PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3,1987 Separatehigh, school planned A Roman Catholie high sehool in Whltby will likely become top priority in 1988. for the Durham separate sehool board, says Whitby trustee Tom Qîdman. "It's pretty close to an obsession with me to have it back," says Oldman, referring to the relocation of Denis, O'Connor from Whitby to Ajax several years ago. "This is the only municipality, that does flot have -a secondary (Catholie) school." Oldman says more than 600 Whltby separate high' 6ChOOI students wlll requiro accom- modation before 1990 thus provlding a l'réal urgent noed" for a school here. The school could be part of a nor- th Whitby complex now belng plan- ned. The Town of Whltby,, two residential housing developers and the public and separate school boards for Durham Region are now involved in discussion of a complex north of Mountbatten Rd. between Garden and Anderson Sts. The complex would Include the hig h school, a public elementary achool, Town park, Cathollc church and senior citizens' project, accor- ding to prelimlnary plans. "I1t'm oing to be unbellevable," noya 01Iman. Ho noya a now separate elemen- tory school, to be located- on Michael Bivd,, wiJI 0150 be on the 1988 capital forecast llst of the separate ochool board, "It may bc number 4 prlorlty," says Oldman. - COMPUTERS MAD3E EASY 1BY Monoli@th Computer Systems 2OMEGHARDDISK' 59500 DRIVE UPG RADE $5 - s Microsclence 20 Meg hard dlsk drive with omti controller -MONOLITH Il PC-XT fl95 STARTER SYSTEM $799a e256K ram, expandable to 640K on mother board e RGB video output " Composite color vldeo'output e Composite monochrome video output " Llght pen Interface a 360K floppy disk drive a 8 expansion siots e 150 watt power supply e 84 key keyboard a 1 year warranty extendable to 5 full years. a Also includes MS DOS 3.2, GW BASIC and a word processor, database. e Spread sheet, graphios programn and games programs. *FtJLLY EXPANDABLE. $159500O " 640K ram a 6 and 10 MVHZ Clock Speed - RGB vldeo output, " Composite color vldeo output e 360K floppy (1.2 floppy available) " Calendar dlock with battery back-up e 84 key keyboard el year warran ty. MONOLITH MULTISYNC47f 5 MONOCHROME $1p79W95 MONITOR Runs CGA, TTL and Hercules Cards in high resolut ion. Graph'io S Monolith Computer Systemns,- an established supplier to industry, in- stitutions, colleges and universities is now off ering their high quai ity, state-of-the art IBM compatible personal computers to the public as weII as the support and price you need.*to make a computer work for you 1 Reg. TM International Business Machines 209 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668m9903 'Top girl' .'I COULDN'T EVEN make a speech, 1 was so shocked," says Sandra, Metselaar of Whitby, when she was recently ehosen Beta Sigma Phi "Girl of the Year"l for the Preceptor Gamma Mu chapter. The surprise honor is given annually to the member who contributes most - Metselaar chairs the social ac- tivities committee. Free Press photo Mack plan awaitsstudy Application' has been made to locate a Mack truck sales establishment off Victoria St. E. in Whitby. But Whitby administration, com- mittee members say the location, off a curve section of Victoria St. west of Thickson, has first to be ad- dressed. Councillor -Gerry Emm, who is also the Durham Region works committee chairman, said recently th at Victoria St. is part of the regional road system and the future realignnxent of the street has to be considered by the Town and Region. "That's a bad curve there, with a number of accidents, " said Emm. A lawyer for the applicant, Cen- tral mack Truck Sales Ltd., replled at last week's meeting that the ap- plicant is aware of the curve and realignmerit. A Mack truck sales establish- ment is now located in Richmond Hill. A planning report says the Whitby location would probably serve the east haîf of the greater Metro Toronto region. The property is 12.8 acres in size and plans show a building 30,000 sq. ft., in size with 18 service bays. There would also be a diesel filling station associated with the sales establishment. The operation would employ 35 people. WSOD AVAILABLE NOW! $ý1 .35/Roi I WE SPECSALIZE IN Q.UALITY ANNUALS'& PERENNIALS BOX PLANTS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. DRIVE A LITTLE - SAVE A-LOT 427-2525 I I AJAX WIg SAYLY AVE. VICTORIA ST. 38 varieties to ohoose f rom untiI Junel10187 m 1 1 m VANDERMEER NURSERY & GARDENI 1 ~ CENTRE1 MONOLITH VPC-A T COMPATIBLE