PAGE ýA14, W}IITBYFREÊË PREÉSS, BuüiesShowcase-, WEDNtESDbAY, fEBRUA1gY2Ã4, 1iý NORTH AMERICAN STEEIJ Automation will meet expected sales increase PRODUT OE. Canon011CENTRE OFFICE EQUIPMENT IS "OFEEXCELLENCE" WVe*crytecmlt CANO Photocopiers Facsimile Units Typewriters Whiteboards Word Processors m iu.,% cf: Calculators Printers PHILIPS CODE-A-PHONE Dictation & Transcription Units Answering Machines OGIVAR Computer Systems TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Calculators 9 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 436-6363 Ltthe 8O býhTn KYQCERA Laser Printers Sh redders -STORE HOURS: Mon.- Fri. ,G E___9:0- 6:00 Aface onlya mudder could love. ibis face belongs to the Suzuki Samurai. An adventurous, free-spirited vehicle Iooking for a like- minded oWner. This supremely affordable 4 X 4 cornes equipped wvith flvespeed manual transmission, ail- season radiais and power brakes, which only goes to prove that one can be adventurous of spirit and fisèally responsible at the saine time. Corne face to face with this face at your Suzuki dealer SUZUKU SAMURAI $9,-995nOO DONNAN MOTORS 59Kingston Rdl. W. Ajax (crnerofHwy. i'No. 2 & Church St. Ajax) SALES HOURS: Mon. - Thurs 9 - 9 pm FrI.-Sat. 9--6 pm SERVICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 6 pm 428-2717 We are equi»ped Io service ail foreign& domestic vechicles L""ZJ'.0 With a workforce of 60 people, North Ameërican Steel Equipment Co. Ltd. produced $7 million worth of sales in- 1987, up fron? $5.5*million the year before. Located at 300 Hopkins St., the company manufactures steel storage equipment. North American Steel bas had three additions to its building since it moved to VWhitby from England in 1953. Today, the plant is 57,000 sq. ft. in size and bas 200 dealers across Canada. The North Anierican Steel dealer in Durham 'Region is Southern Sales. toWe manufacture steel shelves, lockers, cabinets, any sort of storage equipment," says vice-president Ralph Fabricius. While the company selîs Canada-wide, Fabricius says 10 per cent of its business is in the United States.; That is expected ta cehange under the free trade deal between Canada and the United States. "That deal is going ta, do two things for us. One, we will be pushing for more sales in the United States. And, two, we will have equal competition from companies' in the states," says Fabricius. Fà bricius -. expl&uned that similar companies tu North American Steel in the United States pay a tariff -of between 13 and 15 per cent on their producta when thley export ta Canada. Simiularly, North Axnerican Steel pays a tariff when it exporte products ta the United States. 1Under free trade that tariff will disappear within five years. So to meet the expected increaseý in sales ta the United States and ta be able tu compete more competitively, North Amercian Steel will be automatlng their production, accordlng ta Fabricius. "Within five years we should be automated and,, as well, we will be reducing our product range." Fabricius explained that now, North American Steel will accept custom a rders. Under automation, the company will not be offering many options. "We will be lesse specialized," says Fabricius.. Unfortunately, as the company turns to automation, Fabricius says jobs will belost. He could not say how many jobs" will be lost. Workers at North American Steel belong ta the United Steelworkers Union. Pizza bsin es to -expand to Ajax When Don Crupidecided ta take the family pizza business east of Toronto, he opened in Whitby inthe fail of 1986 as the first of bis Durham Region locations. He's still on track as a second Crupîzza is'scheduled to open in Ajax in March, and locations in Oshawa and Pickering may also some day open as part of the longterm plan. His father, Roberto Crupi, bas been in the bakery business for 35 years, starting with a $50 a week bread delivery route tbat eventually became Crupi Brothers Bakery Ltd., the biggest Italian bakery in' southern Ontario in.the 70's. With a littie of the family savvy, a math degree from York University and new ideas of bis own, Don Crupi decided to expand on bis uncle Robert's pizzeria in Markham. The Whitby store is located on Dundas St. E., in the midst of abusy commercial area and near Ander- son CVI. TheAjax location wiI be at the new Discovery Bay Centre at Westney Rd.'south of the 401, not far fromthe new Ajax GO station. Like the Whitby store, Ajax will offer the haif-price deal for any piz- za that is Picked up. DON CRUPI at work là hisWhtyrpzasoe FePressfie photo