HAROLD GARTII HUNTLEY Harold Garth Huntley of Whitby' dled on Decemnber 21, 1987, at'Whit-- by Geneéral Hospital. He was 66, He was born in -Whitby, son'o!. George and Florenïce H untley, He rnarried Wlma Garraird July.30, 1949. A Whitby resident ail hig life, Mr. Huntle' was ai foreman at General Motorsfor 35 years, Hle was 'a membei of St. Marks United-.Chur- ch, Whitby,,the 48th Highlanders Regimentof CanadIa and:the llth Canadian Armored Brigade (on- tanlo Regiment). FROM PAGE 18 I'm ot urewhat to expect.. There will be a lot of pre nov ice teams there,"l says Cornelison. Each of the programs are "'set' but coaches say they may change Education coin ittee FROM PAGE 6 Without the special support of' Gerny Emm. Joe Drumm-and Pat- tv Bowman none of this would have been madepossible. A lot has been accomplished in the last year. It has. been a'pleasure working with these people and meeting parents. with common'înterests. I look for-, wand to eliminating the need for the Education Action -Committee. With the' continuing -co-operation of the. Town councillors and the board of education trustees. that day may not be fan off. Sincerely., - . Cathy Rowell Education Action Committee Torch run FROM PAGE 6 fie that should have been blocked off on Dundas further west than îenry/Euclid. ~Then the moment came to see the runner. What runner? Because of a lack of pre-planning there were no barricades to hold back people and the resuit ý was a. mass crowd surrounding the torchbearer. If 1 was a 6-year-old, I surely would have been disappojnted to miss the runner going by. As an aduit, I was also disgusted at the lack of organization. A.Simon Whitby Sentencingr on Jan. 22 FROM PAGE 2 Fred and Ralph Fisher, Donald McCoy, Janet and Elizabeth Fisher were ail initially charged with second degree murder. At -a preliminary hearing in July. 1986, Crown Attorney John Scott an- nounced charges had been dropped against the two women '. The'three men later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of -manslaughter. Ralph Fisher, 34, and McCoy; -37,' were sentenced to eight years in prison while Fred Fisher, 33, received five years incarceration. He is survived by his; wife Wilma, daughter. Mrs; Gail Hargneaves; son.' Scott; son-in-law Paul Hargreaves, daughter-in-law Nan- cy; two grandchildren, Alexander and Eric Hargreaves. The fune*ral was held at W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on December 24, 1987. Rev. Brian Gee conduc- ting., Interment at Groveside Cemetery. slightly after seeing the com- petitions and hearing what the judges have to say. This - is only one of six coni- betitn , for the year with each bigorganized by Cheryl Jenison. Jenson is -the chairperson of al four teams'and is Wn charge of fun- draising, travel arrangements, and mediator. between the coaches parents. "The cost of a trip to Buffalo is extremely expensive. However, due to our fundraising, the cost is cut down extensivelv." says Jenson who was'chairperson last year. -You don't necessarily have to be a millionaire to have your daughter skate precision," says Jenson who contributes a lot of the team's suc- cess to the strong parent support. DURHAM IVEY VIOLIA ROE >lvey. Viola, Roe of Whitby died on January 6,19M8, at Whitby General Hospital. She was71. -Shie was born Decemberý 30, 1919 in Guelph, Ont., daughter of George and Ellen1 Yates. She marnied> Richard Charles Roe on May 2, 1937. 1A Whitby resident for 41 years, she was a member of the Ail Saints Upcoming competitions for the teams are ail within the next three months with the next competition in" Unionville and then Whitby hosts their own on Fé'b. 6. <Canadians are in Toronto this year and run on the Easter weekend, *April 1 to Apnil 3. Borr owin g The Town of Whitby has authonized borrowing of $2 million from its reserve funds until the first 1988 tax instalment is received. The measure is taken as a precaution to cover early 1988 ex- penses that maybe incurred bv the Town. