Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1988, p. 29

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THS eSNT NIKA D N ORITAKE cna sae. Tril etc.,bspckyyou NofTKE atrn Bname & anumbr. end s tmpedself A shexande itr's e ork xprs (416)764.2. (lip&save).TrBfi CHESiTy eiERED suiesloveséea,n suetiorals, ls thpn'gait pice Large seecti ourn. McKe ateFurne 524 S&nmoer.Se t. S., Osawa. Phoness725-5181. nelpeto '3 A YNdER'sTc, oquk etrtdge 1982Wetin Vovo's aft cRaichF comdpal1, Trotub, manytras, 1Ex- (416)7-7674 C 1p ae. B CoETtaERIELDrsuihoe, loffice, e raciams, unporchrany hard ta heat Lare.Free de..menstatin Ph.Ji Marihon at568313. N32NE PIERC nquestdinbIgeo sui2t,186 ntique doaftck ingood worlln condition. CPhone19)666-261. lnteOFrestein SAENS endfor FRtaeE,88 agler6Othomanniered aon aresuplies c a adtouet: Dominionree dose, Det. 888if Gorgeow n t. L7G-4A28. MATTESES andbox sprngs atm sute SOFA anthirsco l gooddtn $8.or besndtioffer.Pone 7628-124 Mn ALEn sRuppmainsupptlige ne Wrmiitfornfreed pric, e t tins8n GotwnMnt.8(70)472.331.B S BE E AY saty boe s isize7V worn tice. MNKe $5563, iI sei for $35.00. SOne aw666-3567. 25 SOacchairs, ron o abcodtfor $8.0 cottage $15,00fPoeery8hing0 Phn898anytime. a5% UCE xcqupepti onaicndi, ton $30,000or 1987 HIc sTACHi Uo9 crawleSr xcavatore70% UC 11/4Bard.e tOnt. POT418MO7 Days7(807)3854- DE AY ld chics 2 variete fbrow rEdyToRIypLDets.himentbyar- Bonine's.V.hick aptchro. Boxh 154hEaira,on ot.blZ6. (19) 669 boters$99.0ae banr eetivers wibt remtextr$385yand rop. LNA' $150 up.iNxtcokin.ay3hippin. tuppe EOt On1 O (204s453-736.54B 0,N hTRN07)OD4TREE2. Bl fashiond apis, par, aiot, ron oef ae seedIîngs. Gua inranted deivey MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots $15* Send $3 for catalogue (Relmbursement l1st or- *der). Mlltary Surplus, Box 243, St. Tlmothee, Quebec. JOS iXO. B 1981'HONDA CIVIC, excellent con- dition, hatch back,'highway mleage, certif led $1,900.00 -or best offer. Phone 576-3971 after4 p.m. 1979 BLAZER Cheyene, 4 x 4, p.s., p.b., rebu lit 350 Corvette engine, winch, 3" body lift, 35" mudder tires, certlfled November '87 $6,000.00. Phone 668-5040. CORRECTION Feb. 24edition of Whitby Free Pressi '84 Toyota Tercel Prîce should have read $5,595. CERT. A. EWING AUTOMOBILE INC. roc2St-N.48 htb 146 Bro427-3482Whtb CHIP WAGON 28 ft. 1973 GM bus. FulIy equipped. 3 sinks, hot water heater, 2 fryers, large grill steamer, freezer, fridge. Many extras. Fully operational business. $12,000. Offers considered (705) 342-5327. B 1979 VOLARE, excellent running condition, excellent body, excellent interior, auto., p.s., p.b., certified $1,350.00 or best offer. Phone 666- 3912 anytime. FOUR 13 inch Honda wheel rims $50.00. Phone 666-3426. 4 THREE MONTH OLD BF Goodrich tires on chrome rims (15"~ hub). 2 - P295150 R15 and 2- P225170 R14 asking $80000. Phone 666-2109 or 668-5040. ARE YOU having trouble getting auto insurance because of age, poor drlving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2690. $ LIQUIDATION $Builings priced for immediate disposai. All Items in stock. 30x4Oxl4 $3,800; 40x6Oxl4 $5,990; 50x80 $11,260; 70xl2O $27,900. Varous sizes avalilabie Up to 120 ft. wîde. Factory direct clearance. Serlous buyers only. Ail buildings priced for Immediate delîvery. Call toul free 1-800-387-2115, or 1-416-858- 2446. B BUILDING SPECIAL CLEARAN CE. 20 x 24 - $2,400., 24 x 24 - 82,700., 28 x 36 - $4,000., 32,x 36 - $4,400., 36 x 34 - $6,500., 40 x 60 - $8,200. Phone 985- 7930. MIRACLE SPAN ail steel buildings left over tram international machinery show at superb savings. Calil toli free 1-800-668-5111. B METAL BUILDINGS -Winter Works Special - HeIp keep factory busy durîng slower winter. months - save thousands avoid upcoming price increase - lîmited steel ploneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896 24-hours. * .B PUBLIC AUCTIN! WED, MARCH 23mnoÂMoA VeryModem ChSooate Enrobing Plant Fomely tCADBURY CANADA 16100CHAMPLAIN AVENUE WHITBY, ONTARIO-CANADA PLANT PHONE: (416) 576-9744 This Modern Eaeility Produccd Candy Bars & Mouldcd Chocolate Canidies on (7) Production Uines and Includes: (4) Bindier Chocolate Moulding lants - (3) Crunchie Bar, Wafer Snack & Wunidcrbar Candy Bar LUnes Complete with Enrobcrs, Cooling Tunels & Ilackfng Convey- ors* Caranmcl Cook Roorni wlth 1i ti- sella Cookcrs, Stainicss Kttics & Tanks & Waukesha Pumpsa Complete 180,000 Lb. Cap. Sugar & Flour Silo Systcm wth Bendcr & Puivcrizcr **[3u1k Cocon Butter & Cocoa Powdcr Proccssing Systeme (25) Laite Model Wrapping Machines lneluding Sapai 1313, SIG CK, FMO 1300 & Camipbell 2W-S e (13) Choc- olate Storage Tanks: 48,000 & 58,000 Lb. Cap., Most with Load Celis - Chocoate Melters Teniper- Ing Units & l'unps e Maiterial 1 land- ling EFq Ipmentilncludes Over 1,500 Et. of rive-la P'allet