Ashb urn news ToalBv Florence'Ashton Toalmy readers, 1 wish a Happy NewYiear 1 We begin the year by Welcoming Paul ana Barbara Allen, formerly of Myrtie, as the new owners of Ashburn -General. Store. We'wish them ail the best in their new < en- ture. Do drop li soon and wish them Weil. betise Our very. s ihsto Moyra Griffen in ber new, profession. Moyra has served us so faitbfully in tii" store and post officeover, the past six and a haif yeafrs, always s50 cheerful and meeting the needs of .Brooldin.United.> Churc'h'news* On Sunday, January 3rd the congregation remembered those members and adiierents of Brooklin United who died during 1987. Themembers of the United Church women placed a pot of white chrysanthemums in the church as they always do on the fir- st Sunday- in January. Rev. Frazer Lacey preached on the subject "lBy Another Way. " The Annual Congregational The annual congregational meeting wiII take place on January 31 at 7:30 p.m. Annual reports should be submitted to the church office by Tuesday, January 12tb. It was with great regret that the congregation learned that Margaret Craig, the very fine organist and choirinaster, has resigned. The choir loft bas been filled during ber tenure because tbe members of'tbe Senior and Youth. Choirs feit that tbeyreceived ex- cellent musical training and tbeir ;musical appreciation was greatly enhanced. We wisb Margaret well li her new position at Nortbminster Untdin Oshawa. Myrtie News. The UCW of Myrtie Church is sponsoring surviyal courses and it is important that the people in the area signify their desires. There is an emergency course involving such things as "What to do until the, ambulance comes. " It is an *8 hour course and cost $30. per person. There is the 12-hour emergency plus CPR training which cost $42. per person. A minimum of ten par- ticipants are needed for each so will you pleasé pbone your preference to Mary Housego at 655-403 by Jan. 16. The course to start the following each individual 'customer. You have been a friend to ail who en- tered the store, and we are going to miss you. Ted Heron bas been recently transferred from the Toronto Or- thopedlc* Hospital to Whitby General Hospital. Our special tboughts, and prayers from your many frienda, Ted. >the Eleanor Knight Group of the Women's Missionary Society mets. at the home of RayDeath on. Wed- nesday of tis week at 2 p. m. 1Art Oliver and Jack Davidcbuk read the scripture portions at mor- ning worshlp on Sunday morning. Barbara and -Sharmen "Porter favored us with 'a lovely duet. Rev. McEtyr'ssermon titie was 'Greeting theNew Year.' sat. Feb. 9:00 amn Police. investigate attempted bank robbery- Durham Regional Police -are in- vestigating a failed bank robbery attempt at the Canadian Imrperial Bank of Commerce in Brooklin last Friday. *- Police say a man, described as white, 32, en'tered the bank and demanded money fromf a bank of- ficial. The man fled after being told tbe officiaI did net bave access to money in the bank. Police says a handgun was seen, but it was not used. Brooklln Dodges Presents " A Snow Ball Tournament" 12:00 noon Monte Carlo Elimination Draw followed by Dance. Tickets for danoe $5. each. (At Brooklln Communlty Centre) Sun. Feb. 14 1:30 to 5:00 pm Wlnter Camne MTie Tandem ski races, snow shoe races, tug of war, log sawlng, snow bed race. (Brooklin Memorlal Park), 2:00 pm to Senior Tea Party 4:00 pm - (Brooklln Community Centre) Mon. Feb. 15' 9:30 arn Wed. Feb. 17 Fr1. Feb.'19 10:00 Pm Sat. Feb. 20 Skate-a-thon (Brooklln Memorlal Arena) Euchre Tournarnent (Brooklin Legion) Presenting our Midnlght Madness Bingo (Hideaway Bingo, Whitby) 1:00 pm Broombail Tournament (Brooklln Memorlal Park) 8:00 pm 50/60's Dance Tickets $5. eachi. (Brooklin Community Center) Anyone interested in the above euents, teo.m or individuol, pleasefl in theformn below: Naine: Tearn: Indivdùal: Age/s: Address: Events: Drop off entry at Brooklin ESSO, Hwy.12 & Hwy.7 For further information cali: Alex Cowari 655-4519 or Mark Mason 655-8961 %VI'TBY FRFE PRESS, WENESDAY, JANUARYl13 188, PAGE1 for "~SALAD BAR, ~~CHILDREN'S MENU, and more 2 rmiles N ot Brookliri on Hwy 12, 655-8911 «off the beaten track but weiI worth the trip" X.XaL JLW I R.A W W V 01 14. Folkart & Tole Painting - 9 acit, 0. Country Lcme Folkart mLessons for beginner and -advanced ýstudents Sseminars. Student discounts on-folkart supplies Cail Jerryann -for information on day and. evening classes 655-4850 10 years teaching experience * CAéH% THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIC 4" SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD LE CONSEIL DES ECO LES SEPARES M CATHOLIQUE'DÉ LA REGION DE DURHAM < (Z ) invites A Il Interested Parents and Ratepayers to a PUBLIC INFORMATION- MEETING regarding. The Pilot French Immersion Program Date: Tuesday, Jan. 19 1988 Location: Sohool of the Holy Redeemer 747 Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering, Ontario Tim e:an 7:00 pmn Grade 4: Middle Total Immersion to be held Date: Wednesclay, Jan. 20 1988 Location: St. Gfegory'Auditorium 194 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. Ontario Time: 7:.00 pmn Parents may attend either presentation. The presentations wiIl include a discrIption ofthe Boards French Immersion Proqram, the .established procedures' for apicain, recommendation and registration of pupils and offr an opportunlty fr qusions and answers. Information Bookiets will be availabte a either meeting and PRINGLE CREEK rCOMMUNITY CENTRE SCHO'OLI OPENING CELEBRATION 668-0666 80 RIBBLESDALE DRIVE O-PENING CELEBRATION SOHEDULE GEMINI GYMNASTIC DEMO. MAGIC SHOW CHITO RYU KARATE DEMO. WHITBY YOUTH CONCERT BAND 10:30 - 11:00 A.M. 11:00 - 11:50 A.M. 12:00.- 12:30 P.M. 12:30 - 1:00 P.M. FREE REFRESHMENTS, BALLOONS,1 DOOR PRIZES SPEAK TO INSTRUCTORS VIEW DISPLAYS WINTER PROGRAMOFFERINGS. FAMILY PARENT &TOT GYM (18 mo - 3 years) PARENT & CHILD FITNESS (8 years & up) PARENT & CHILD SPORT (8 years & up) LATCH KEY CHILDREN WHITBY CHITO RYU KARATE SCHOOL PRE-SCHOOL GEMINI GYMNASTIC KINDERGYM (3 -5 years) PRE-JAZZ (4 - 5 years) PUPPETRY (4 - 5 years> SAFE & HAPPY YOUTH GEMINI GYMNASTIOS (6 - 13years> MODERN JAZZ:-,. (6 - 8 years & 9 - 12 yèars) DRAMA (9 yrs & Up) CALLIGRAPHY (11 years & Up) FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH CLUB FRIDAY NIGHT TEEN CLUB_ ~ADULT HOME LANDSCAPING FOLK ART COED SPORTS REGISTRATION ALSO AVAILABLE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2OTH, 7 - 9 P.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 7 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY-, JANUARY 23RD '1000 A.M, 1:00 P.M. Serving the Comrnunities Greatest Needs 0WINTER CARNIVAL Sat., Feb. i3th to Sat., Feb. 2Oth 1988