WHJITBY FREE PRESSI WEDNESDAY,- JANUARY 13 1988, PAGE 25 AUCTION SALE KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS ever Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.lacated on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (exit 399). .Foaturing every weok, an excellent seloction of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, colloctables, primitives, etc. So join us every Wed. and pgticîpate ln one of Ontario's "ITRUE" auctions with no buy-backs or reservos. Previews from 1:00 p.m. Came ses our great auctian facility and consign yaur estates and collectio-ns, etc ta us for prompt professional service. "Con- signmont & estate -selling our specialty." KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 AUCTIONSALE - SATU RDAY, JAN. 16 at 10:30 ar. 870 TAUNTON ROAD E., WHITBY 1/2 mile east of Thickson Rd. SeIIing the estate of the lato. PHILIP & JESSIE LAWRENCE of'Oshawa plus others including: 5 pc excellent walnut inlaid bedroomn suite, excop- tional Victorlan sofa, press back chairs. aid. rocker, walnut sewing cabinet, largo wardrobe, pine table, paintings & pictures, 8 pc waînut dîner, drap leaf table, pine walI units, caffee & end tables, 5 pc walnut bedroom suite, oak cheat, 5 pc walnut deilcraft bedroom suite, iam- Ps, excellent 10 pc walnut dîner, 7 pc walnut bedroomn suite, exceptional 5 pc mag. bodroomn suite, heavily car- yod cedar chest & claw foot, oak library table, Singer sewing mlc ln dosk cab, hall table, waînut tea wagon, Roxton chesterfield & chair, pife caf fee & end tables, pine mirrors, pine mantel, 2 sectional chestorfilelds, bed chesterfileîd single, occasianal chairs, several end tables, chesterfileld & love seat, gray 5 pc bedroomn suite, 6 high back chairs, French Provincial chester- field & chair, Fr.P. end tables, 8 pc modemn dining room ,' suite, mag. corner cab., Pequegnat ginger bread ciock, tail bee hive mantel dlock, Vienna reg. wal dock, gone with the wind lamp Juno aid, colectable glass & china, pots & pans, tools, eîoctric bed, aprox 50 box springs & mattresses variaus sizes. SPORTS EQUIPMENT: lndaôr & outdoar trampolines, 2 sots of parallel bars, benches, Gents & ladies Victorian chairs, plus many other articles. NOTE TIME: 10:30 a.m. excellent sale, plan ta attend very gaod selec- tion of aid, mnodern, & new furniture, etc... VieWIng Frlday f rom 1 p.m. ta 6 p.m. & morning of sale. ROSS McLEAN AUCTIONEER 576-7550 Tor. Ilin. 686-3291 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 16 at 6 p.m. At Oddfellows Hall on Region Road 2 In Part- Perry. Consignment sale with bed chesterfield, dînette set, gas stove, appliances, antiques, fur- niture, vacuum cloaner, dishes, aId tools and much more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073; TOOL & HANDYMAN SALE THURSDAY, JAN. 17 et 7 p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn. Hayden, 1 mi. east of Enniskillen. Seiling from varlous estates, farms and busInosses. Lots of tools, saw chains, tractor,- and machlnery ln- cluding bench saw, lathe, skill saw, steel sheMiylg, office desk, 616 Allis Chamors tractor -complote wlth 54" mower, snow blower, blado' and plow.' Rifle with scape, and much more. Conslgements welcome for this sale. STEVE LIPTAY & EARL GAUSLIN 263-8710 AUCTION SALE SATU RDAY, JAN. 16Set 8:30 p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn, Hayden, 1 mi. east of Enniskillen. Real nice sale of antiques, collectables, fur- niture, dishes, good McLaughiin cutter, wood pumps, dîner, set of 4 Hummel dolis (limited edition), lots of good surprises (out of town estate not unpacked yet). Something to soul, caîl the Estate auctioneers at "The Friendly Auction". STEVE LIPTAY & EARL GAUSLIN 263-8710 