FAMILYHOUSEý Restaurant For Loyers only Dinner for Two 4Z IZ " 2-8oz. New York Strips IA3 " xTgetable and potato Ja-~ T p to Our saad bar Jj . " Our speclal dessert & coffée lower for the lady _ _ ~ V$29,e95' jPrice includes mneai, taxes & tUpt with this coupon. Stay home, Relax watch a movie and order in Chinese Food wyn Delicious and hotMMmny nt pomiIy Roller Centref A ValentileS Day Prfeet for every paid admissiOI Sun., Feb. 14p 1988 - $3.25 Perpesf (includes skate rentai) 1-4 pin Don't forget we are open SaturdLYS from L.OOpm - 4:00 pm