WHFMY FPUE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16. 1988, PAGE,9 Works,.committee recommends fuli hearing into landfill.,sitie The Region of Durham's works committe. has endorsed resol- utions from the Towns of Ajax and Pickering callingfor an Enviromnental Assessment Act hearing (EAA) to be held should a waste iandfil site for Metro- politan Toronto bo located in Durham Region. The resolutions are in response te Metro's attempt te be exempted from an EAA hearing. Metro wants any hearing to be held under- the Environmental Protection Act which is Iess stringent. - An EAA gives people the widest possible protection. it includes ail,. aspects of the environment," -said Bll Paishl, presidont of Pickering-Ajax Citizens Together (PACT). Ho said Metro's failure 'te go through an EAA hearing is just "fast track approvoment."1 "To ask for anything other than -an EAA hearing wouid be an inju'stice," said Pickering councillor Bob Mitchel. But some, councillors ques- tioned, the endorsement. * "If we, do* this now, what about whien o ur tixne cornes (for -a hcaring)?," asked Oshawa coun- cillor Pauline BeI. 'What are we going te say ý te, ourselves. Are- wegoing te stick by this?" said Beal.' "As responsible -eiected people we should submit te an EAA hearing,"' replied Newcastle councillor Diane Hamre. "If we bypass it (EAA hearing) and ten years down the road there is a .problem, I don't want my name on the. list of decision-rnakers. Letfs quit. lookring foran- answer te, a quick solution," said Hlamre.' The committee areed t endorse the resolutions. Regional council ,-will dAeal with the recommnend-ation on Wednesday, ,March 23.., Edwards, opposes -Metro s ite in region FROM PAGE 1 ,politician attended the meeting. "We are dealing with Metros plan. Someone should have been there. Even a designato. "That really bugs me. This is just dragging on. It is a waste of time in a way. I go te, this thing and listen thon corne away from it thinking what is ail this for." Emm is the Durham repre- sentative on the SWEAP committee which, according to Emm, is just a means for Metro te, say. it bas looked at ail the options when it appears before an environmentai assessment hearing on a new dump site. Hosays if Witty's motion passes, Durham wiil have to form its own SWEAP committee te look at options. "We would aiso be iookcing at a SWEAP committee and that couid put us weii behind Metro," says Emm. Ho is not sure if an assessment board would accept the MacLaron report as- readily as it wouid a SWEAP committee's report which is comprised off politicians, environmentalists and waste* handiers. Whitby's third representative at the Region, Mayor Bob Attersley, says he wants more information on the matterbefore making a decision. It sounds reasonabie but we would have to deai with where it is going te ho. I want te ' have more of a look at the matter," says Attersely. Ho says ho la worried that if Durham does decide te go on its own there would ho two waste disposai sites in Durham, onie for Metro and *ocne for Durham. Pickering-,Ajax Citizens Toget- her for the Environment (PACT) are encouraging a large turnout by residents at the March 23 meeting of regionai council and want council te demand an EEA hearing on whatever sites are narned by Metro. Approvalfor study on. waste options FROM PAGE 1 selling the energy generated by incineration. But in 1985, MacLaron found no customers in the region for that onorgy. -MacLaron will look 'at' the availabilty of, ýcustomers teday should incineration ho recom- mended. MacLaron wiil aiso look at incroasing the Region's role in recydling. The Durhamn Recydling Centre now recycles 12 per cent of',Durham~s waste. MacLaron will look at raising that level to 20-25 per cent. During discussion on the recommendation, councillor Tom Edwards noted that a staff recommendation indicating Heber Down -as: a possible short-term site, wouid be impractical.. It doesn't mako economie sense te use Heber," said Ed- wards. Heber Down is contained in the work's report as a possible short-term site for landfill. Regional chairman Gary Herrema teid Edwards there is no "active, pursuit" of- the Heber Down site. Council voted 18-6 in favor of hiring MacLaron. Those opposed te the hiring were Pickering Mayor Jack Anderson and Pickering counciliors Bob Mitchell, Bey Morgan (Who bas replaced Norah Stoner, now Durham West MPP) and Alex Robertson, Oshawa councillor Brian Nicholson and MacLean. 1 - WAS M STERMar.16- BAHURYar. 20 ~ <Ifli.EXTRA TO Egg nreau - .uu9 5 FREEZE AND Raisin Bread.- $1.25 EAT LATER (Whitby store only) per loaf 1380 HOPKUNS 666-.1177 .Open 7 Days a Wee ,k wri K -Mart Plaza SLïh o Wed.:7 amn- 9prn, 723-4538 Aftr 4pm. -MARCH SPECIALS. 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