TUE WHITBY RINK of skip Chris spiel at the Whitby Curling Club. Gjord ILawes, Andrew Carrol, Carey Carroll makes the presentation to the lMacRury and Shawn Keogan won the rink. Free Press photo secod evnt n the recent junior bon- .1 Entertain You! VVt"d like ta introdure y ou to a great littieuprformer . . . the SP2000. 1> is a VI-IF IIF TV aid FMantenna designed an-d buit using space age technology and it iili tap dance a wrîd of television entectainment right into your home. The SP2000 is a littie dynamo. t performns comparably to mast conven- tional antenflas many times its size. Stand it on yaur roof, clamp it to your ch icaney suspend it irani a after in the rE~l attic or- perch i t ap yotic existing antenna tasser . .. the higlhcr it sits, the better youll woe t af canvet iet. If ou eil antenna rotator. the M, resuiL are even more spectacular. cas ta instail as your sterea speakers an d rames cac p lete with pawer- iniec- tor. a VI IFIUIIF/FM signaf splijter- and cor-rplete instructions. The body af the SP2000 is small. anly 12" wide and 22" Iang, and it weighs Iess than 5 lbs. It hauses the signalian plifier a td s highly imperviaus tci wvind. dslt. raia. snw. ice and indus- trial gases. The rustprocif anadized aliinnn armns spari 5' and vastly inprave receptian on VI IF channels. flie SI'2(XX) rosts iust $165..a prire ss iai hitkiliard k> believe jus> hoss good an antenna it is. WV e ri s sre you'll be plca"d svirh the SP2hI -that %ve ai fer a 34) day money-back guarariîtve if vau are ncuit ronipîetely satisfied. Ord'r- yaur- S172(XXtoday. Send $165. plius$IO. for shippingand haadling aad 7%~ sales tas by chiequte. rauncy order, VISA or Nlastercard, made payable tes Station Earth. RR4 Fer-gus. Ontario M' INI 2W5. lmmcdiate delivery. 1.'S. If Youartan irlrre.çtrd in aa <ara'lr'te api Irta !s'VSfrn llac 1irntg aittrpipla Calf,l nt r ad aitît1'Ifi'r. iit/ii tt'Aiii-5talet cr'rlît ,~ tt' îtnlc' f i 615 <al Ir <'r 1,51andi iv' N Ili ap;i t ttll jas al alsîrît il. Dealer inquiries invited. RR 4, FERGUS, ONT N1M 2W5 PIfONE (519) THE.DISH STARLITE STUDIOS presents A Christmas Wish with In-home portraits. Your package includes: 1-11x14, 1-8x10, 2-5x7, 4-31/x5, 4 wallet size WITH COUPON BELOW Feature price without coupon is $39.95. For your convenience, ail portraits wilI be donc in the fa miliar surroundings of your home. Portraits may be individuals, groups or even your pets. Final portraits are your choice, from a selection of proofs. Starlite Studios guarantees you wiIl be delighted, or your money wiII be rel unded. SITTINGS MUST BE BOOKED BY NOV. 30187 668-0827 Starlite Studios wili honour this coupon for $10.00> off the feature price ori$391.95 during the Christmas Wish Special. Bookings mnust, be nmade by Nov. 30, 1987 and pictures must be taken hv 1)ec. 1987. r -- __- ___ -- - - - SPECIAL UFIIER FFIOM VOUR LOCAL, DON'T WAIT UNTIL SPRING. Lawnowermaintenance ls crucial to good Iawnr care. Lot the Weed Man prepare your lawn mower for next season now. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1987, PAGE 17 P eewees atop l eague following strong* stsirt Whitby's peewee B team has 10 wins, three losses and two tics so far this season in hockey. The team is f irst in the Lakeshore league with five wins and a loss. Coach is Ron Brillinger, trainer M. Thorne and manager P. Jensen. They- tend a team which combines players formerly in ail-star and players from house league new to rep hockey. Two of the teamn's losses have been against AA teams. In goal are S. McAdam and B3. MacGregor; defence, M. Croucher, M. Scholtes, M. Molson, T. Huether, J. Hansford; forward, M. Galbraith, J. Thorne, B. Mullen, S. Jensen, S. Katsikaris, M. Wisdom, M. Simos, J. Cadan and M. Sook- deo. The team is sponsored by Franklin Frozen Foods. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Council of the Corporation of the Town ot Whitby intends to pass by-Iawsto stop up, close and seli part of the public highway municipally known as Powell Road, as shown below, designated as Parts 1, 2 and 5 on Plan of Survey 40R-1 0702. The Operations Committee of Council will meet on Monday, Novem- ber 16, 1987. at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room One of the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for the purpose of h'earing any person who dlaims their land will be prejudicially affected by the by-laws. Any person wishing to meet the Town Clerk accordingly 1987. with the Committee is asked to advise no later than Thursday, November 12, Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 es GAS PUSH MIOWERS - Free pick-up and delivery. - Blade sharpened and balanced'. - Cleaning and degreasl - 011 change. - Spark plug repiaced. - Fuel tiller replaced. - Height adjustments. $6000 ELECTRIC PUSH MOWERS - Free pick-up and dellvery. - Blade sharpened and balanced. - Cleaning and degreasing - Height adjustment; $50M0 1