PAGE A8, WHIITBY FREE PRESS, Christmas Supplement, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1987 piSAOK4RETNS ýWarmest Wishes ,for a wonder fui ~ Holiday Season.. NOQMA PETEQeSON boutique w 126 Byron St. N., Whitby Thle holly and the ivy, Now both are full well grown, 0f ail the trees in the wocd, The hoily bears the crown. Refrain 0 the rising of the sun, The running of the deer, The playing of the merry organ, Sweet singing in the choir. The holly bears a blossom As white as lily flow'r, And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ, To be our sweet Saviour. Whitby'sComplete Audio and Video Store HApPY HOLIDAYS Om«iugs to you and ail wbom you hold <leur. A joyouu Christmas sud a Happy New Ibr. From the Management and Staff of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Dundas & Brock - Whltby Thlckson & Gien Hilli Whltby Brooklln Warm Wishes for a SHappy Holiday Season S to ail parents, Sproviders & their families Wue WatYcheI irj 0 AZN Away in a manger, No crib for a bed, The littie Lord Jesus Laid down bis sweet head; The stars in the bright sky Looked down where He lay, The littie Lord Jesus Asleep on the hay. The cattie are lowing, The baby awakes, But littie Lord Jesus No crying He makes; I love thee Lord Jésus' Look down from the sky, And stay by my cradie MIi morning is nigh. Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay, Close by me forever, And love me, I pray; Bless ail the dear children In Thy tender care, And take us to heaven To live with Thee there 430-2188 A -v-ý 2L'T m ik, ý1% :