Nu changesat Bokiï0f1r 4uimn daesip procauc~s to __q_ .;ITles..4 Ab aa1 T éh çn ffi T-ub International Eauiipmen- When Hugh Snoden purchased RobertVO. Heron'Ltd. on Nov., -1987, he dd' change a thing. "Th$ere'ý have been minor, changes but.:why fix ýsomething that bas been ýsuccessful," 1says Bud 'Ennis, the manager of Hub International, Equipment'.Ltd., tenewnane.of the business. Hub» selis Case-International Harvester equipm ent., inclucing tractors and v'arious other pieces of farm equipment. The business also seils Cub cadet and Canadian Iawn andt garden equipment. \",Bpgness bas been good- since we ý took over and the outlook looks even bettèr for.thefuture," says Ennis. who worked- for Eastern Farmn Equipmhent Ltd. in Guelph for 22 years. Ennis says new farm equipment bas beeni selling slower'than used equipmnent but that is- expected to change thi-s year now that farm éomhmodities are picking up. Hub is also going to add more Cha mber -membership i.s up Memberships for the Whitby Chamber ofCommerce climbed to 226 in:1987. Membership sales representative. Doug Henderson signed up 32 new .of lapsed members, ac cording to the chamber's most recent newslet- ter. that it la a dealership. M M fui1 ne ipase--H equipment service and*parts to it< business. t Ltd. fss. ocatedc at Winchester and ic.Thison Rd. in Brooklin. PLATIS SURFACIE FINSHERS CO. Ltd. T'HE EXTERIOR, AUTOýM'OTIV.E TRIM SOURCE Mn - . r.= III -' -r-- Il 97 1 TH-E FUTURE IN P.LASTICS 1125 Burns St E, Whitby «668-9377 -~-----~--- -,~--~-- - iE Carrier a M" :ir_- 7M llri V 1 ýj % ti m