school students' W organize and operate their own smail companies overa26-weekperiod. Under the guidance of advisors from Bell Canada, Duplate of Oshawa, General Motors Car Assembly Plant and Fabrication Plant, and The Ontario Ministry of Revenue, JA achievers formed five small businesses. Each company eleted a board of. directors, chose a produet, decided on a name, produced the produet, and then displayed them to the publie. Students are i'ecruited through an audio-visual presentation from surrounding hia.h schools. Since JA was first inaugurated'in Canada ini the mid-1950's (having started li the U.S. in 1919),.more than 220,000 graduates of. JA programs have jolned, the natlon's workforce with-a deeper understan- ding of the free enterprise system. For further information on JA cal Barbara McCormick, coordinator community relations, Ministry of Revenue, at 433-5781, or Rebéeca Mundy, Student Public Relations Consultant, at 725-7272 or 576-0210 (ext. 372). 1 The Whitby Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) will begin a campaign in - April Wo encourage businesses to keep uniform late hours on Thursday and Friday nights. Stu Craig, BIA manager, says onq of the most common complaints by residents is that stores aren't open in.the evening when it is convenient for many residents tW shop. The cainpaign, to begin Apil 6 in Whitby, has proven successful in other Southern Ontario communities,.he says. Craig learned that in Kingston, where the campaign was also held, late hours were beneficial when ail, and not some, merchants participated. He adds that flot ail Whitby merchants may find it "practical or realistic" to stay open Thursday or Friday nights but that non-retail members of the BIA wilI receive better exposure from the increased pedestrian traffic. "We do not expect 100 per cen t participation immediately," states Craig li a letter to BIA members. "That is not how the campaign works. The idea is, as weeks go' by, merchants who may flot be sure, will see how successful the program bas become, and will want to be a part of it."'% Town 's newest medical clinic opens Whitby's newest medical clinic recently opened at the Kendal- wood Plaza, a "fantastic" location, according to president Williamr Chapp. Its a neighborhood-based centre," says Chapp of The Doctor's Office, the tenth and now most easterly walk-in medical care centre to be established and managed by Health First Inc. since it began two years ago. Most Health First clinics are located in the Toronto area, but the next wiIl open in Sault Ste. Marie. Chapp says the Kendalwood location is convenient and easily accessible tW neighboiing Tes- idents., H1e says there is a trend toward walk-in medical care. centres because they offer "instant response" Wo patient's imniediate needs, including,.minor orner- gencies, thus avoiding two to flve-hour waits genorally roquired at hospital emergency rooms. The centres also bonofit doctors, he says, allowing them. W concentrate on the practice of modicine without having to' bother with the administrative and business aspects of a practico. Hoalth First - cn., which bas grown from five Wo 130 employoes, hires a medical secretary so that "We do the management and business end," points out Chapp. Dr. Don Androw, originally from Toronto but rocently arrived from Nova Scotia where ho was in practico, will bo chief physician at The Doctor's Office where there are throe to four doctors to see patients. The clinic is open overy day of the year, 8 a.m. Wo 10 p.m. wooekdays and 10 a.m. Wo 6 p.m. woekonds and holidays. Chapp also assures that Hoalth First fInc. is committod to the Kendalwood location, having a 20-yearlease.-1He adds there are also plans for another cinic in the Oshawa-Whitby area. Dowtow Whe bY,0 L GOLDEN GAIE, PFl RETAURANT CHIES FOD UFETDAL (Salad Bar Included) BIG FEAST IN LITTLE CHINA (more than 50 items to choose from for dinner) Dine in and take away service. 107 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY (MO 668-2222 FINE HANDMCRAFTED FUBRNITURE AND UNIQUE GIFTS We specialize in: Custom Woodworlcing Reproduction Antique Restoratione Design 114 Dundas Street, East, Whitby (entrance on Perry St.) 4V" :683-1800 Moving Io a NEW LOCATION. Ail stock greatly REDUCEDI 4:macc/Xf dl' -P : FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY LTD. *ANTIQUES *NO.DIP RESTORED STRIPPING OCUSTOM REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY *REFINISHING A large selection of Victorian parlour furnitureé available 413 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5481 the officiai Olympie retrospective for A liinited number of copies are now in stock. A good gift idea. Bring in your Petro Canada Share the Flame coupon and receive $«57.00 off. 103A Mary St. W. Whitby Pearson Lanes 430. -1642 BIA encourages stores to keep uniform late hours ........... m ffl . 1