Pisulo, DOWNTOWN WHITBY FASHION STATEMENTS FOR FALL For. Fali '87 Hair tends to be short aithough anything goes that blends with ' your per- sonality and 11f estyle.Joeheac Peterp& Joseph If you like to have fun Peaches 'N Jeans canPer&'oph start you on your way. Fashionable casual clothing by Mexx, Esprit and others for men, women and kids of ail ages. Frank Briggs Peaches 'N Jeans Fingernails for Fali promise i"earthy" tones in nail polish that complement makeup and clothing choices. This will make for a definite fashion statement, insuring a "total" look. .. c/VadJ <V0 £ n aiIl Piii -E of finger naulfauhiofl. Specials Appomntineflt% waih Pauline uni.. 2 for i Sale: 2 sets of new nails for the price of 1. Regular price is $40 each. First Time Cents: Cone in with nails already on frorn any other establishmnt and receive your FirStni i for just $ 11. Reg. $18. - if fer good untii October 30. 1987 Suned:Suntanning $49.. t il sessions) Fingernail Fashions e Waxing e Pedicures 209 Dundas St. E. 668-7446 (across frorn Post Office) ENJOY WEARING GLASSES SUPERB WORK<'ANSHlP" SUPREME WEAR1NG COMFORT INTERNATIONiALLY RENoWNED FASHION DESIGN_ WHITBY OPTICAL 105 Coiborne St. W., Dowfltowf Whitby 666-383 Nail Works WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1987, PAGE il FELL ,.OQAPTQSN boutique -has arrived in Whitby -for women -Highfashion at modes t prices Exelusively NPDdsin Be sure to visit our new "DESIGNER DISCOUJNT CORNER"9 for discontinued stock, slight imperfections & fashion show markdowfls ail f rom $1O60Oto ç$30,0OO \T17)126 Byron St. N. Whitby 430-2188 THE STATION GALLERY PRESENTS A A L LIfQY 0FQ5TYLJS 4 ill Fashions Preview {eaturing: Agnies Distîey. s Fasllioimle Hall Sizes W Dorcris Lingerie ad Loungewear Elevenl Jusepti Fastiionis Giîbo's Boutique JLudy's Mericanitile- Departweli Store Nornia Petersoi Y Patricia's Gallery and Boutique " v P a cl iI s N J e n s ~~ SUN DAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 Wihttby Curling Club " c 85 Brock Street North,. Whiby Fasilion Shows: 1:00 p.ri-n. and 3:30 p.m. Door Pizes and fletiesiiifltb Tickets: $15.00 per persun Tickets avallabie in advance from the parttcpatiflg Whitby stores. Mddietofls Statlonery 668-2492 and The Station Gallery 668-4185 l s E à Wldiby Aits li,,cpuaid, Me. Siafti Gaflesy Fueudiig Piloci Carryii"g a large selectioni of Elle" Betrix, VO72/2~S> rilialgo Skirncare, ESTHid ET C Rose Chanmdalniakeup and 13OUTIQUE Jessica Nail Care Proditets 0 Facials *Manicures 1* Pedicures * Lash inting 0ElectrolYsis *Waxing le Gift Certif icates 10O1½ Mary St. W., W hitlîy 66-4715 Il r' t',! - 1 m r