PAGE 02, WH1TY FMME PRESS, OLYMPIC SPECIAL, FEBRTJARY 1,1988 JACOB FOSTEY (centre) had the honor'of carrying the torch as it left his sehool, West Lynde, on its way to Col. J.E. Farewell. The West Lynde runners were accom- panied by Nancy McGreevy, (left) and Gayle Yetman, (right). The two West Lynde students were participants in the cross-Canada torch run. Free Press photo OSHAWA SHO PPING ýC:EýNTRE European Women's Heaith Club AEROBIC GUEST PASS This aerobic guest pass entit les you and a friend to ONE FREE WEEK of aerobics,, gym, whir1pool, showers and sauna. EXPIRES - FEB. 29 By Appointment Only. (The management reserves the right to X. revoke this card at any time.)