PAGE 08, WMTIYF,~ PRES, OÃ"LYMPIC SPECIAL, FEBRUARY 10, 1988 Inthe' Y. P-e JOSEPH .MOUNTAIN (left), Adam that will be a part of t, Thompson (centre) and Rebecea Pym olympies in Calgary, Albe (right) demonstrate three of the, sports RANDY HAMILTON, a kmndergarten. student at R. -A. Hutchison publie sehool, was a littie tfred after holding the Canad ian flag during ceremonies at the school to welcome the school toreh which had- just, à rrived in Brooklin. F'ree Press photo, A YOUNGSTER holds the flag -d uring ceremonih marking the.publie sehool'torch relay which reache Meadowcrest public sehool i Brookiu last week. Roxanne Reveler phoi Ohe 1988 wlntte2r > arta. t Free Presis photo c['s lb d -«4 -, lý