Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1987, p. 17

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Brooklin, Lions begin second year of operation, The Brooklin District Lions Club began its second full year of operation in September. Offîcers for the 1987-88 year are: past, president, David Brennan;' president, Michael Beer, secretary, Bruce Hunter; treasurer, Bob Piehl; assistant treasurer, John Kennedy; second vice president, Brian Irvine; third vice president, Neil Wick; direc- tors, Hugh McLeod, Roger Morrison and Glenn Webb; lion tamer, Jim Thompson; tait twister, Donald Boehmer. In Lions, the emphasis is service to 'less fortunate members of the community. One of__the major ser- vice, commitments is to sight con- servation and work with the blind. In this regard, Brooklin Lions will be fundraising throughout the year to help support Canine Vision Canada (seeing-eye dogs) . 1Some activities for the coming year will include: dance on Nov. 21; Monte Carlo Night in the spring; annual yard sale in May; and booth at the Brooklin Spring Fair in June. Lions say community support helps fundraising endeavors, for example, participation in yard sales (contributing items as well as purchasing items), and support of the crown and anchor booth at the spring fair. Club members have dinner meetings every second and fourth Tuesday beginning at 6:30 p.m. Executive meetings are held twice monthly. Brooklin District Lions have gr- own in number during the past year and several new members will be joining this faIt. Members of Lions, the largest service club organization in the world, enjoy fellowship while helping those in need and making the community a better place to live. For more in- formation or to attend a meeting, cal the,,president at 655-3884 or secretary at 725-5593. 600 residents anticipated at dinner Each autumn, the congregation of Brooklin United Church holds their famous roast beef dinner and this year will be no exception. This is the lth anniversary of the event and if previous years are any indication, it will once again be a smashing success. Tradition has always dictated that the ladies of the church do the cooking and provide the vast assor- tment of homemade pies for the oc- casion while the gentlemen serve the guests. This year, they an- ticinnpa 00 ocl residents will sit CHARLIE BELL knows how to grow pumpkins as shown by einployee Fred Fader. The ones on titis cart are some of the. "1littie guys," weighing around 75ý pounds. Free Press pli(to The great pumpkingrower What makes a certain field produce an extraordinary number of' giant pumpkins year after year? Darned if Charlie Bell knows. but his pumpkin field, located at the north-east intersection of Halls and Taunton Roads repeatedly does just that. Bell has an abundance of pumpkins of ail sizes in his rather small patch. Some are smaller than a basketball, but the majority are whoppers, averaging around75 pounds. Although it was impossible to weigh the largest grown this year, it was estimated to tip the scales at a minimum of 500 pounds. Now that's a lot of pies. CORRECTION which was advertised in the P Sept. 23 edition of th'e Whitby 1-- Free Press is priced at:"MN IKL $35*95 SV T-i F~le1 76 Baldwn St. Brooklln -7-53 655-330>6( 1 ) 5 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1987, PAGE 17 Brooklin lilbrary news There are still openings l'or1 anyone 8 and Up who would like to learn more about Watercoloring. Former Brooklin artist Rowena Bridger will be at the Brooklin branch library on Wednesday, Oct. 21 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Cali 655- 3191 to register. A $2 fee will be1 required for materials. The Brooklin library will be visiting Myrtle United Church on Wednesday, Oct. 14 from 10Oto 10: 45 a.m. Organizers look forward to seeing ail the little people for thîs Halloween special. Registration day for the pre- school program will be Tuesday, oct. 13 at the library, with room. for 20 chîldren. The pre-school programn wiIl start on Tuesday, Oct. 20) from 1 to 1: 45 p. m. and run for a six-week session. ,On Tuesday, oct. 20 moms are in for a treat, too, as Darla Hunt will be doîng a unique program on Trapunto quilting from 1 to 1:45 p.rn. upstia.irs.' There will be a display of her creatio -ns during the week of' Oct. 12. Register l'or quillîng instructions or eail 655 3191. There will e a $5 l'ee l'or sup plies Brooklin library Red Cro-îss babysitting course starîs O(hi1. from 3':30 to 4:31 p.n1.. 4~oo(~Q~'i 19 Cassels Rd. East, Brook in Rev. E. Frazer Lacey, B.A. B.D. SUNDAY WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL - 11 A. M. NUrRSERY (ARE AVAILABLE ALL '4EL(OME (IIIRCII OFFICE: 655-41411 S KIM BASINGER and BRUCE WILLIS pair up for pandemonlum ln the hîlarlous comedy, "BLIND DATE." Now available in Beta & VHS* I ~ 76 Baldwin St. OmME I Brooklin L 655-3306 CORPORATION OFTHE JOPLANNING TOWN OF WHITBY *....EART... NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Monday, October 19, 1987,8:00 p.m. Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be held by thie Administrative Committee of the Corooration of thie Town of Whitby to consider applications to amend thie Whitby and Durham Regional Officiai Plans and Zoning By-law 1 784. as submitted by White Sterling lnvestments Limited. The sublect site is located at the rear of Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.. (Block -"B" on the Site Plan), on the East Side of Highway 7112 on Part of Lot 22. Concession 6. as slhown on the map below. Lçlrn.bus Rood PRQPERT7Y SEPARATE SCHM< The purpose of the applications is to allow the development of a bus depot maintenance facilîty at thie rear of the subject property whicri will ullîmately be under separate ownership by means of a land severance. The site is presently desîgnated Special Purpýse Com- mercial in the Officiai Plans and Zoned -C2 - Highway Commercial- in By-law 1784. The purpose of the meeting is to present trie applications to thie public and the Administrative Comimittee and to permit interested persons an opportunîty to make submissions to thie applications. If you are unatie to attend trie meeting, your wrîtten submîssîons may be fited witt' the Planning Deparîment by October 26. 1987. Furîrier information înay be obtainepd by calling (jr vîsîtîng the Plan- ninq Deparf ment. level 7. 575 Rossland Road East. (416)668-5803. ROBERT B. SHIORT Dîrectorof Planning Corporat ion ot the Town of Whiiby

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