Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1988, p. 30

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PAGEl, WIDTBY FREE-,PRESSWEI)NESDAYMARÇ9' 2.1988 TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job' training with placement help Is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Ph~one Rodgers Sohool at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. B A CAREER IN TRUCKINQ. Transport' drivers needed., Now Is the time to train for your Ciass 'A license. For pre-screening Interview and job placement information, contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Train ing, Branpton. Phone 1-800-265-3559. ST. LAWRENCE River cruises. lt's now time to book your very ppecial 1988 vacation. Romantic cltlesr-the world famous 1000 Islands, the remarkabie International Seaway, and locks, Upper Canada Village, spec- tacular shorel Ines'and more. Spend 4 or 6 days, spring, summer or feul aboard the elegant Canadian Em- press, Diai-A-Brochure toilifree 1- 800-267-0M6. B PREE 188 Brochure on scenic Rideau & Trent Severn Canal cruises abord comtortabie cruise ship Kawartha* Voyageur. Write Ontario Waterway Cruises, RR No. 3, Peterborough K9J 6X4. (705) 748-3666. B FLORIDA, 10 Mobile Homes. Clear- water threebedroom mobile homes. Heated- pools, tennis, close to beaches and major attractions, children weIçome.(Lessthanmotel room>. 683-5503. LOS ANGELES, San- Francisco, San Diego from $259, Phoenix $195 Canadian funds Included taxes trom Detroit & Buffalo Cal 1-800-265-0900 or 1-800-265-9365 T & STours. B FLORIDA car rentaIs value trom $49.95 U.S. fundé, unlimited mleage, does not include CDW, PAl, taxes. Cali 1-800-265.090 or 1-800-265-9365 T &S Tours. .B PRAYER through application t0 the Holy spirit. Holy spirit, you who solve ail problemne, llght ail roade, so that i can attain my goal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget ail evlagainsi one and that ln ail Instan- ces of my lite you are wlth me. 1 want inthis short prayertothank you toral things asyou conf lrm once agaîn that i neyer want to be separated f rom you even In spite ot ail materlal Illusion. I wish to be with you ln eternai gîory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this for 3 consecutIve days, after 3 days, the favor requested wlli be granted, even If itrmay appear diff Icult. This prayer muELt be pubîished im- medlately after the tavor Is granted without mention ing the favor. Only your initIais shahl appear at the bot- tom. C. DATES GALORE: for ail agès and. unattached. Thousande of members anxious tf0 meet you. Prestige acquaintances caîl toîl f ree 1-800- 263-9163. Houri Noon tîlI 8 p.m. B DIETSI Hate dietin'g. Then diet oniy 3 daysýweekly and lose up to 10 poun- ds. Proven easy method. Your cost only $5.00. Sharlen Enterprises, Box 666, Watt ord, Ont. NOM 2S0. B ST. JUDE 0 Holy St. Jude apostie and Martyr, great In virtue and rIch In miracles, near Kinsman ot Jesus Christ, taitht ul Intercessor of ail who Invoke yourspeciai patronage Intime of need, to youI have recourse from thedepth ofrmy heart and.humbly beg to whomn God has given such great power to corne to my assistance. HeJp me on my present urgent petition, ln return i promise f0 make your name known and cause you to be ln voked. Say.three Our Father's, three Hall Maryýs and Glorias. Publication must be promnised. St. Jude pray tor, us and ail who invoke your aid. Amen. Thanks to St. Jude for a petition granted. This Novena has neyer been known to fail. Must be told tor nine consecutive days. j.c. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relationship-s. For help caîl AUBERGE Transition House for Womnen and children. Toîl Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-731 1. 'Contidentiality assured. WOWI itworksi Helsinki methlod by lImages. Guaranteed hair reg .rowth program or your money back. Easy et home application. Canadien distributors welcome. (604>. 534- 6350.1-800-663-6306. b BAHAI' FAITH. Walk ln My statutes for love of Me and deny thyselt that which thou desirest If thou seekest My pleasure. Phone 668-7653 or 668- 8665. school ON HAND recently to recognize Whitby's Kilehi Sai Judo Club as smoke-free was Cecil the Sè 'nsible Seal of the Durham Region Lung Association. With Cecil -are *club members Jeff Dusome (left) and Taki Kristanas, recent winners of the America-Canada judo challenge in their divisions. Freè Press photo F.M. HEARD Whitby's French immer- sion school, recently joined o ther schools i town as smoke-free 'and received a flag from the Durhami Region Lung Association. Gr. 6 teacher Anna Huston' (back, left), who was the chief promoter Wo men 's of a smoke-free stà*tus for the school, is shown with principal Pat Prentice and Gr. 6 students (fromû left) Meghan John- ston, Holly Alder, Brian McAdam-, Mark Bowlby, Ben Blanche and Rebécca Wills. Freeress photo You'II Be Proud As A. Peacock. Wîtb The-Buys .YQ11 Fînd -eton International Women's Day, Women's orgenizations and the Durham International Womnen's Merch 8, wiIl be celebrated in Whit- agencies are invited to participate Day Committee by calling Grace by by Durham Region women with and to display inf ormation about 786-2684, Bey 668-2513, or Sharon 668- music, information-sharing, and a their activities and services. 3024. participatory empowerment Displays should be set up prior to 7 workshop. p.m.L gaof rd The event begins et 7:30 p.m., Barbra Schlifer, a young Toronto L g laid fe d Tuesday, March 8 et the Whitby Iawyer, wes.sexually assaulted and Public Library auditorium. murdered on April. il, 1980. In her The Whitby Community.Infor- Dianne Mathes, executive- memory, her friends have creeted a mation Centre at 405 Dundes St. W.' director of the Barbra Schlifer holistic service to assist female vic- offers a legal aid clinic from 7 to 9 Commemorative Clinic, wiIl lead tims of sexuel esseuit, incest, p.m. thethirdTuesdayof themonth the two-hour workshop during physical abuse, by a spouse or September to June. The service is1 which women will share their ex- boyfriend, or sexual harassment on available to anyone and there is no. periences of violence, intimidation, and off the job. Clinic staff essist e charge. The clinic is not intended for or feer. Participants will explore woman to understand that violence in-depth legal counseliing, but brief their options* for emplowering happens to women because society information is provided about legal themselves and taking control of ellows it to; anid they support her ini problems and where.to obtain fur- theirlives.. understanding and cering f1or her- therassistance. The event begins et 7:30 p.m., self. Ceil the centieet 668-0652'or drop Tuesday, March 8 et the Whitby The clinic, et 188 Dupont *St., by- in person Ito make ane ppoin. Public Librery auditorium. Toronto, offers counselling, legel in- tment. The centrels hours are MoQn. Admission is free, though formation, assistance in laying' day-rFriday fromi9:-3oa.'-9 p.ml. donations wili be accepted to help charges,,guidence through the court andSaturdayfrom9Ïa.m -5p.m.< defray expensese nd tocontribute 'to process, and lawyer referraîs, Clients.receiveaprvt nen the Cinic!s work. Refreshments. within e safe, non-judgmental, and, fideh ial2-mlueponmn ýïhîd" caring environment. yJ1ýýab'o» orfuffi7 4"Coli Day to be heéld at "ibrary

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