szzvE ~/*" 4 U $~SROWOA6 Bookings into June for backyard pool business WHIBY FREE PRESS, Businesâs howcaso, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2.4, 1988, PAG~EA13 With 80 pools installed last year and 30 alrëady on order' for 1988, Ewing Pools & Spas is okI"ng forward- to èontinued growth in Whitby and another long, bot summer. 1"We 'got about 10 years 'work here, I tbink," says Sbawn Ewing, wbo, witb 'brothers Craig -and Kevin, grew 'up in the business One-stop clinic is to complmn Whitby hospital begun by father Gerald about 20 years ago in Oshawa. SThe winter season is really only a. partial respite for the Ewing family of Brooklin before pool installations begin in mid-April for a crew-of about 15 workers. ,Many people go shopping for pools in the cold season, says Sbawn Ewing, noting that bookings have already been made irîto June. Meanwhile whirlpool spas have also become popular. The Ewings specialize in vinyl inground pools of various sizes and shapes, the average, size 16 by 32 feet. Prices, depending on size, range from $10,000 to $13,000 for everything including accessories and deck. The vinyl used is fromn Scarborough Canvas with Dofasco steel used in the pool walls. Installed mostly inside homes are Jacuzzi Whirlpool Spas (made in Mississau*ga) selling from $2,500 to $3,000. "They're getting more popular,". says Ewing. He says the, typical pool. buyer is the couple of 30 to 40 years of age with young cildren. Gerald Ewing was, a carpenter, 21 years ago when he saw a pool go in a backyard and decided:to try the business bimself as there were véry few. providing the service at that time. The Oshawa location of Ewing Pools then began. The Whitby, store, at 1200 Rossland Rd. E. began last May in response to the great number of Wvhitby residents who wanted Pools. In the past 20 years, the Ewings have installed a total of 1,200 pools in the area. Shawn' Ewing says the vinyl pool bas, almost entirely displaced" the he says Ewing rernains the cernent inground pool since vinyl largest installer of inground pools requires less manintenance and *In the area. can be replaced afier 10 or so Years. Th aiy may openastr Despite increased competition, in Bowmanvile next year. Service and ýcleanlin'.es.* important for club, owneèr Emphasis on cleanliness and good service is important for Jack Sharma, owner. and president of European Wome's Health Clubs* in Wihitby and Pickering. That policy paid off when Sharma, wbo opened his first club in. Pickering in 1985, started another last year off Dundas St. E. inWhitby.'And another will. soon open in Ajax. whirlpools, âerobics classes, diet counselling, beauty salon and tanning area are 'among -the offerings that permit Sharma to give bis customers "everything.", And trained staff are available to aid in the various programs. <Tbe clubs are, open seven days a 'week, 9 a.m. to ,>10 -p.m. weekd ays, and to -4pm on *weekends. A one-stop medical clinic which can compliment the services at Whitby General Hospital was- the- idea, behind .Whitby's newest medical linic at> Centre St. N. and Dundas- St., W. According to Dr.- Walter Chang,_presiîdent of the building, the clinic is now completely utilized except' for one more general . practitioner and an orthope dic surgeon.,. The x-ray departrnent opened on . Monday, Feb. 15, and the ultras ound department' and' nuclear 'medicine facility bav Nuclear medicine, which deals with body scans, is new 'to the> Whitby area. "Whitby General doesn't have that and normally we would have' had to go to, Oshawa'and Ajax,", says Chang, about the nuclear medicine facility. He says thé facility i s being used by Whitby résidents and the, clinic is" getting'-rèferrals from Whitby General. "We are trying .to change the referral patterns. If the Ministry of Health is saying 60 per cent of, WIhitby ,résidents _.are. going, outside the community we are trying to keep them bhere," says Chang. The clinic bas yet to fill the specialized* position of orthopedic surgeon. According-to- Chang, the cini c is waiting..for Whitby Gqeneral'- Hospital to "corne up with some equiprnet so the surgeon will be able to, work at both the clinic and the' hospital. The clinic also has roorn for one more family doctor. There are currently 10 farnily doctors at, the cinic. One aspect which is'going over- well with residents is the walk-in clinic. The clinic is open from. 6:30 a.rn. to, 10 p.m. weekdays and 10> a.rn. to 10 p.m. on weekends. Since the x-ray department is open 'on"" ýSaturday -mornings, Chang says any patient can visit-- the clinie -then bave xt-rays taken if needed, Tnmuchlike a hospi tai He also says x-ray technicians, as well as lab technicians- are always on caîl. Dundas-Cent;re Médical began as an idea by doctoprs in Whitby four years ago. It. opened in Whitby last November. Besides the walk-in clinic, -the: centre aise offers a, specialty clinic, physiotherapy and a pharmacy..,, Parking is aiso availeaW t'theý rear of the centre.- 0