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Regional Planning Committee wiII consider at a meeting to be held on: JANUARY 19, 1988 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOA RDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AND THE OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The amendment , as submitted by the applicant, -proposes a- transportation storage and maintenance facility for buses within- the rear portion of the site indicated on the map beîow. Subseq'uent ly, the Regional Council wiII consider the r ecommendation of the Planning Committee*at a meeting to be held on: -JANUARY 27, 1988 AT 10:.00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEAIDOUARTERS 'BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report related to the amendment application is available for inspection in -the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, or by calîing Mr. John Sharpe. Planning Department (Whitby> 668-7731 / (Toronto) 686-1651. Requests to make a presentation before the Planning Cornmittee concerning the amnendment application must be forwarded f0 Dr. M. Michael, M.C..P., Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario LUN 6A3, and should be received by the Friday preceding the meeting. Requests to make a presentation before Regidnaî Council concerning the amendment application must beý forwarded f0 the Regional Clerk, Pegional Headquarters Building., 605 Rossland Road East', Whitby, OntarioLiN 6A3, and should be received 48 hours priorto the Regional Council meeting. Gary Herrema Regional Chairman C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional .Clerk Obitu à loftits Safe & Happy Presentation (3 - 5 yr. olds) Children can -havc fun while learning personal, safety. A circle time sess;ion featuring puppet, posters, songs -and story-tclling, tcach childrcn vital abuse prevention.,skills. Each child receives thc award winning book, Safe and Happy: A Child's Guide to Pcrsonal Safety, whih has been granted the. prcstigious Our Choice Award from the Canadiars Children's Book Centre. Parents are required to accompany their childreri. Date: Saturday, February 6 . Time: 9:00 - 9:45 arn Fee: $5.00 oer chiId Fersonal Safety For Children (6 - 10yr. olds) Kido Workshop, (Il - 14 yr. olds) Date: Saturday, Febniary 13 time: 9:30 - 11:00 am Fee: $10.00 Date: Time: Fee: Saturday, February 20 9:00 am - noon, $10.00 Hugs & Kids Hugs and Kids features videotaped scenarios of real life parent and child conflicts, typical of the ones' you experience in your home. Problemn solving techniques, open, supportive and frank discussionswill provide you with invaluableparenting skills and a fresh perspective of yourself and your family. Date: lTuesdays, January 26 - March 22 Im e: 7:30 - 9:00 pmn Fee: $40.00 Leam to ask what you want. This 8 woek assertiveness training course for adults provides an opportunity for intensive self-growth that will enable you to assert yourse'lf more responsibly and effectively. Date: Mondays, January 25 - March 21 lime: 7:00 - 9:00 pm ,, Fee: S45.00 Getting Your Act Together Embark on a process of self discovcry and enrichment in a unique group that offers yoga, discussion, assertiveness buiilding. Date:. Tucsday, January 26 - March 22 lime: 9:30 - 11:00 amn Fee: -S,2.00 Safe & Fit This unique course combines fitness and sa,.ýfetv that wvill hi'lp to intease personal awareness. Yot c-an dev'e1ep .wc.idarcce techniques and learn simple self defence skills.e Date: Friday - Fébruary 5 Saturday - Fébruary 6 lunîie: 7:001 - 10:00(1iip 10:0(0arn - 3:00 pi $K30. or 15. for Motht'r & flatigliIer. lleavy Inito Fitness Free yoursclf l'roimthe lbcrdi *f .îbîî.e lbreît eli n 11%.xes weight. A li.crîinoilîs bk'nc of c'icvaleeLrcis.tand workshop fc'îsiîcg uon incre.siIlg foies eu '. voîîn whV110.îîv substanti.îlly oveýrwtighit. lDat1e: Ilhursd.cy, J.11ccary 28 -M.îrc 2-1 Tiie: 7:(X) - 9.(k) 1)111 $41x() To register cali:, 728-31b-3ý Precisio'n teams headingfo uffao Anglican Church. my, grit grandichildIren NaitaHha, She la survivedby her husband .,Intk..pnd Ken. Shé ik predfec.ieds(( Richard, Charleès, ,d#ughter Bar1)hy ltilph, Lefînard, Arthur, n bara and son-i*n-law Hobert, :-son8s ndâack. Fredrick ind Richard.,dauuhter-in- the lunera1 was held a t the W -C. .laws Debbie and 'Kathey,:,gr'and- Town. Funeral Chape ' janar children D)avid, Herbent, Je ffery, I,.',lacey conductlng. Inter- Tracey, Wade, Jenniler and,'l'im- mentat Groveside Cnietary. PROTECrI THOSE YOU LV I e h is buvidîh, sst, iL iw s x451le t'o jis.' .-i 1>ereiave<il ronin nevc'essary stif frinig. <>fles lro.m idecisions aindl filiuciîl l<ll>rl.i>in.vIuiliey are alrendy tne'geî.s.îs.Arîg gnow me. eans you umina Y0 fic ellOicvs. Atiid if'y<>ii ij ytXLue Ifiieýy is fipu iit, in ~ otsi w~haL you s<t'et Lodjiiyis paiîd 1<>,' tAin<>ri'wv.-I11.'s- 11111îy vciil Lhinking ab>out. Ilreaýrrtnging is simply more ttiliif'lii W..C. TOWN FUNERAL II AI-11,11 FUNER3AINR1)1TCI'S JOHN R I OWN, JAYNE LANGLOIS -TOWN 110 DUNDAS EAST 668-3410. O UTREACH ABUSE i17 SimcoeSt. N. Oshawa'728-3163