HOUSEHOLD & BOX LOT EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 p.m., STARTS JAN. 20 Pethick's Auction Barn,. Haydon. Something of everything for evoryone. Ail consignments. welcome. STEVE LIPTAY & EARL GAUBLIN 263-8710 AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and surroun- ding, aroa love attending auction sales. Lot them know about your next sale Iby advertlslng ln the most widely read pages ln Whitby - The Whitby Free Press Classifieds!i Cail: 668-6111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CARL ROBERT BREMNER Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are required ta sond full particulars of such dlaims ta the undersigned.on or before the 3rd day of February, 1988, aftor which date the estate's assets wiIl be distributed, havlng regard only ta dailms that have thon been received. Dated at Kitchener the 4th day of January, 1988. LEE FITZPATRICK, 276 Frederick Street, Kitchener, Ontario N2H2N4 Solicitar for the Administratrix MICROFURNACE SALES ideal for cottage, trailers, homne, office. roc rooms, sunporch, or any hard to heat area. Free demnons1tration. Ph. JIm Morrison at 683-2638. 1988 AKAI DOLBY surround unit with remote control. JVC 10 band equalizer bath for $350.00. Call Joe. at 430-1377. CRIB AND MATTRESS wlth miobile activity centre. White. $100.00. Phono 666-9853. FULL LENGTH MUSKRAT FUR COAT, seldomn worn, size 10. $650.00 or noarest of fer. Phone 668-0295 af- ter 6:30 p.m. MATTRESSES and box springs at haîf price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725. 5181. MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLS Work shirts $2.75, work pants $3.50, work boots $15. Send' $3 fo'r catalogue (Reimbursement lst or- der). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. TImnothee, Quebec. JOS MX. B SHIRLEY K. MATERNITY wear. size 12. Bassinette with hand made lace liner $50.00. Baby swing $15.00. Car bed $20.00. Infant wear.Phone 571- 2490 anytimne. CHESTERFIELD suites, loveseats, sectionais, less than haîf price. Large selection. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. To seil the'smnall items that you thought weren't worth advertising. * Items must seli for Iess than $50 - priCe must be stated in ad - multiple item ads must total Iess than $50 * Maximum 15 words * Prepaid * Cash or VISA oniy 668-6111 - OFFICIAL oLYMPiC souvenirs. 0f- flcal pins, posters, calendars, etc. '88 Sports Calendar $7.95. Write to : Pin Pals for Catalogue, enclose $1.95, Box 6090, Stn. A., Calgary, Alta., T2H 2L3. (403) 234-0434. B GREENHOUSE & HiYROPONIC equipmont, supplies. Everything you need. Bost quality, Super low pricos. Greenhousos $175, Halides $115. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack & FREE Magazine to Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, BCV6B 3N9 1-604- 682-6636. B THIRD WORLD PRODUCTS. Cof fee, tea, cashew nuts, cinnamon and nut meg from Bridgehead, a division-of Oxfam. Vour purchases support small farmers in Nicaragua, Tan- zania, Sri Lanka and Mozambique. These worthwhile products are im- mediately available ln Whitby. Cal Edna at 668&7171.. MASTERPIECE harvest goid 30" electric stove with rotisserie, good working condition. Asking $185.00. Phone 668-8977 af ter 5 p.m. KITCHEN cupboards, sink and coun- ter top. Ideal for cottage or basement apt. Also fashionable Venetian blinds. Phone 668-8666 af- ter 7 p.m. LOST?? Car't find your way around Whitby? Drop into the Whitby Free Press for a map of the city. At only .50 ce nts each you may nover get lost againi!! DOWNHILL SKIS, polos and bootsin good condition. $50.00 for set. Phonie 683-6638. 1987 SUNBIRD SE hatchback, 15,000 km, air, loaded, $11,400.00 or best of fer. Phone 668-0658, Whitby. 