PAE , HIBYFREPRÉSÈ, WÈDNýEà )DAY JANUAÀRY 13 11988 Man, to e 'se'ne Ja2,2" By ROXANNE REVELER A former area residentblas been founid guilty of helping hisstepsons a nd a friend cover up. the 1982 death of a rural Brooklln man. Danny Huntlngton, 53,,was con- victed of being an accessory after the fact. to the manùslaughter of Clark Major in front of his Ashburn Road home on the, outsklrts of Brooklin on Auguet 7,1982. 1>t Huntington, wlio currently resides in North Bay, lived on Tliorton Rd.,N., a fewmiles eastof Myrtle, at thée time of thé incident. He will be' sentenced on January 22 in. Whitby district court by Judge Lloyd Woods. The main w4tness for the. crown was Janet Fisher, former wlfe, of Huntington's -step-son, Ralph, Fisher, Who along wlthbrte Fred and friend Donald -McCoy were found guilty of manslaughter in April 1987. She testified that Huntington had HARRISO I IMI Iurit r eIit m IAUR *012 r St. W., ht 3-099 Iý JOHN BROU WER.GARDN ETLE, of fresh new..- FREE SKATING ',toinal ON OUR NEW LARGE POND! ourstore andnéw ri1 V.W have again added to our'j <"mii-zoo. Help us welcome our N new ilama and miniature> donkeys! / AJAX N 0Z'I WNaU ,qwy 2 z N " . ~ IC O R A S - y -'- si W JOHN BROUWR Garden, Centre & Landscaping. S686el1545, THE WALLPAPER CENTRE OSHAWA AJAX SCARBORO 140 Simcoe St. S. 37 Harwood Ave. S. 793 Markham Rd. (Just South of John) Belween Hwy. 2 and 401 Plaza 'E In the Painied Post 579-1655 1 686-0719 1 431-4458 771% =7ý ý Ettm' M,4ý -mm mrM cammmmm '. ýd.: . ý ; > 1 ms M' assisted. the trio in idinlg the van whicihadriun.over the 32-yearl-old Major and hadalso helped 'them to dump, the tires stolen durln$ thein- cident Into Lake Scug«og. ,isher added Huntlngton liad traded 'his car for1ý Fred. Fisher's van, repaire the broken ndhed re paitéi t ndod it7a year later' to &Toronto couple. The van, which had been the sub- ject ýof an extensive îpolice. search, had been damaged when Major's oldeit son Steve smashed the front wlndow withý the stock. of a, shotgun in an attempt to save hiseather who was being dragged by the.veohicle. Janet Fisher , who was inideth van durlng, the theft 'of. tlree froiri Major's. homùé,anà thesub# uet death of Clark Major, told thé coôurt no-one 1ithée ývan realized .:Major ha d been kledutte hearéid fthe news on the radio.the next dayý "W weeall scared. and, didn't kiow what' todo," she s tated. I'Ralph ësid w eshoùld j'o, and ask, his stepfather, (Huntington) wVhat to She said Huntingtontold thexn to "1sit;* -tight"; , noït to discuse the rnà t- ter.-with , any one; a nd to go to wor6k and actas'if "not ing had hpeed. He. also'told,,them.togettewn decreen repaired iand .to. get' idaof the. tires,,',acco1rç .té her. testunony She said the five of them, in- cluding Huntington, iater drove té Lake Scugog in Ralph's .picèk-upý truck where they threw the tires hi- to the lake., But Huntington denied "the testimony.ý He , claimed1 he had known -nothing, of, the incident unitl hie step .sons and-McCôoy;w ere arrested fQr second degree murder four yeairsafterthe fact. He said. he traded hiecar fo Fisher's vanthree ýveeks ater Major's' deatli simply because he needed a' la rger vehicle to transport hie kennel.dogs toashows. He indicated lie and'hie step-son had been discussing such a trade for some time. ,He, also denfed aiding with the dumping of the tires- saymng he lied accompanied the group to Lake Scugog* to go fishing, and was unaware they had thrown any tires into the lake. In bis ruling, Judge Woods. said lie found Janet Fisher to have been a "ceredible. witness.",,He added lie could not accept Huntington's " weak". explanati.on- thathe ha gone. to work at a -Witevale 'féee'd mil the mo rningafr thé Major death and .'was not present'to o1 ffer hie stepsons any advlcel, Judge Woods'said HuntingtÃ"n's explanation of going fishing was ti- consistent ýwith previous testimony fromn Ralpli Fislier, Whio had said tbey made the trip to lake Scugog to dump garbage. 'I find this a deibeate îattempt to mislead the court and, it (theQ ex- planations) .taints -the entire eSidence."«said.thejuige'.. SEE PAGE 27 UM. --- ". _-» Mm