Shelvlng (3) Autôrnatie Stretch Wrappers (3) Raymnond Eleetrie Lo)ng Rcach Fork- Iifts e llus Trernendous Arnount of Misc'llaneous Plant Equipmient In cluding: Staiinlcss Tray WVashe-rse Goring Kerr Mcil D 1etectors e Joy Air Conîpressors * Rapistan Case Cosiveyor Systirn * Lb FurnIturee Scales -Shiop Equipuintt & Newv Spare 'Parts * inspctiott: Mon & Tue. Marchi 21 & 22. q Io 4 pint or i irlir Hy Appointrio,.oî RABIBROHERS RABINBRTHRSAUTIOERSAAPRISR 660 THIRD STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF, 94101 TELEPIIONE. (415) 543-9500 FAX: 1415) 5432578 H & IRain. Auct1e6s--CAStat., Uc 5,191.192 AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit 399). Featurlng every week, an excellent selectlon of antiques, fine furnîture, glass, china, collectables, primitives, etc. So Join us every Wed. and participate ln one of Ontario's "TRUE" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Come see our great auction facility and conslgn your estates and collections, etc to us'for prompt professional service. "Con- signment& estate seliing our speciaity." KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416>)683-0041 AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and surroun- ding area love attending auction sales. Let them know about your nexi sale by advertîsing in the mosi widely, read pages in Whitby - The Whitby Free Press Classifieds!! Caîl: 668-6111l CORN ElLS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MARCH il at6:OOp.m. Local appliance dealer.goîng out of new appliance business. 4 almond Hot Point refrigerators (between 12.5 & 20 cu. ft.), 1 Englis aimond 15.5 cu. ft. refrigerator, four 30 inch aimond Hot Point eiectric stoves (2 self cieaning avens), 1 aImond Hot Point 24 Inch eiectric stove, 5 aimond Hot Point dryers, almond Hot Point app. size washer & dryer, Hot Point micro waves, Hot Point humidifiers, ail aboveappliances new. Aiso con- signed-« round oak pedestai table (with 5 leafs), 5 pc. dînette set, Wood Chief air tight stove, bed chester- fields, cedar chest, qty of cou ou iamps, walii docks, china and glass. DON CORN EIL AUCTIONEER RR 1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 12 at 6:30 p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn, 1 mile east of Enniskî lien. Excellent estate sale t ram Scarborough, highlighted by: modemn dîner, oak tables and chairs, enormous amount of lînnens and aid dîshes, appliances (washer & dryer),- and much more. Good estate sale. "The Friendly Auctions". STEVE LIPTAY & EARL GAUSLIN 263-8710 im Long &McQuade Musical .Instruments 445SImcoe St.S ,Oshawa (416)434-1612 For sales, rentaIs, service& financing when you need it> rnost.. OLO WRISTWATCHES WANTED . Mens onily - old Rolex and" Patek PhIlip w'rlstwatches wanted'.Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" rectangular wrIstwatches (25 years service), wlll pay $1000àand Up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toron- to, Ontario. M5A 1$2. B RADIO SHACK model 100, 102, 200. If you have one of these portable computers in good condition, which you are no longer using, Caîl Doug at the Wh it by Free Press, 668-6111. WATERFRONT COTTAGE FOR SALE. Ray Potts, Century 21 Gray- Munro Reaiity Inc'. (705) 743-7313 work or 745-7246 home. Peterboro area. VERY YOUNG m aie dog, mostly black wIth brown legs. Siim buiid, friendly and-misses his famiiy, FOUND around Columbus Road and Lakeridge (No. 23). Phone 655-3126 after5 pm. NIAKES IT MORE VISiBLE' Hours: Mon.thruFri.1O-'8, Sat.9-6 «2 B Y SPORTS e y40 9 IM EQUIPMENT LTD Lthm 980 Brock Road, South, Pickering 839-.5610' i WIDDI SCOMBSOFWESTBOROUGH ESTATE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARON l2at lOa.m. SHARP Kahn Auction Barn, Brook Rd. Pickering. Govenor Wlnthrop secretary desk ln Chippendale style, mag.-grand father dlock - carved oak cabinet, pair of finely carved tire side chairs, Chippendales gen- tiemnans high chest in mag., 9 pc. hand carved Loule style satin wood be droom suites, beautif ully Inlaid with rare wood, super quality Kranick Bach grand piano, excellent cond, qty. of crystal, sterling and china. lncluding Roayl Worster, Royal Daulton, Shelley, Wedgewood, Rose Medallion plates, pieces of soap stone, delft, Oriental lamp, silver plated tea service, large setting of sterling f latware.- over 90 pieces. lnlaid mag. catenberry table, wlng chairs, seveal mag. and wainut dining room suites, including a solid mag. 9 po. Chippendale style suite, Chippendale style partners desk ln solid mag., Oriental style camode, several Stiffel lamps, taîl solidbrass lamps, uphoistered Chippendale chair, several nice mirrors, Orientai spice jars, plus many unlisted quality Items, over300 ln total. WIDDISCOMBS0F WESTBOROUGH (613) 722-8321 V. til 1 . m M"

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