1977 FIREBIRD 400, 4 speed, p.s., p.b., many new parts. Needs some body work. Asking $1,1000.00. Phone 666-2109 or 668-5040. 4 THREE MONTH OLD BF1 Goodrich tires on chrome rims (15" hub). 2 - P295150 R15 and 2 - P225170 R14 askîng $800.00. Phone 666-2109 or 668-5040. 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, -p.s.., p.b., sunroof, mags, good condition. $600.00 As is. Phone Alex at 430- 2385. 1980 CHEVY MONZA 2 door, blue, automnatic, p.s., p.b., 4,cyl., 72,000 miles. $2,595.00. Cert If led in November. Phone 666-3567 after 6 p.m. 1979 HONDA CIVIC,,4 speed, AM/FMV radio, good condition, new brakes and exaust, certif ied, asking $900.00 or best offer. Phone 725-5593 anytimne. GETTING PEANUTS for your trade- in? Try for a better deal in the ciassi f eds. 668-611il 1986 GMC PICK UP TRUCK, $7,900.00. Phono 668-5866 and ask for Craig. $$1 SACRIFICE 'SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. Ail items in stock. 28x40x14 $3,996, 40x6Oxl4 $6,500, 46x80x14 $9,250, 70x9Ox24 $21 ,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. Wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers onîy. Ail buildings priced for immediate delivery, cal toîl f ree 1-800-387-2115, or 1-(416) 858-2446. B METAL BUILDINGS -Winter Works Special - HeIp keep factory busy during sIower winter *months - save thousands avoid upcomning prkce Increase l imited steel - PoineerlEconospan 1-800-387-6896 24 hours. B MIRACLE SPAN year end clearance on aIl steel buildings. Huge'.inven- tory, immediate or spring délivery. Calltolfree 1.800-387-49110. B, OVERWEIGHT? Groûnd flbar oppor- tunity -ail Canadian products. Open house seminars ln major cen- tres acrose Canada during january. Caîl CALORAD Business Oppor- tunity (416) 332-5000 for times, dates, and places. b SHERIFF'S.SALE By Virtue of Wrts of Execution in my hands I have seized and taken In execution and wlll soul by PUBLIC AUCTIO N on FRIDAY, JANUAAY 15, 1988, at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon at the Court House, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby. One 1984 AUDI Automobile Model 5000S, fuel Injection, grey, 4-door, mint condition andi Partial Contents of Gift Shop Placements; dolîs; wicker bed trays; Picture; wIcker bird cage; feather dusters; plastic picnic ware; jams, jeilles, varlous other Items. TERMS: Cash or dertif led choque. Conditions as announcod. Sale of any Item subject to cancellation without further notice. Morley Bain, Sheriff, Judicial District of Durham AIRLINEICRUISE. SHIP JOBS. Alil positions. Amazing ' recorded message reveals 'Information guarantoed to get you hIred or no fee. (416) 482-4100 X401 daysloveningslweekends). Not direct hIrer. B TURN FAT INTO DOLLARS $$$. We need 5 people interested ln losing welght and earning lots of money. New medical break-through. Cali (416) 271-6200 or (416) 238-8652. B GROW FOR IT! $$$Raise baitworms at home. Guaranteed market. Odorless, low Investment. We train I Representatives throughout On- tario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) RR 1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2AO (416) 643- 4251, 856-2248, (705) 435-7463. B1 ENTER THE WORLD 0F THE SELF- EMPLOYED. Enjoy high earnings and pleasant work with the Motor Club. Good income with com- mission, bonuses and Incentives. Contact Mr. Kent (416) 968-6220. B DURHAM ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLE MARKET SUN DAY, JANUARY l7th at10 a.m.to 4 pm KAHN AUCTION BARN B ROCK RD. N., PICKERING (31/2 mi. north of 40-1, exit 399) DEALERS FEATURING: Cana- diana furniture. china, glass. quilts. jeweîiery. nostalgia. tools, post cards & primitives. Admission $1.00 Children f ree with aduits. Information 433-7086