WK~BY REERES, LYM[C PECALFEBRUABY 10,198PGE01 c4yrr ~1g~E3y' Wîite~r iLc-. OlypiePark trak couldý be fastst in the'world Canada Olympie Park will be the site of ski jumping, bobsleigh, luge and nordic combined (jumping), the demonstration event of freestyle skiing <ballet and aerials) and an exhibition of disabled skiing. at the 1988 Olympic Winter Games. Canada Olympic Park includes Canada's first bobsleigh and luge track which bas'been hailed by athietes and sports officiais alike as the fastest and safest track in the world. The- reinforced concrete track is completely refrigerated and holds ice at air temperatures of 20 degrees C to allow for a longer racing season than offered by refrigerated tracks elsewhere in the world. The track .incorporates 14 sklll-testing curves. It was built to strict specifications with no bumps greater than five millimetres over a length of three metres. It is constructed of physically separate sections that permit refrigeration control as temperatures fluetuate. The 70 and 90-metre ski jumps at Canada Olympie Park have'a common landing area and the 90- metre tower bhas an elevator to take competitors to their start point. Snow-making equipment helps to provide consistent conditions on the jumps and at the recreational ski hilîs. The earth bowl for the jum- ping facilities will accommodate up JILL MORRICE (left) and Darlene Dove celebrate as the torch was passed to Leslie> MeFarlane Public School last week. The visit to MeFarlane wvas part of the Durham Board of' Education torch relay to celebrate the Winter Olympies upcommng in Calgary. Free Press photo More than 1,600 athietes to attend Calgary -games More than 1,600 athletes from îlmost W0 countries will tale part in the.XV Olympie Winter Games in Calgary Feb. 13-29. The first Winter Games, in Chamonix, France in 1924, had about 300 athletes from 16 countries. to 50,000 spectators. Plastic sur- facing means the 50 m and 70 m jumps will be available for summer ~fad~ COt'~ ~Xo~tuig Cc use as well. Construction at Can adfa Olympic Park was managed and funded by NO SWEAT WORKOUT and '-Ycututtg NEW CONCEPT Our 6 different motorized exercise tables will tone and firmn your body. No membership fées. .FIRST VISIT FREEI Gift certificates available for your Valentine! ~114 Dundas St. E. 2n floor, Suite 7 Whitby 'J 668-5055~ Brand New Just Arrivedi - Exclusive to the Durham Regionj Silver Speedl 800 i Facial Unitj - ..For afacialtan only or-for * . our customers who prefer - a littie extra tan on their face.I PLUS- 6 Tannung Beds - with Facialsi * Beds - 30 min. $7. 10 sessions $49. I .. Students $5. *Facial - 10 min. $2. iWIN A TRIP FOR -2 TO VEGAS ! jBeginning Feb. 1 ater each session you may f i11 in a ballot and! - .be entered in the Vegas draw. Draw wiIl be held on May, 31.I 1 Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 10:00j i Saturdays 10:00 - 6:00- i OPEN-SUNDAYS 10-6 95Bring in this ad and receive ypur lst facià free. 96DÃ"undas .8t. W. (West Lyndo Plaza) Whltby- 668-7050'm m m e-i-i- un. the Governent of Canada toa set budget. of $60.2 millionn 1989-83 dollars). Drp and compare Ma-,ybe you ain.l s'rve sorne money on«1 insu rance: * Life e HorncoWners * 'Auto/Boat 9 Tenants e Business e RRSP Drop in and compare. You're ini good hands. Alstale Lite Inuffnce Compeny of Canada AMiale Insurance Co. of Canada 'Alistale tnsurance Conwà nv Grant R. Biandford Sears Oshawa Shopping Centre' Oshawa, Ontario, Bus:728-7559, Res:427-0670. ý 1 4... f '>~~ k f.', .,~ v i., 1. /'. "t t, fi ~I. 1'~ t,, t. t. 'z c IL