WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1987, PAGE 23 CAL LA Y()UR TICKET TO'INCREASED BUSINESS W.P.M. IC Landscaping Design ElW Consultants eInterlocking Stone *Driveways & Walkways *Retaining Walls 'J e Timber Work e*Sodding *Tree & Shrub Planting H 668-8739 UNIVERSAL, FOOT CARE For treatments on toenail problems -corns and calluses Whltby Corporate Centre 209 Dundas St. East. Suite 201-6 Tel: 430-2256 or 430-0120 G.E. Jeschke Chiropodist BROOKS., WHITTINGTON Barri sters, Solicitors & Notaries Public Helen E. Brooks, LL.B. Robert G. Whttlngton, B.A., LL.B. ý101 Mary Street West o Whitby, Ontario LIN 2R 43041755 NEEA C!J AuLLÂ~LL .I DURHAM GLASS & MIRROR eReplacement windlows. *Thermal Pane *Vestibulets *Store Fronts FOR FREE ESTIMATES 655-4433 BUYING AN ANNUITY? If you are and you wsh to secure a qyM~L. !nnullv f rom your RRSP. call: HERB TRAN OSHAWA 725-6564 WH ITBY 668-5968 TOPS QUOTES AVAILABLE W.P.M. INC.4 DRIVEWAY EXCAVATING *LIMESTONE ,»TOP SOIL *SAND4 *INTERLOÇKING STONE 668-8739 tion uaranted f reeciesmes 668-$49092 N D v D.W. KIRNER & ASSOCIÂTES Financial Advi%ors in Retirement Planning Brokers of RRSP'S GIC'S, RRIFS ANNUITIES & INVESTMENT FUNDS RaLrâ (rom over I100 financial inxtjtutjanx Publie Seminar, &pravaile consultatioen 0 No Charge nor Obligwuion 571-0771 74 Simcoe St. S., Suite 303. Box 133 Oshawa. Ont. LI H 7M APPLE TREE GARDENING A complete residential service. FREE Estimates. Specializing in interlock brick, installantion, foun- dation planting, timber retaining walls, pruning & cedar hedging. SAM, Brooklin 655-4931 PRESTIGE SH UTTERS LTD Manufacturer and Installer of custom fitted aluminium shutters FREE ESTIMATES Cali 433-2592 or 420-6142