WH1BY MRE PRESS; OLYMPIC SPECIAL, FEIBRUARY 10, 1988, PAGE 06 Self-instruction 1 for skiier-s at resort, From an idea that may be unique to cross country skiing, the Pleasure Valley reort off Brock Rd. forth of Pickering has a self-* instruction- trail foW novice skiers., "'We hiave créà ted a tr ail on which people can actually teach themselves to ski, on their own time and at their own pace," says Ken Murphy, president of thé reort. On the 4-km. trail,- created- in cooperation with Old Firehali Spor- ts andKarhu Skis, skiers encounter large 4-ft.-by-4-ft.- signs with- both visual and written instructions that explain the four most important ski techniques. " It is your basic "howto'instruc- tionai booklet, recreated right in- the forest," says Murphy Each. sign is placed at the exact spot on the trail where the, par-, ticular skil is requjFed. As one approaches t he bottom of a hili that requires a climb, there are instructions'on how to do the herringbone. technique; at the top of a small hili, instructions on how to snowplow; andsigns for diagonal stride and doWnhill run. "Once 'a skier has. become familiar _with. these four basic techniques they should feel com- pleteiy at ease on- both the novice and intermediate trail," says Mur- phy Murphy says one problem facing the cross country. ski industry is beginner skiers who buy equipment and first try it in a field. As a result, they might not enjoy. it so will put away the skis, without every trying a properly groomed trail that is a "world of difference," he points out. The resort also has horsedrawn sleigh rides onweekends, along with an outdoor bonfire, indoor and shelter facilities, ski equipment for. rent and the newest in skis and boots for customners to try out. There are a total .of .25 km. -of trailg f or all levels at Pleasure Valley, open 9a.m. to 5p.m., seven days a week, and.- Murphyý was- ex- tremely relieved at the recent snowf ail that has helped the woodland setting. For more infor- mation cail Murphy or Gary Con- very at 471-5070,. À.A ( Pik çrng Qiffage Sports <49 Cliurcti st. (soutIh of .Hwy. 2) ~Pickring 'Iliffage 683-0400 BA32SrEBALL U 7~IO&ÇL5£ 31 Comp(e te from as (ow ýa 19 Inc(iufes s/iirt, pats, stirrups santi sockfs, Ilat, 49 shirt crest (1 co(or) and8" nmfer(scruen chlarge eera). FREE 2 2RJL1DOqtÇILýLLS, zuih echteain ordfir. SOtIher 'sports uatjorms a(so avai(a6 (e Cafr information k 1608'Dundas St. E. (Hwy. 2 & Thickson) Corne relax -in our friendly carefree atmosphere! Watch al your favourite sports on our with ail the comforts of home and more! 7 DAYS A WEEK Smirnoff makes rgrat Ceasars ail week long! Feb. 10 - Feb., 13 Your chanoe to scratch and win prizes., D.J. and' Dancing Monday to Saturday., 9p..m. - 1:30a.m. /1 DANCING Whitby's IM~4rEf Dining & Dance 'Club NO, COVUR CHARG09